Can someone explain the ettiquite of chatting with your CPA AM?

Profile picture of Jakehyten
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
6 replies
I have all my affilaite managers in my aol instant messenger.

I get a little nervous talking to them. Are there certain do's and donts when talking to them?

I assume i can ask what offers are hot and converting well. but anything else? any no nos?

Can someone give some input?

thanks guys

#chatting #cpa #ettiquite #explain
  • Profile picture of the author Chris R Motive
    Chris R Motive
    Profile picture of Chris R Motive
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Be upfront, if you think that you are doing something that might be a little shady just ask. It is better to be upfront and get the ok on something then send traffic for a month rather than not get paid on it because you were doing something wrong.
    Hint- AM's are real people dont be afraid we wont bite.
    Motive Interactive
    AIM motivechrisr
  • Profile picture of the author Harvey Affcash
    Harvey Affcash
    Profile picture of Harvey Affcash
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Attractive female AMs don't appreciate being hit on...
    Thankfully, I haven't learnt it the hard way myself, but the stories I hear are hilarious.
    • Profile picture of the author Tony Vercetti
      Tony Vercetti
      Profile picture of Tony Vercetti
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Harvey Affcash View Post

      Attractive female AMs don't appreciate being hit on...
      Thankfully, I haven't learnt it the hard way myself, but the stories I hear are hilarious.
      Lol that must be funny. Care to share some of those stories?
    • Profile picture of the author Merlingeek
      Profile picture of Merlingeek
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Trust me compliments always works!

      Originally Posted by Harvey Affcash View Post

      Attractive female AMs don't appreciate being hit on...
      Thankfully, I haven't learnt it the hard way myself, but the stories I hear are hilarious.
    • Profile picture of the author ToddieM
      Profile picture of ToddieM
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Harvey Affcash View Post

      Attractive female AMs don't appreciate being hit on...
      Thankfully, I haven't learnt it the hard way myself, but the stories I hear are hilarious.
      Is there a minimum bid associated with hitting on these AM's and if so, what position best converts?
      I sure would hate to get slapped if I ever hit on an attractive AM by doing the wrong thing.

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