Need Some 7Search Insights

Profile picture of Martyfl
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I admit I am new to the PPC game. It is a great game but the rules are not known to all the players. But for now, let me confine my questions to 7Search.

OK, so I create what I think is a great landing page and set up my bids. Before that I check 7Search's key word suggestion tool.

It is showing me over 2000 searches last month. Great. Now I wait. 100 impressions, 200 impressions....800 impressions. Hey what is going on? I am number 2 for the search phrase (according to the campaign manager) and not even a click.

Finally, I move up my bid and get clicks for a term that is not really right for my ad. But, why am I getting clicks for something that is obviously the wrong ad? Click fraud?

Admittedly, it could be my ad headline and description. I have been writing copy for many years and I am decent at it

I am digging deeper into their affiliate program and realize that an affiliate would not be very keen to show my ad when they are getting 3 or 4 cents for it.

I started looking up some great search terms I use for lead gen. Thousands of searches are shown but no bids on prime keywords. Nobody is even interested in bidding on them? Huh?

I feel there is a missing link in my chain of information as to how this search engine works. Anyone out there care to fill in the blank for me?
#7search #insights
  • Profile picture of the author MEMORIES89
    Profile picture of MEMORIES89
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    When I setuped a compaing on 7search this happens too, active keywords on google is not showing any bids on 7search.

    800 impressions are fine, you can wait a bit more to see if you get clicks, how ever regarding un-related click it might be a related search to your keyword.

    Like your keyword is : iphone
    and someone might have searched : apple iphone.

    I was doing a compaign at 7search, it was profitable until I see optimized word in my affiliate account, after that it stopped making any profits.
  • Profile picture of the author movemaker
    Profile picture of movemaker
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    I gave up on 7 Search years ago. That traffic source is just way to damn slow. I'm only play with the majors right now.

    I'm not saying that you cant profit from it and get massive traffic but I didnt want to wait that long for traffic.

    7 Search gets its traffic from sites like "dead domains". And they also parter up with other companies such as the.

    If you think about it whens the last time you went to the 7 Search search engine to search a keyword.

    In a nutshell they get their traffic from everywhere. At the end of the day you just have to test and see what happens.
  • Profile picture of the author pugsy
    Profile picture of pugsy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Don't wast your time with 7 search it's cheap clicks for a reason,
    personely never had much luck with 7 search.
    • Profile picture of the author Martyfl
      Profile picture of Martyfl
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I kicked up my bids and now clicks started to happen - no sales yet.

      There must be something between the multiple dollar per click world of Google and the low end like 7Search.
  • Profile picture of the author Christian Little
    Christian Little
    Profile picture of Christian Little
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    Every PPC network is different in terms of which keywords actually perform and which ad copy works the best. You need to constantly test it to see how to make it work better, just because something works on Adwords doesn't mean it will work the same on 7Search.

    I had a test campaign running last week for something and here's part of the results:

    I got about a 1% click-through rate, which is very unusual for 7search. I credit part of that due to the ad copy, it was a little different than I usually do, but you can see that you can get a decent CTR on 7search, but it takes a lot of trial and error and you can't really spend $0.05/click - especially since the minimum bid change that hit recently.

    The other thing to bear in mind is broad match keywords work a little differently in 7search.

    If you are bidding on "widget" as a broad keyword, you will also be bidding on "widgets", "blue widget", "buy widget", and so on. But you won't show up in the competitive list for each of those keywords because it's a broad match. You only show up in the competitive list of each keyword if you have an exact match (so in the case above my ad would show up in the competitive list of "widget" but none of the other keywords even though my ad will appear).
    • Profile picture of the author Martyfl
      Profile picture of Martyfl
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      So, it is possible to make some money at 7Search. But here is what puzzles me.

      Let's take one of the hot CPA offers, Proactive and look at keywords like acne treatment or acne cure. You have more than 4,000 searches listed for acne cure with a top bid of 16 cents.

      You would think that a well structured landing page or even a direct link to the offer, which is done very well, and a 16 cent bid would get you clicks and conversions.

      But, if the pattern I see with other search phrases hold true, you might not get any conversions. You will get some clicks, but from where? Apparently not someone who is sitting down at their computer thinking "I need some information about controlling acne."

      So, where do you go? When you look at the cost of clicks on Google, the difference can be $5 versus 20 cents. Given equal quality of landing pages, and let us assume they are of high quality, will you see a 25 fold increase in conversions?

      I expect someone to say that you might not see any conversions at all on 7 Search and even one conversion on Google is infinitely better (literally).

      But with even a 5% conversion ration, 100 clicks could cost you $500 with a payout of $150. Not a great business model.

      There are people on this forum making money on CPA. What say you?
      • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
        Profile picture of ChrisBa
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Martyfl View Post

        So, it is possible to make some money at 7Search. But here is what puzzles me.

        Let's take one of the hot CPA offers, Proactive and look at keywords like acne treatment or acne cure. You have more than 4,000 searches listed for acne cure with a top bid of 16 cents.

        You would think that a well structured landing page or even a direct link to the offer, which is done very well, and a 16 cent bid would get you clicks and conversions.

        But, if the pattern I see with other search phrases hold true, you might not get any conversions. You will get some clicks, but from where? Apparently not someone who is sitting down at their computer thinking "I need some information about controlling acne."

        So, where do you go? When you look at the cost of clicks on Google, the difference can be $5 versus 20 cents. Given equal quality of landing pages, and let us assume they are of high quality, will you see a 25 fold increase in conversions?

        I expect someone to say that you might not see any conversions at all on 7 Search and even one conversion on Google is infinitely better (literally).

        But with even a 5% conversion ration, 100 clicks could cost you $500 with a payout of $150. Not a great business model.

        There are people on this forum making money on CPA. What say you?
        I think the biggest problem is you are comparing 7search to google, 7search is totally different so don't even compare..

        Also your keywords and ads will play a huge role in your clicks, ctr and overall profitability.. the problem with just searching for an acne cure is you are not targeting people in a buying mood, you are likely targeting people just researching.. whenever possible you want to target people looking to BUY RIGHT NOW...
        some examples without even thinking:
        buy proactiv
        discount proactiv
        buy acne cure
        discount acne cure
        buy skin cleansing
        • Profile picture of the author Martyfl
          Profile picture of Martyfl
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

          I think the biggest problem is you are comparing 7search to google, 7search is totally different so don't even compare..
          Of course you are correct. They are totally different. I am slowly discovering what the differences are. I know that there are people who make money with 7Search. I guess what I am trying to ferret out is what products/services to offer and how to target them. Do I really need to approach the 7Search user differently than I would approach a Google user? Are they different animals?

          If anyone knows of threads, articles, etc where this was discussed, I would love read them.
      • Profile picture of the author Christian Little
        Christian Little
        Profile picture of Christian Little
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Martyfl View Post

        But with even a 5% conversion ration, 100 clicks could cost you $500 with a payout of $150. Not a great business model.

        There are people on this forum making money on CPA. What say you?
        This is why you need to do a lot of research before going for a specific offer.

        You need to run some projections (i.e. if I put $500 into PPC ads for this offer, what can I realistically expect?).

        I have a spreadsheet I use to evaluate every CPA offer I consider. I'm currently building one to evaluate the 6 different offers on Peerfly that I'm interested in to see what nets me the best changes of making a profit.

        A lot of affiliate marketers fail because they don't really look critically at their offers, they just pick one and hope it works out.
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Profile picture of ChrisBa
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My biggest thing with 7search is just test and watch your keywords, some traffic is junk and some will convert.. it's very "process of elimination" in my opinion..

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