Guidance on first POF campaign (quit smoking)

11 replies
Hi Everyone,

My mother is a retired hypnotherapist, and I just helped her put up her first product on clickbank... a stop smoking hypnosis session: Smoke Free in One Hour.

Now that the product is live, I'd like to set up a new POF campaign for her.

I'd really appreciate some insight into how more experienced POF'ers would promote this, both for suggestions on Ad copy, and for demographics.

I've heard that POF ads should always segregate by age and gender, but I don't understand how to take advantage of that in this context. It seems to me that the only demographic that really matters is that they smoke... anyone of any age could benefit from this program.

Here are my thoughts on demographics:
Country: USA (to start)
Age: N/A?
Gender: N/A?
Smoking preferences: occasionally, frequent
Session Depth: Less than 20
# of Logons: Less than 150
Browser: Nothing mobile (I don't have a mobile web page yet)

Please share your insights!

Thanks in advance,
#campaign #guidance #pof #quit #smoking
  • Profile picture of the author seregap
    you should still split your campaigns into smaller age groups. say 18-25, 26-30, 31-35, etc. as some age groups will convert worse or wont convert at all. i would assume younger age groups wont convert, so you need to be able to stop these and keep the converting ones running to increase roi.

    you should also split the genders and target specific gender in your ads. its hard to find a picture and ad copy that equally appeals to both males and females.

    i would even go as far as split "occasionally" and "frequent" targets as i would assume "occasionally" wont convert and will be pulling your roi down as these people are unlikely to want to give up and especially go as far as a hypnosis session. but you never know, so run both but split to be able to stop one.

    so basically, split test everything.
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  • Profile picture of the author salmanijaz
    There are lots of case studies on the internet ... have a look at the peerfly blog ... there are two very case studies there too ....

    Lots of people are trying only dating niches but i am also trying to split test different other niches with POF, i dont have a case study on that but you have to really find the right combination of age, country and others to get the results ... i am split testing now and the best idea will be to do the same ...... just browse through different affiliate marketers blogs and you will find some nice case studies there too ...

    Best Regards
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  • Profile picture of the author TheDreamerSpot
    I like it!

    I suggest you change your headlines though. Opposed to trying to convince people why that they need to stop smoking, simply tell them how the product will help them stop smoking.

    Maybe something like this:

    "Hypnosis session will free you from your smoking habit in just one hour! Wake up feeling exhilarated as your new smoke free life has just begun!"

    As for the POF ads... you're just going to have to split test everything to see what works best. Just curious as to why you chose POF for a quite smoking product? Are you sticking to POF only or will you eventually venture out to other paid traffic networks?
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    Yes split everything. Login counts, genders, ages and anything else you can you think of. Make sure you break it down by country at minimum too.

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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Small chunk your campaigns into different groups and split test things.

    Make sure you keep your ads tightly target for each group.
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  • Profile picture of the author TinPete
    Thanks Everyone.

    Split testing it is!

    D3fianc3: Thanks for the specific comments!

    Can anyone offer some ideas for ad copy or angles that might work on a POF audience?

    Being new to this, I have a hard time wrapping my brain around the concept of "marketing angles" or how to create an ad to target a specific gender on a product that both genders would need.

    Is it as simple as saying "Ladies, you can quit smoking..."
    (I know... split test everything. But I just need a direction to get started!)

    Thanks for the advice!

    - Pete

    Interested in Psychic Development? You've never seen anything like Miracle Mastery. Take a look!

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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Maybe try something like this, since it is a dating site...

    "Is Your Smoking Losing Men?"
    "Is Your Smoking Losing Women?"

    Play into their insecurities.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    Get creative, brainstorm who wants to quit. Brainstorm WHY they want to quit, those are your angles.

    We can't do it all for you.

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  • Profile picture of the author blillard
    "Is Smoking Killing Your Dates?"
    "Does She Hate Your Smoking?"
    "Does He Hate Your Smoking?"

    Some more you can try out. I agree with everyone else on split testing your targets. Small chunks usually is your best bet with a killer angle
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7653468].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TinPete
      Thank you, everyone!

      Those examples helped the lightbulb start to flicker a bit... which is a dramatic improvement over being completely in the dark.

      Between those examples and the split testing tips it feels like I'm at least moving in the right direction.

      Thanks again for you help!


      Interested in Psychic Development? You've never seen anything like Miracle Mastery. Take a look!

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