I have an awesome Bizz Opp and need some people to run it!

by 8 replies

I am looking for some publishers to run an awesome Bizz Opp CPA offer I have. The offer converts really well. Please let me know where I can find people who would be willing to run it.

I don't know where to look. This might be in the wrong section so please forgive me if so.

#ad networks (cpm/cpl, display) #awesome #bizz #opp #people #run
  • Is it on any CPA Networks? That would be a good starting point.

    What's the price point? Short or long sales page?

    Share a link or something.
    • [1] reply
    • Greedy.

      The offer is a $45 CPA and will convert on a $1.95 sale.

      The offer is in CA, AU, NZ and SG

      Please let me know.
  • That's a decent payout. Try approaching Convert2Media and CuttingEdgeOffers. They both have TONS of Bizopp traffic.
  • Why not offer it to a CPA network?
  • I can hook you up - PM me.
  • Maybe reach out to Luke from Peerfly and Steve from Maxbounty - both are on these forums..
  • Send me those details. I'd be interested.
  • Hi Courageousco

    Do you still have bizz opp offers available?

    If so, I may be interested in working with you. Please PM me.

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