Landing page served by XAMPP on Windows VPS

4 replies
Maybe I'm on the wrong track, but I want to keep tech related stuff as low as possible, I really hate this part...

The whole thing is about running CPV campaigns. Well, right now I have a Windows VPS in the US just to make sure the loading times be the fastest possible. It's obvious that my server has an IP address, like 123.456.7.89 and what I did there just installed XAMPP throw up my landing page (it's nothing more than an image wrapped within the "center" html tag and linked to the offer).

Now my landing page is available to the public on an address like http://123.456.7.89/landingpage.html

The question is, does it really makes sense if I have a domain or just go with the IP thingie when it comes to PPV? Afterall, it's all about the ad. And honestly, I've been spending literally all day to figure out how can I attach a domain of mine to my VPS, with no luck. But the Apache server in XAMPP works just fine, the image loads in a blink.

Am I okay with this guys? Or a domain would be better? Something generic? It's not that I can't afford a domain, but hell, I have no idea how to set it up.
#landing #page #served #vps #windows #xampp
  • Profile picture of the author seregap
    i'd say it doesnt matter as much with PPV as your link is forced to a user anyway, but it's definitely not advisable for other methods, where a user has to click on an ad and sees this as the url when they mouse over it, you will lose some potential clicks because of that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gedeon G
    I'm into PPV with this method only.

    Hard work and determination is the key.

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  • Profile picture of the author bizoppmaster
    Go with - their VPS is optimized for PPV traffic.
    (4) Spots Left For Private Coaching | | Skype: jon.mac303
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    • Profile picture of the author Phil_t
      Get yourself a short domain and run all your campaigns from it. Create subdomains for each campaign, like - that way it not only looks better, but it's easier to identify for you. Get yourself decent tracking software (not prosper202). CPV Lab is designed for CPV (PPV) traffic and the tutorials are great.

      I'm not techie at all and I actually found it really easy to use. Like brain-dead easy. It will allow you to track any domain or subdomain, and you can test multiple landing pages and offers.
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