3 replies
Just yesterday I came back to my car and there was a little flyer on the windshield promoting a CPA offer.

I would normally be pissed but then I realized that was me years ago!!!

Great to see other hustlers out there

Just thought I'd share with you guys. Do you guys have any stories or look back and laugh at things you used to do to promote CPA offers?
#cpa #flyers #offline
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    ha this is awesome! better a flyer then a dent or scratch..

    i find it funny how i used to run on adwords with no tracking and straight passing the keyword to networks
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    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by ChrisBa View Post

      ha this is awesome! better a flyer then a dent or scratch..

      i find it funny how i used to run on adwords with no tracking and straight passing the keyword to networks

      Haha Chris, I used to do that too. Or worse, I'd run a zillion tiny campaigns without tracking at all...just had a different campaign for each "group" of keywords (which I suppose is sort of tracking).

      The thing is that if you play small like that, you can still turn profit even without optimizing...but it's just a lot more work.

      Then again, I'm Polish so it takes me a bit longer than most to figure things out haha
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    ha this is awesome! better a flyer then a dent or scratch..
    haha agreed.

    i find it funny how i used to run on adwords with no tracking and straight passing the keyword to networks
    Been there, I would get campaigns to break even right off the bat and be like "uhhgg it doesn't convert and delete it." LOL never tested stuff beyond my first try.
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