Dating Site Advertisements

China Newz
Profile picture of China Newz
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9 replies
Are dating site advertisements the highest earners for monetized sites? Do any bloggers have ethical concerns about this?
#advertisements #dating #site
  • Profile picture of the author bit twiddler
    bit twiddler
    Profile picture of bit twiddler
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Too broad a question.There are very sophisticated Dating offers and there are very sleezy offers and with everything between.

    You have to match the ad types to the market your site serves.

    As for how they earn, well that is also too broad a question. We don't have any information on your traffic, traffic sources, analytic's, or content.
    T J Tutor
    T J Tutor, LLC
    Syracuse, NY 13224
  • Profile picture of the author bizoppmaster
    Profile picture of bizoppmaster
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Exactly, such as Mate1 vs. AdultFriendFinder.
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  • Profile picture of the author China Newz
    China Newz
    Profile picture of China Newz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Have chatted w/ a few bloggers and they say that dating sites are the highest earning Google ads they have relative to other ads (for example, travel advertisements, product advertisements, etc). Does this make sense?

    China Newz

    China Newz is a blog introducing China's history, culture, people and places.

    • Profile picture of the author williamrs
      Profile picture of williamrs
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by China Newz View Post

      Have chatted w/ a few bloggers and they say that dating sites are the highest earning Google ads they have relative to other ads (for example, travel advertisements, product advertisements, etc). Does this make sense?
      It depends on your traffic. When I think about general traffic (not niche specific), yes, it seems to be that dating would be better than the other examples you gave (there are more people looking to date than looking to travel, for example).

      However, if your site is about hotels, for example, then something about traveling would probably do much better than a dating offer.

      So, as I said, it depends on your traffic.

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  • Profile picture of the author bit twiddler
    bit twiddler
    Profile picture of bit twiddler
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    Again, it will be determined by the relevance of the content your site delivers and the traffic sources supplying you visitors. Relevance, quality of content, and quality of traffic will determine much of the conversions you get.

    For example, a relationship site will likely convert dating better than a travel site. Given that you are building, or have built, a site around the culture of a country, travel and leisure ads may convert better. But this isn't written in stone. It depends on your angles with the site.

    Monetizing a site usually takes many attempts at gauging the mood and willingness of the visitors by split testing many different techniques, ad verticals, and keeping a tight reign on your analytic's. Many call this "buying data". You are spending time and money to gather the necessary information about what works best. No one is going to provide absolute information because they don't have the relevant information. You have to gather this data yourself and then keep refining the winners and eliminating the losers.

    T J
    T J Tutor
    T J Tutor, LLC
    Syracuse, NY 13224
  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Profile picture of Greedy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Depends on the type of site.

    Way too many variables.

    What type of site is it?
  • Profile picture of the author zeroaffiliate
    Profile picture of zeroaffiliate
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I don't really understand what type of answers you like all of us to give you.

    Dating offers are great as there are many people promoting it but if you like to know better, why not promote it and see for yourself. But if you don't like dating offers, then just don't do it.

    I wonder who are the bloggers you are talking to as promoting a affiliate link directly in adwords is almost impossible.
  • Profile picture of the author jennyd
    Profile picture of jennyd
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    As a merchant in a dating vertical, I can tell you, yes, a lot of people have ethical/moral/religious issues about dating websites. Even some copywriters and SEO people would say no to working with the subject. Who knows why, it doesn't always make sense to me personally, but I guess we're all different.

    If you believe there's nothing wrong with dating offers, and see the difference between a "dating" and "adult", best of luck to you! Focus on the benefits of such services, think like a potential client/consumer and you'll succeed!

    =Y O L O=
    Dating Offers that Convert

    • Profile picture of the author ElGuapo
      Profile picture of ElGuapo
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I have zero ethical concerns about promoting dating offers, which isn't something I can say for most IM products.

      You only have to look at most online newspapers to see that they have an in-house dating service. Hardly the most obvious link in the world, but obviously hugely successful.

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