- Need publishers

12 replies

I just took over and need more publishers. We have a lot of campaigns, but the publisher list needs a bump.

If you have any ideas on building the publisher list please let me know.

#cpasawcom #publishers
  • Profile picture of the author Snowclone
    Have you considered doing some sort of incentive based publisher system? I'm launching a vertical ad network in 3 weeks and we will be incentivizing our publishers and affiliates and for every publisher website we accept into our network we pay to the referrer $100 cash. Obviously it will cost some cash but it is guaranteed, where you could spend thousands and not see a single publisher onboard?

    Just a thought!
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  • Profile picture of the author MarcCPASAW
    Thanks for the information, we currently have a 10% commission for referring advertisers, but will consider changing this to 10% or $100 in the next few days.
    We have advertisers though, we just need more publishers at the moment.
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  • Profile picture of the author mafai44
    Never heard of you, try advertising, weekly payments, etc.
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    • Profile picture of the author speedylikesKJ
      Deleted my previous reply as i think you are looking for honest suggestions .
      OK so first off , Socialize with industry people , on social networks , Promote yourself and your network on affiliate blogs , join forums and more than that first of all rebuild your website and make it more professional , Looking at your website at current position only pure noobs who have no idea about this industry will join you no real and serious affiliate , Also on your website only make those promises which you can full fill . 24 Hour support and one on one consultation is all outdated marketing thing ... Most importantly hire professional and experienced affiliate managers who can recruit affiliates in your network .Again avoid hiring $10 hours a day freelancers as affiliate managers who have no idea what their job is. Instead those who are already in this industry and have experience in their hands and also have contacts with industry people currently looking at your and your company`s details even google don't know much about you too , Except a Black hat forum ( a very negative sign for your business ).

      ~ hope this helps

      Bets of luck
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  • Profile picture of the author MarcCPASAW
    Have seen some bad feedback directed at the previous owner. All advertisers will now be paying upfront and publishers will always receive their commissions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Little
    For starters you should update the site:

    1) Copyright in the footer says 2011

    2) Do you really want people to have your direct contact information as it's shown on the homepage?

    What does your network offer that is better than other network?
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  • Profile picture of the author MarcCPASAW
    Thanks Christian, I've only owned it for a few days and I'm still waiting to get the website transferred over to me, once that's done I'll make the changes. Will look at updating the website as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Sauve
    No offense, but how can you expect anyone to take you or your network seriously with a handle like "PooFinger"?

    Steven Sauve
    steve at / IM = maxbountysteve
    MaxBounty ranked #1 CPA Network in the world:

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  • Profile picture of the author MarcCPASAW
    Thanks Steve, there's no way to change your forum name which would mean I need to create a new account, which I reluctant to do. Something to think about though.

    Is there a way to change your handle without resigning?
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  • Profile picture of the author mafai44
    Yeah I noticed that too lol who cares change your handle you only have 49 posts to that name as it is.. Start freshhhh!
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  • Profile picture of the author RyanAlsaiad
    try advertising on AffPaying they have a lot of publishers in their site
    also here and Digital Point and other CPA Forums

    Good Luck
    Flight Target
    The best website for honest hotels and flights, reviews, comparisons.
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