Insurance agent site with 2.5million page views per month???

10 replies
I am looking for ways or ideas to monetize and find advertising partners for a Insurance agent membership website. I have 2.5mil plus pageviews per month, and avg of 249,300 daily impressions for my header ad, with a .017% click-through primarily Wholesalers advertising, but am looking for other service providers and people interested in marketing to an active network of Insurance agents.

Any suggestions or recommendations?
#25million #adveritising #agent #agents or representative #insurance #month #page #site #views
  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Maybe try a ClickBank product on sales tips.

    But finding people that specifically interested in marketing to that niche, not really likely, but if you put a price out there you might get some takers.
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    • Profile picture of the author TEXinOZ
      thanks for the suggestions, but I am trying to find ways of people coming to me ... I have contacted and a few other networks and it looks promising
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  • Profile picture of the author kuzmanin
    Google AdSense
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  • +1 for Adsense.

    Look to playing around with your pages layout though as .017% CTR is terrible.
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    • Profile picture of the author TEXinOZ
      Problem with adsense is the director of the company is very particular as to who he wants on the site. (I'm trying to convince them to better utilize their underperforming webassets by trying new techniques)

      Also, Fyi, the banner ads is not the primary revenue source.

      There is also email marketing to pretty close to 1 million opted in insurance agents, Seo optimized storefronts and unlimited press releases to our private database of insurance industry contacts. As well there is a managed social media (for insurance agents and wholesalers) service that is doing quite well
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  • Profile picture of the author bizoppmaster
    First, find out what their demographic is. Age, sex, location, interests, etc. Build a massive list and funnel them into sub-lists promoting Health, Wealth and Relationships (diet, make money and dating).
    (4) Spots Left For Private Coaching | | Skype: jon.mac303
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  • Profile picture of the author MarcCPASAW
    I'd go with something more specific to Insurance agents, adsense would be to generalized. Look at the market on what they use or need and approach a few businesses with your stats, your sure to get someone come on board.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Problem with adsense is the director of the company is very particular as to who he wants on the site. (I'm trying to convince them to better utilize their underperforming webassets by trying new techniques)
    So he doesn't want Adsense your site?

    Do he no want banners?
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    • Profile picture of the author TEXinOZ
      We have lots of existing advertisers, mostly all of them are Insurance Wholesalers trying to get more agents to push their products.

      The site is originally designed as a matchmaker for insurance agents to find coverages for their clients by having the wholesalers pay to be listed and be found. That is the primary monetization method.

      advertisers pay a yearly fee for a complete package. The package includes Emails, unlimited Seo Optimized storefronts, unlimited press releases, and display advertising.

      Right now I see the display advertising as an underperforming asset. I am looking for ways to find non insurance advertisers come to our site to advertise, so for instance the buysellads is great as it shows us what types of advertisers are willing to pay to advertise to our network.

      @bizop I am fine to and am trying to convince the execs to work with affiliate advertisers but they are very hesitant... And they don't want any extra emails sent to our database unless its pre-paid for.

      @marc I am actively contacting them but the way that our advertising packages are structured its hard to get people to commit (5-20k) to an unproven (for non insurance companies) marketing strategy so I am trying to get advertisers to come to us.

      @greedy we have banners and I will suggest a trial of adsense but I feel like its going to be a hard sell due to lack of control over who is on the site. with buysellads we can at least manually authorize advertisers

      And thanks for the feedback guys, I appreciate it
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