How to be easely accepted in a CPA network?

13 replies

Is there a quick and easy way to be accepted into a CPA network? How these companies recruit their members? As you can see from reading this message, english is not my native language. My english writing is better than my speaking, and I feel nervous about the idea of having a little english interview on the phone.
#accepted #cpa #easely #network
  • Profile picture of the author tooAlive
    Originally Posted by Magicpollux View Post


    Is there a quick and easy way to be accepted into a CPA network? How these companies recruit their members? As you can see from reading this message, english is not my native language. My english writing is better than my speaking, and I feel nervous about the idea of having a little english interview on the phone.
    CPA networks just want to know that A) You're not a fraudster, and B) You know about marketing.

    They'll just ask you simple questions like what your promotional methods are, what verticals (niches) you do well in, ect.

    And they won't make fun of your accent either, so don't worry about it. I'm sure they're used to dealing with plenty of international affiliates by now.
    <img src="$2,387.44-clickbank-check.jpg">

    "Action is the real measure of intelligence." - Napoleon Hill
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    • Profile picture of the author Magicpollux
      Thank you for your reply. This will surely encourage me to take action, and start exploring the world of CPA networks.
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  • Profile picture of the author a17ddt
    probably irrelevant but i struggled to get accepted by US networks, maybe because of the time delay with phone calls etc. But when i tried a UK network (my home country) I was accepted almost immediately.
    Maybe your nationality may have some bearing on the application

    hope this is of some use

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  • Profile picture of the author Jetmir
    English is my second language and I'm not really that good at it too. BUT, it never was a problem for me to get accepted on CPA networks.

    What's really important is that you know what you're doing. The main reason CPA networks ask you questions is to find out if you're a scammer.

    If you have a website it'd be a plus, but if you don't then don't worry.

    Apply to the network. Call them up right away, tell them that you wanted to know if they could speed up the approval process.

    Most of the time they'll ask you 'How do you intend to promote our offers'
    You answer: I'm gonna be making websites for each offer I decide to promote then I'll be using PPC and other paid methods to drive traffic to my website.

    'What verticals?'
    Weight loss, Dating, Gaming, or just about anything that converts best.

    Good luck!

    ATTENTION: Do you wanna make up to 100$ a DAY with 20 minutes of super-easy work?

    It's never been easier. Send me a Private Message for details.
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    • Profile picture of the author Magicpollux
      Than you for your reply, your experience with the CPA network may encourage me.

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  • Profile picture of the author speedylikesKJ
    first off take affiliate marketing like a serious business, doesn't matter at all if English is not your first language , Create a proper traffic generation plan and call network over phone and talk with them tell them how you will generate traffic and that's it , No matter who you are , where you are from , you know English or not main purpose is to tell them you are legit and a legit affiliate not some fraudster hiding behind a keyboard ..
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    CPA networks just want to know that A) You're not a fraudster, and B) You know about marketing.
    there are too many other things too. let me comeback and explain.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Originally Posted by Magicpollux View Post


    Is there a quick and easy way to be accepted into a CPA network? How these companies recruit their members? As you can see from reading this message, english is not my native language. My english writing is better than my speaking, and I feel nervous about the idea of having a little english interview on the phone.
    Then stick to emailing them.

    Calling ideal, but whatever gets the job done.
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  • Profile picture of the author danielotc
    i dont understand all these threads about how to get accepted. be honest. tell them how you are planning to send traffic & what offers you are interested in and thats sufficient

    networks want to work with everybody that makes them money !

    Looking for male enhancement affiliates . Hit me up: for quick approval and custom deals!
    Affiliate Signup :

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  • Profile picture of the author run
    Apply with your real honest tactics! Don't even copy and do some rewrite in your application from the template. English's not my language even not my 2nd language.

    I remembered a time when a network was calling me, I couldn't even understand what they were talking with me.

    I contacted by AOL, Skype, Email, and PM through the forum if they have one.
    I just wanna tell you that most of the links in the signature are trash and/or a trap to make you pay!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8111757].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Magicpollux
      Thank you Run,

      As I can see, i'm not the only one in this situation. Your suggestion to contact them by emai, sms or forum is very useful. Thank you again.

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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Magicpollux View Post


    Is there a quick and easy way to be accepted into a CPA network? How these companies recruit their members? As you can see from reading this message, english is not my native language. My english writing is better than my speaking, and I feel nervous about the idea of having a little english interview on the phone.
    Really, just be honest with them. Show them you're interested in making money and how you plan on doing it and prove you're legit and not a fraudster.
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  • Profile picture of the author PatrickX
    You are welcome to send me a PM if you need help to get accepted!

    Generally PeerFly is a great network to get started with. In case you get disapproved, you can reapply with a blog or landing page. If they see you are serious and have the sincerest intent promoting their offers, you can be sure they will accept your offer. They are just afraid of fraudsters. If you prove you are not one of them, they will approve your application 100%.

    Good luck!
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