Spanish CPA offers/networks.

by Fox30
70 replies
Hello fellow warriors,
I'm a bilingual marketer, and I am curious to know if anyone has any experience tapping into the spanish speaking markets.

Also, have you found any cpa networks that have a nice selection of offers in spanish?(I know there is Adsense).

I look forward to your input, thanks in advance.

#cpa #offers or networks #spanish
  • Profile picture of the author ShabirAli
    Search good mate, i saw some spanish offers on hydra media network.
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    • Profile picture of the author Fox30
      Originally Posted by ShabirAli View Post

      Search good mate, i saw some spanish offers on hydra media network.

      Thanks for the info!
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      • Profile picture of the author danhughes
        Filiado, Performance Marketing Solutions for US Hispanic, Latin America, Brazil - Filiado Networks - They do not use Direct Track and are not US based.

        Dale! Network - They do you Direct Track and are US based.
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        • Profile picture of the author Fox30
          Originally Posted by danhughes View Post

          Filiado, Performance Marketing Solutions for US Hispanic, Latin America, Brazil - Filiado Networks - They do not use Direct Track and are not US based.

          Dale! Network - They do you Direct Track and are US based.

          Awesome info! That is exactly what I was looking for. If anyone knows any others, I'd appreciate it.
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          • Profile picture of the author smcdunbiz
            Thanks I appreciate this as well. I'm bilingual as well and had no idea about this.
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        • Profile picture of the author Globe_Trotter13
          Sorry double post.

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        • Profile picture of the author Globe_Trotter13
          Originally Posted by danhughes View Post

          Thanks for posting this Dan! I applied to this Filiado Networks about a week ago, but haven't heard back from them. Sent them a couple of emails no replies. Also, their # in Miami is not in service. Guess I'd probably have to call their # in São Paulo, hopefully I'll get in this way. Has anyone dealt with them before?

          I see a lot Spanish speaking people posting in this thread, that's great! The Latin American market is simply huge and a mind blowing untapped goldmine! I'm definitely up for a Spanish section/forum in here or elsewhere. Whatever you guys do, please keep me updated! Gracias!

          I'd be interested to know if there are any Brazilians in here.
          Alguns Brasileiros aqui neste forum? Acho que seria uma otima idea pra gente ter um forum ou um site pra trocar ideas e porque não fazer ums JVs juntos. Posso ate me cuidar da criação do site. Quem for interessado, é sò responder aqui ou me enviar um PM.

          Valeu gente.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1504055].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Criação
            Acho interessante, mas vamos precisar de um grande número de participantes nesta criação, pois serão várias áreas e muitos controles
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          • Profile picture of the author fabiobr
            precisando de brasileiros para algum tipo de informação?
            Brazilians need for some kind of information?
            Brasileños necesidad de algún tipo de información?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3198416].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author dr nelton
              Hola Todos
              no solo tenemos el problema de pocas ofertas de CPA y clickbank en español ,tambien tenemos la gran desorganizacion con google y las palabras en español,es sumamente dificil localizar niches debido a la inexactitud de big G con nuestro idioma.
              Soy Dominicano pero como dicen los Mexicanos"si se puede" unamonos,en la union esta la fuerza.Los mas importante seamos honestos.

              suerte para todos
              Soy medico con la suerte de tener un buen salario,llevo tiempo tratando de desarrollar este negocio,he sido aceptado como en 14 CAP network , si alguien necesita alguna ayuda en como ser aceptado humildemente puede contar con mi ayuda.
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    • Profile picture of the author veezworlld
      Originally Posted by ShabirAli View Post

      Search good mate, i saw some spanish offers on hydra media network.
      Thanks, I have an interest in this topic as well!
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  • Profile picture of the author lidango
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris R Motive
    We have a few Spanish offers, I have also seen Copeac pushing some Spanish Health/Beauty offers lately.
    Motive Interactive
    AIM motivechrisr
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  • Profile picture of the author greenovni
    My AM from Clickbooth me mando algunas. All you have to do is ask all your AMs.
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  • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
    Ooh, good thread!

    I've got a great "make money" (in Spanish) domain. Anyone come across any Spanish language money making type offers? Thanks.
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    • Profile picture of the author aekaplan
      Originally Posted by SoundsGood View Post

      Ooh, good thread!

      I've got a great "make money" (in Spanish) domain. Anyone come across any Spanish language money making type offers? Thanks.
      Haven't at all. Doesn't seem like a great idea if you ask me - the signup page would be in English anyway.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[842097].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
        Originally Posted by aekaplan View Post

        Haven't at all. Doesn't seem like a great idea if you ask me - the signup page would be in English anyway.
        Huh ??
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  • Profile picture of the author stizzard
    Nice work guys and some good info. Maybe we should set up a thread for Spanish speaking CPA offers. i think it's an unbelievable opportunity to get into a market where the cost per click isn't anywhere near as high as English speaking ppc campaigns. I've just signed up for all those mentioned - just hope I'm approved!
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    • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
      Originally Posted by stizzard View Post

      Maybe we should set up a thread for Spanish speaking CPA offers.
      Not a bad idea...
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  • Profile picture of the author Fox30
    Hey guys...thanks for all the great info. That's what I was looking for.
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  • Profile picture of the author diverdown
    I am currently looking to partner with someone with to convert my products into spanish and targeting the Spanish Speaking Market place PM me of you are interested in starting a conversation
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    • Profile picture of the author jayinpr
      Hey diverdown,

      I might be interested in a JV depending on what products you want to translate and setup in Spanish.

      You can contact me on this PMB. I'm located in Puerto Rico (-4:00, Caracas La Paz).

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    • Profile picture of the author aeinvestors
      Hey diverdown, I notices that your location is in MD, I reside in Alexandria VA, if you want to partner to convert your products into Spanish and targeting the Spanish Speaking Market please send me a PM. Because I'm new and I don't have 50 post I cannot send u a PM. Let me know
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    • Profile picture of the author alxtheriot
      Originally Posted by diverdown View Post

      I am currently looking to partner with someone with to convert my products into spanish and targeting the Spanish Speaking Market place PM me of you are interested in starting a conversation
      I am from mexico and trying to begin in the online marketing business. I will be more than happy to start a conversation with you and see what that lead us to.
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    • Profile picture of the author josero
      Originally Posted by diverdown View Post

      I am currently looking to partner with someone with to convert my products into spanish and targeting the Spanish Speaking Market place PM me of you are interested in starting a conversation
      Hi diverdown, I am interested. My first language is Spanish. I live and work in the U.S., and have experience traslating internet marketing material. Although the Spanish-speaking market is different from others, if your offer works, I do not see why it shouldn't work with this specific market.

      Please PM if you are interested.


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  • Profile picture of the author Globe_Trotter13
    Thanks for the great info guys!Much appreciated, being multi-lingual, it's great to hear that there are offers in Spanish, Portuguese. I was wondering if anyone know of any offers in French and Italian for the French and Italian markets as well?


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    • Profile picture of the author greenovni
      Originally Posted by aekaplan View Post

      Haven't at all. Doesn't seem like a great idea if you ask me - the signup page would be in English anyway.
      If enough people were signing up, they would have it translated.

      Originally Posted by SoundsGood View Post

      Huh ??
      Originally Posted by diverdown View Post

      I am currently looking to partner with someone with to convert my products into spanish and targeting the Spanish Speaking Market place PM me of you are interested in starting a conversation
      Yo hablo Español...

      Originally Posted by Globe_Trotter13 View Post

      Thanks for the great info guys!Much appreciated, being multi-lingual, it's great to hear that there are offers in Spanish, Portuguese. I was wondering if anyone know of any offers in French and Italian for the French and Italian markets as well?

      Affiliatebot has 1

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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster
    There is an **** offer on neverblue that my friend does well with. Not sure if you are into ****, but if so, check out that offer for sure.

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  • Profile picture of the author fasseyer
    que alegría encontrar hispano parlantes por aqui, pensé que nunca lo conseguiría.

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  • Profile picture of the author redcontenido
    Hola soy de Perù, desde hace poco he estado trabajando con el mercado hispano de usa, las conversiones son bajas pero si hay conversiones.
    Free Chat Session In Skype. I Will Reveal You How To Build Your
    Online Business The Right Way
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1459946].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author billmc23
      Originally Posted by redcontenido View Post

      Hola soy de Perù, desde hace poco he estado trabajando con el mercado hispano de usa, las conversiones son bajas pero si hay conversiones.
      Según tu experiencia vale la pena trabajar con el mercado hispano de usa o hay que esperar mas tiempo? y latinoamerica?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2701097].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author redcontenido
        Originally Posted by billmc23 View Post

        Según tu experiencia vale la pena trabajar con el mercado hispano de usa o hay que esperar mas tiempo? y latinoamerica?
        Disculpa la demora que recien me fije que me hacias una pregunta.
        Segun mi experiencia el mercado hispano de usa es muchisimo mejor que el mercado latino...hace poco salieron al mercado mas redes de cpa dedicadas al mercado latino pero los pagos de las conversiones es poquisimo comparado con el mercado en usa.
        Free Chat Session In Skype. I Will Reveal You How To Build Your
        Online Business The Right Way
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  • Profile picture of the author Fox30
    I think that in most latin american markets there is a trust factor that needs to be overcome when purchasing things from the internet. This is what I have found so far.
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    • Profile picture of the author omilana
      Sería interesante una sección en español, hecho de menos los acentos LOL.
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    • Originally Posted by Fox30 View Post

      I think that in most latin american markets there is a trust factor that needs to be overcome when purchasing things from the internet. This is what I have found so far.
      I agree, BUT there is a LOT of young latin americans online, who are bilingual and purchase things online everyday. I KNOW this because I AM a young latin american, and if I search google and I don't find something in english, i search in spanish.

      I think anything targeted to a younger audience online would do well. (Ages 18-25 maily, i think) Anything like retirement planning, and certain other things would be a VERY SMALL niche online. It is true there are very few older latin americans online. For example my parents NEVER use the computer, and don't feel comfortable using it, much less buying something online.

      That being said,I see the latin american market growing fast, and more bilingual people will be online, and hopefully over time, things will even out a little.

      buena suerte
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  • Profile picture of the author Sleaklight
    Deberias de ser nuestro propio foro en un dominio. Talves me animo y haga uno
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  • Profile picture of the author fasseyer
    es una gran idea, estaría genial. Mi apoyo lo tendrias
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  • Profile picture of the author lotmax
    I have products in Spanish in the health and wellness area that I am interested in doing JV's with also interested in translating products into Spanish for those that might be interested. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author truesouth
    In Neverblue there are many offers in Spanish.


    En Neverblue hay varias ofertas en español.
    "Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new." Brian Tracy
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  • Profile picture of the author offline
    Que bueno encontrar a mi gente.
    Si alguien comienza un foro latino para IM me dejan saber por favor.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sleaklight
    Yo estoy dispuesto solo que el software que quiero usar todavia esta en Beta Cuando salga de beta voy hacerlo.
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  • Profile picture of the author rgenterprise
    Maxbounty had a spanish cpa **** berry offer that I was testing a couple of months ago. Don't know if they still have it or not.
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    • Profile picture of the author kyraline
      Originally Posted by rgenterprise View Post

      Maxbounty had a spanish cpa **** berry offer that I was testing a couple of months ago.
      Did you have any success with that? At Maxbounty I find the offers in Spanish very limited, the occasional **** Berry offer, games and a few auctions. That's about it. It seems the place to go is Neverblue?



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      • Profile picture of the author watsonovedades

        yo tambien he intentado ingresar a CPA networks pero me rechazaron de Neverblue y no se a donde ir

        alguna sugerencia?
        Whatever your mind can conceive and BELIEVE you can achieve
        Follow me on Twitter - @DineroConPc
        I talk about Affiliate Marketing Methods
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        • Profile picture of the author j&j
          a mi igual me rechazaron pero intente con otras y si me resulto , se algo de ingles ,pero, una de los grandes problemas es cuando te llaman por telefono para confirmar , debes contestarles en ingles ,igual me aprovaron en 3 redes , aunque no se debe aplicar a muchas ya que al final terminas por no promover nada.
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          • Profile picture of the author Alex Barboza
            En cuáles te aprobaron?

            Originally Posted by j&j View Post

            a mi igual me rechazaron pero intente con otras y si me resulto , se algo de ingles ,pero, una de los grandes problemas es cuando te llaman por telefono para confirmar , debes contestarles en ingles ,igual me aprovaron en 3 redes , aunque no se debe aplicar a muchas ya que al final terminas por no promover nada.
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        • Profile picture of the author CEaman
          I believe Adsmarket and 7Reach have got international offers! you can check them out

          Aman Kalsi
          CommissionEmpire-Diamond Sponsor at ASW 2012


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        • Profile picture of the author DaveQ
          Originally Posted by watsonovedades View Post


          yo tambien he intentado ingresar a CPA networks pero me rechazaron de Neverblue y no se a donde ir

          alguna sugerencia?
          hay muchas redes, te recomiendo adjal, se basa en español
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  • Profile picture of the author smartclick
    Que tal warriors ! hace falta mas networks en espanol, gente hay lo que no hay es difusion!
    Saludos desde Vancouver, canada.
    "Imagination is more important than knowledge. " so what you got for signature?
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  • Profile picture of the author valdivz
    great resources...!
    Cut The Crap & Give Me The Goods...!
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    • Profile picture of the author 7reach
      Hola a todos los afiliados que hablan español por acá!
      En tenemos muchas ofertas en español porque trabajamos con empresas en los estados unidos, México, Brasil, España, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina y Perú. También estamos en muchos países europeos, pero eso será para orto thread.
      Si estas buscando algo diferente, no dudes en comunicarte con nosotros y le ayudaremos inmediatamente.
      Para que sepan un poco más sobre nuestras campañas, tenemos 33 ofertas para tráfico Mexicano, 36 para Brasil, 14 para Argentina, etc.
      Esperamos trabajar juntos pronto.
      Saludos del equipo!
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  • Profile picture of the author facug
    Buenísimo, muchísimas gracias 7reach, estaba buscando algo así.
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  • Profile picture of the author kuterdan
    Well if you're bilingual then you can take any offer that you think would appeal to that demographic and translate into another language. Use Google Insights to help you fine tune your market and go as far as targeting by region. Take a market like sombrero, if you do a search for 2009 you would find that sombrero is most popular in Bolivia and the top search term is el sombrero. create a campaign in that language and market to that region and find yourself with some great ROI. The non english market is a very ignored market that can be valuable
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  • Profile picture of the author proldani
    Este thread me será muy útil en los próximos meses!

    Estoy planeando lanzar un portal local para mi ciudad (ceca de Ciudad de México) y estaba buscando otras formas de hacer dinero con el website además de los anuncios de negocios locales.
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    • Profile picture of the author monovax
      I am also in for any JV if anyone wants someone to translate your product into Spanish, I will gladly do it as a partnership (I will translate into Spanish any informatio product) . I think there is huge money to be made in Spanish market.

      Informenme si se abre algun foro en espanol sobre internet marketing por favor, seria excelente empezar a discutir sobre nuestro mercado y como aprovecharlo.


      The 7 Only Books You Need To Make Money Online For Free!! HERE

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  • Profile picture of the author caliray
    I've recently become interested in the Spanish speaking market myself and currently live in Colombia. I see lots of ads on local TV for products that could work in CPA. Perhaps my most wanted info is how to gauge the market as it relates to who is buying what on the Internet in this area of the world.

    One thing I've learned from living here for the past 18 months is that the Spanish language varies somewhat from country to country as does what people want and need.

    I have access to bilingual Colombians should anyone want to discuss translations and a JV for their products.

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  • Profile picture of the author Valentin Yonte
    Do someone know CPA Networks for spanish market and affiliates?
    Conoce alguien Redes CPA dedicadas al mercado y afiliados hispanos?
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    • Profile picture of the author josero
      Originally Posted by activosenred View Post

      Do someone know CPA Networks for spanish market and affiliates?
      Conoce alguien Redes CPA dedicadas al mercado y afiliados hispanos?
      Hi Valentin,

      Nice to see you here. Adjal and Affiliatefuture (spanish version) are two of them.


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  • Profile picture of the author pipo
    I am also very interested in offers in spanish. The USA hispanic and international market is HUGE!!! I can't believe the only ones monetizing them are Walmart and Target!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Valentin Yonte
      The big problem that I find is to be acepted on CPA Network...
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      • Profile picture of the author Kenster
        Originally Posted by activosenred View Post

        The big problem that I find is to be acepted on CPA Network...

        I guarantee you can get accepted. There are many threads that cover how to get accepted into CPA networks. Once you learn how, it wont be difficult.
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    • Profile picture of the author optimized
      I live in Panama and have am looking for partners for this market.

      My company is optimized computer services.

      Please contact me if you want to discuss things further
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      • Profile picture of the author thunder555
        Creo qué es mi primer post Yo también hablo español
        My english is really bad to write

        En clickbank hay pocos productos en español, y la verdad bastante malos. Tan sólo "malas" traducciones de productos en inglés.

        Aparte qué el promedio de los latinos les da miedo comprar en internet.
        Pero qué bueno qué nos pudieramos unir para hacer algo acá.

        Yo he estado en comunicación con algunos marketers en BHW, pero la verdad es qué hay pocos.

        Cualquier cosa, PM

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  • Profile picture of the author DanGlobalizer
    We have many international offers for Spanish-speaking countries across the globe!
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  • Profile picture of the author Criação
    Procuro também interessados em inaugurar categorias de discussão para tratar de assuntos em português
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  • Profile picture of the author 1GreatCPA
    You should try they are master in offers category ..also will help you to get spanish offers .
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  • Profile picture of the author Jorge7222
    My first post!! I found that offervault (.com) has a plataform that allows you to do a research for CPA offers, and gives you which CPA Network is offering it. As of today there are 146 offers for "mexico" and 54 for "latin".

    Hope it helps.

    PS. Si alguien tiene algún programa para ayudarme a iniciarme en programas de afiliados y CPA, se los agradezco.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3477780].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gerwarrior
      Another newbie latin warrior trying to learn the "code"
      Hola, paso mucho tiempo en WarriorForum leyendo y aprendiendo sobre este fascinante mundo.
      No se si alguien ya lo menciono, pero yo fácilmente accedí a Commision Junction, tiene de todo, y también en español.
      Otra es Zanox.

      Cuenten conmigo para lo que pueda ser útil y además siempre dispuesta a trabajar en equipo si es posible.
      Best regards
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  • Profile picture of the author GanarDinero
    Count me in too. Currently looking for decent offers to promote.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jose Ye
    Spiroox and Matomy...
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