starting ppv capital???

by Tilip
7 replies
what do you guys recommend for me to start ppv with leadimpact ???

-The payout is 30 dollars .
-Approximate testing budget ??
-How to know when to scale up ???
-How much to invest when scaling ???
-Any common calculations ??? Like for all of the above ..

Thanks in advance ....
#capital #ppv #starting
  • Profile picture of the author dropout
    At least $500 but preferably $1000.

    I don't understand your questions of how much and when to scale, if you have the money for further investments you just go for it. Watch out when you start out though that you don't burn a ton of money without any conversions.

    Whenever you start a new campaign watch it like a voyeur every couple of hours/days/weeks depending on how traffic you're getting.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    -Approximate testing budget ??
    If you are brand new to PPV, you are going to need a good $500-$1000 budget to start testing around with and getting the feel of how things works. You are basically paying to get data and learning experiences.

    -How to know when to scale up ???
    When the campaign is converting.

    -How much to invest when scaling ???
    As much as you can assuming the campaign is profitable.
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    Originally Posted by Tilip View Post

    what do you guys recommend for me to start ppv with leadimpact ???

    -The payout is 30 dollars .
    -Approximate testing budget ??
    -How to know when to scale up ???
    -How much to invest when scaling ???
    -Any common calculations ??? Like for all of the above ..

    Thanks in advance ....
    I always recommend a minimum of $2000 to test on any unfamiliar traffic source. This wouldn't necessarily be on 1 campaign but more likely around 10 - 15 lower payout offers.

    A high payout offer like that would need around 300 - 500 to test a decent amount with a few different landing page designs and landing page copies as well as testing through multiple targets (Don't direct link).
    I offer CPA coaching and investment opportunities for those SERIOUSLY interested in making money directly or indirectly with affiliate marketing. PM me for details.

    Read More about CPA/Affiliate Marketing on my Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Tilip View Post

    what do you guys recommend for me to start ppv with leadimpact ???

    -The payout is 30 dollars .
    -Approximate testing budget ??
    -How to know when to scale up ???
    -How much to invest when scaling ???
    -Any common calculations ??? Like for all of the above ..

    Thanks in advance ....
    I honestly wouldn't start with an offer that pays that much, I'd recommend starting with offers that pay $5-10. They will likely be easier to convert and take less money to test.

    To test an offer that pays $30 properly, you would likely need to invest a few hundred dollars to start.

    When to scale it up? I'd say once it's profitable.
    It's hard to say how much to invest when scaling, it depends on how profitable it is, how much your bids cost, etc. it's all about testing.

    There is no such thing as a calculator for this as it will be different for everyone and each campaign will be different.
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  • Profile picture of the author boghi
    Don't go with such big offers.
    Start from slowly from the 4-5 $ and scale it up.
    For a campaign with an offer for 4-5 $ payout ,you'll need about 400-500 $ to understand it properly how the things go on.
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