Prosper 202 and Hostgator

9 replies
Can someone please tell me how to install Prosper 202 on a Hostgator sheared account?

I have seen some videos where they say it is possible, but I can't get it to work.

#202 #hostgator #prosper
  • Profile picture of the author PPC-Coach
    I wouldn't bother. Hostgator can't handle it and you'll end up switching to something better later anyway. Go for liquidweb right off the bat.
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  • Profile picture of the author williamrs
    I've seen many threads about this in the past and I remember that once I saw that someone tried to contact their support and was told that it's not possible. So, it's probably easier to get a hosting account with another company, maybe Bluehost.

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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Hostgator even has a page in their support section about this - Install Prosper202 « Support Portal
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidLasry
    I have shared hosting at HostGator and I have prosper202 installed but he doesn't work well. He doesn't record clicks and stuff like that.
    I agree with everyone here - buy VPS or dedicated server.


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    • Profile picture of the author sonixkid3000

      I was with them for years and they've gotten worse and worse through the years. Plus they won't let you install Prosper202 on a VPS with them unless you get the one that's $70 / month. That's outrageous.

      Anyways, I currently have beyondhosting with a 50% / 6 months coupon (courtesy of KJ) and I'm paying $25 a month right now which is a pretty good deal for a VPS. If you can do the technical stuff then get a cheap unmanaged one. If not, just go for 's VPS's, it's literally a 5 minutes install to have prosper setup, they even have a picture tutorial ;D hehehe
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  • Profile picture of the author inflameous
    I would highly recommend DigitalOcean for 10$ monthly you can get a really fast Cloud server with an SSD and 1 GB Ram, and if you run into problems installing the prosper202 you can just order this fiverr gig, that's what I did and I'm very satisfied install Proper202 on your hosting account - fiverr
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    • Profile picture of the author frostbytes
      Thanks for all the advice, I'm going to contact your friend at Fiverr.
      But first can you tell me which hosting plan you're using?
      Is the $10 plan enough to get started with?
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    Like the other said don't bother with Host Gator.


    I was with them for years and they've gotten worse and worse through the years. Plus they won't let you install Prosper202 on a VPS with them unless you get the one that's $70 / month. That's outrageous.

    Anyways, I currently have beyondhosting with a 50% / 6 months coupon (courtesy of KJ) and I'm paying $25 a month right now which is a pretty good deal for a VPS. If you can do the technical stuff then get a cheap unmanaged one. If not, just go for 's VPS's, it's literally a 5 minutes install to have prosper setup, they even have a picture tutorial ;D hehehe
    Some GREAT advice here!
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