How to start in CPA Marketing ?

10 replies
Hi Everyone,

I have recently been accepted in Maxbounty and I would like to start promoting some CPA offers. Is there a blueprint on how to be successfull in CPA marketing ?

1. Do I need to create a website for each CPA offer I want to promote ?

2. What are the paid traffic methods I should use ?

Thank you guys
#cpa #marketing #start
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  • Profile picture of the author J Burgess
    You don't need your own website, however I do admit that having the offer iframed on your website instead of direct linking to the offer is a lot better instead of having a long affiliate URL. For paid traffic it is probably best if you start with something such as 7Search PPC/PPV.

    Hope that helps :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by khassani View Post

    Hi Everyone,

    I have recently been accepted in Maxbounty and I would like to start promoting some CPA offers. Is there a blueprint on how to be successfull in CPA marketing ?

    1. Do I need to create a website for each CPA offer I want to promote ?

    2. What are the paid traffic methods I should use ?

    Thank you guys
    PPC-Coach has shown a good guide.

    Also to help with your questions

    1 - You can, but you don't need to. It all depends on how you are promoting it. If you have a simple landing page then most likely you don't need a dedicated domain for each offer. If you are planning on a big site then you will likely need it. To get started I'd suggest just starting with 1 or 2 domains.

    2. 7search and Bring would be good places to start with PPC
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  • Profile picture of the author Greedy
    This my general advice...

    1. Get a VPS server setup (LiquidWeb or BeyondHosting) and get on some quality CPA Networks (Peerfly, NeverBlue, or MaxBounty.)

    2. Find a traffic source. PPC or PPV work good for those starting out. So Bing Ads, 7Search, or LeadImpact are all fine for beginner.

    3. Research all you can about this traffic source using the WarriorForum's search function and buying a few cheap but needed guides. (Don't spend over 10% of your budget on guides/training.)

    4. Pick a good CPA offer. This what I do here. It works great for me.

    5. Research your niche and CPA competition on your Traffic Source, and decide what type of landing page and angle you can use to beat their landing pages.

    6. Setup tracking, Sub-ID or Tracking202 will do.

    7. Start testing, and split testing. Analyze the data and make decisions, if you are unsure how to interpret things, post it here on WF and you'll get some great feedback!
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  • Profile picture of the author JoeFerguson
    Like some others have mentioned, buying traffic on 7Search could be a good place for you to start. MaxBounty currently has a promotion with 7Search where you can receive up to $250 in free traffic as well. Go here for some more information regarding that.

    Good luck!
    Increase your revenue and earn a $1000 bonus as a new affiliate at!

    For additional advice and industry happenings, head over to MaxBounty's Blog!
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  • Profile picture of the author alchebank
    You don't need to create any website if you're going to use paid traffic. Just direct link to the offer or create a landing page.

    I recommend you to try PPV. It's pretty easy and cheap
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  • Profile picture of the author KevMason
    Before making any moves here is what I advise:

    Speak to your Affiliate Manager and ask s/he these questions.

    - What is the top 2-3 Offers based on your Niche (Vertical)
    - What type of traffic have you noticed being sent to offer (search, email, display etc)
    - Which Countries seem to be performing the best for Offer
    - Are Affiliates creating Landing Pages or are you noticing more Direct Link (they should know this)

    *When first starting out you should use your Affiliate Managers inside knowledge.

    Once you have all this Intel then I would consider the other steps above in others posts to create landers, tracking, and networks.

    Hope Helps!

    Online Marketing Tips & Training Check Out >>

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  • Profile picture of the author Glynn Kosky
    Who is the affiliate manager?!
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  • Profile picture of the author CashAdsMike
    Maxbounty is definitely a good network to start with. You don't need a website, especially if you're buying traffic. I'd suggest starting out with PPV traffic. Might want to checkout Leadimpact.
    CashAds LLC Affiliate Network
    Affiliate Manager / Marketing
    p: 888-425-7551 aim: CashAdsMike.
    Don't like it? We'll fix it. Don't have it? We'll get it.
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