Yahoo Ads and Education Lead Conversions
I recently received a cold call from a Yahoo marketing manager. They were extending me some bonus dollars if I sign up for a campaign. I am considering using paid advertisements to drive traffic to my career/education websites. These sites connect students with potential training and degree programs in their area or abroad.
The conversion rate for my traffic is not that great (1-3%), which is another discussion entirely. I generate about $12-20 per conversion. The manager said they could offer me about $0.20 per click for my keywords. Meaning, I would get roughly 500 targeted visitors for $100. With my conversion rate I could convert between 5-15 visitors, potentially resulting in $60-250 in revenue. There is a gamble there, but also a potential for decent return.
Has anyone had success using paid ads on sites that use Quinstreet, CampusExplorer, or other lead generation programs?
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