
Profile picture of MikeMorgan
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I have noticed that lots of hypes and lies are floating around CPA marketing arena.

As a result lots of marketers, especially Newbies fail into this trap and become victims.

So, I have decided to share the real blue print that gives CPA marketers the right track and direction to CPA marketing success.

The blue print is formatted in a step by step guide and is very compact and comfortable for a fast and easy read.

Here is the step by step guide,

I wish you happy reading!

Step 1: Use Only The Best CPA Networks - Stay Away From SCAM CPA Networks

In order to successfully promote CPA offers and make money, first you have to join trusted CPA networks which act as mediators between affiliates and merchants.

And, as the number of CPA networks coming everyday are increasing, you have to carefully select the right CPA network.

There are certain issues that you need to be aware, one of them is that as most of CPA networks either lack experience or they are scams, lots of affiliates lose their money, effort and energy promoting offers from scam CPA networks promoting CPA offers from these bad CPA networks .

So, if you want to make money using CPA marketing - you must first join a low risk, reputable and trusted CPA networks.

As there are plenty of CPA networks online, it is always recommended to join affiliate networks with good reputation so that you get paid for your efforts on time.

Step 2: Selection of Profitable CPA Offer is A must and Critical To Your Success

Once you join CPA network, you should be able to select high converting CPA offer that brings maximum result.

In other words...

As proper CPA offers selection is the most critical task in successful CPA marketing, you have to diligently carry out your CPA offer selection tasks as so to find offers that bring the highest success.

... You will succeed in CPA marketing only if you select and promote the right CPA offer in the most profitable niche.

Step 3: Test CPA offer - Always Test to Make Sure That a Particular CPA offer and its Marketing Components Are Right

Once you select CPA offer you should drive traffic to your CPA offer just to test your offer.

Basically, what testing means is that you need to spend little advertisement budget until you verify the profitability of the offer and marketing technique you use.

You just test, track and optimize until you find a winning formula.

And, one of the most effective and fastest ways to test your offers is by using PPC marketing.

So, it is advisable to use PPC marketing using services such as Google Adwords. This will allow you to test your campaign in the fastest time possible so as to make the most from it.

Word of Advice:
Always, before you jump into heavy or mass marketing you have to test, track and optimize to make sure that the offer and all marketing elements are set in the most profitable way.

That is, you have to test every thing until you come up with optimum result - the winning formula.

Step 4: Scale - Expose Your CPA Offer to Massive Traffic Sources to Exploit the Hidden Profits Potential

After you test your campaign using fast traffic generation source like PPC marketing, you need to find other traffic sources.

As traffic generation is one of the most vital ingredients of any successful web business, it is also crucial to your CPA business.

It is a must have component.

That is ...

In order to create highly profitable CPA campaign that brings in cash day and night like clock work, it is mandatory that you have consistent traffic from a diverse set of traffic sources. If you generate enough traffic to your CPA offer, you will have more visitors and more visitors will bring more profit.

With out traffic, even with the highest converting CPA offer, everything else is just a waste of time and money.

It's the traffic that matters at all.

There are several ways to promote your CPA offers on the Internet.

And, as the result for each traffic source varies from one source to the other, it is important to focus on a traffic source which could help you get visitors which are exactly looking for your product.

MORE Targeted Visitors Brings MORE Cash

On the basis of the above important points, you will have two options to drive targeted traffic to your CPA offers:
2. Free.
Let's start with the paid option.

As it has been noted earlier targeted traffic is the life blood idea of any successful CPA marketing.

If you do not have traffic, even with the most profitable offer selection, it is meaning less.

There fore, you have to go where massive targeted traffic exists and capture it.

This is key to $10k a month
- if you want to get huge amount of commission from CPA marketing, do not afraid to go the paid option in a diverse set of ways.

The most important thing that you need to be aware with paid option is not how much you paid for promotion. It is your ROI that matters at all, not your spending.

There are lots of paid ways that can get you traffic.

Some of them are:
1.PPC Search Engines - Targeted Traffic Source

2.PPV networks - Targeted Traffic Source

3.Other traffic sources such as myspace, youtube advertisement, facebook, etc (note: these traffic sources are not targeted, so you need to be careful when advertising)
So, let's see the paid options one by one.

1. Paid Traffic Source #1: PPC Search Engines

As far as targeted traffic is concerned PPC marketing comes first.

So, I recommend you to use popular PPC search engines to promote your CPA offers effectively.

The most reliable once are:
1. Google Adwords:
2. Yahoo Search Marketing: Advertising Your Business with Yahoo! Search Marketing
3. MSN ad center:
But, you need to be aware that, you will exploit PPC marketing only if you do them the right way.

2. Paid Traffic Source #2:PPV Networks

The other powerful way to drive a highly targeted traffic is PPV Networks

If you are new to PPV networks, here is a brief note about PPV networks or CPV advertisement programs.
CPV (Cost per View) advertisement is a form of advertising that incorporates the concept of keyword or URL targeting with the low cost per view model.

The CPV technology matches your selected keywords or URL's with the information the visitor is searching for or viewing, then instantly delivers the user to your website ( CPA offer ) .

This type of advertisement system is based on PPV (pay per view) model, that is, you only pay when a visitors views your CPA offer page.

The greatest advantage of CPV advertisement model at the moment is that bidding starts as low as 0.015 per view. This allows you to get visitors for a very low cost.
CPV advertisement model works based on software application which is installed on visitors' computer. And, this program allows your visitors to see your ads based on your preferences.

In other words, through the software installed on the users computer, you will be able to control your audiences based on what they search or what website they surf.

This traffic source selection functionality lets you select only the right audiences that produce the highest conversions for your particular campaign. You determine where your ads appear, ensuring maximum effectiveness for your campaigns.

As it has been indicated earlier CPV advertisement which targets based on your preference are very targeted sources of traffic, because you have full control to select the right audience for your website.

And, the best thing about this type of advertising is that, it is un-exploited area with high rate of profitability.

Here are two of the best networks: :
TrafficVance :
CPV advertisement program are very effective, but you need to set and optimize them properly in order to exploit them.

3. Paid Traffic Source #3: Other Paid Traffic Sources

There are lots of sites where you can get either in the form of banner advertisement or text ads.

Some of the sites that get huge number of visitors are:
·Face Book: Advertising | Facebook
·Youtube Ads:
·Buying ad space from related Forums.
Using the above paid traffic generation sources you can get a huge number of visitors to your CPA offers.

But, there are important points that you need to be aware of when using PAID advertisement option.

That is ...

Every time you use any paid advertisement option, start with a small budget - test, track and optimize until you come up with a wining formula. Then after, you massively scale it based on your wining formula.

Ok, now let's see the free options.

There are lots of free ways you can make money using CPA offers.

Some of them are


·Articles Marketing;

·Yahoo Answers;

·Classified Ads, etc.
Let's see the free methods one by one:

Free Traffic Source #1: Videos

Free Traffic Source #2:Article Marketing
Search Warp
Article City ||
Free Traffic Source #3: Yahoo answers
Yahoo! Answers - Home
Free Traffic Source #4:Forum Marketing:

Free Traffic Source #5:Classified Ads

Note: As free traffic generation requires a large amount of time, I strongly recommend you to outsource your activities so as to focus on other money making ways and make your time .

But, the point that you need to be aware here is that first you test every traffic generation system and make sure that it works for you.

Then, you hire some one and train him the whole system.

Note here that if you want to make big money this is key - you have to outsource.

Step 5: Rinse and Repeat - Do the Above Process A thousand Times

Once you create a successful CPA marketing campaign, move to another offer and repeat the process again and again.

I hope you are in a position to implement the method.

To make money as fast as profitability as possible, you have to take action as fast as possible.

Hope it helps .

Do not hesitate to add your mint .

#cpa #game #guide #step #win

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