Google +1's coming out has been made publicly and in a global scale that people regardless of their standing and take in the SEO game have been starting to speculate on whether it has an effect on SEO and if yes, what it could possibly be. In this note, case studies and experiments have been made on a daily basis and with almost all efforts just to see the impact that Google +1 has on SEO.
It may be getting clearer by the day yet the full impact of its coming out is still left unseen and may be only through time will it be truly revealed. The more apparent effect of the Google +1 has been openly admitted and declared by Google and that is, the more of these +1s that your website actually receives the more likely the result could come in positively.
It is therefore understandable that more organic traffic is likely to be gained by your website as long as there is a greater amount of +1s coming to you because this is seen by Google as an approved authority. +1s are a bit like your backlinks where each of these backlinks actually acts as a way for recommending a content which consequently follows that if you have more of each you are most likely to find your website ranking very high.
In terms of personalization in SEO, Google +1 will affect SEO by further increasing the significance and influence of personalization so pages that are likely to have the greatest increases in search engine prominence are those that have been tweeted, re-tweeted and liked. Even if the Google +1 is but on its startup, you can see the big effect where results of case studies revealed that pages reached top result for a given category of keyword all by simply having tweets, re-tweets and +1s.
There also appears a significant effect when it comes to the use of social networking sites all because of the previously given fact that simple tweets, re-tweets, likes and +1s can determine content relevancy and in effect gives more strength to the social networking as a major component when it comes to Google's algorithm. Ultimately, the power to control what you see when you Google a search now lies on the social authority figures.
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