What You Should Do When People Spam Your Inbox With Opportunities?

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Has anyone of you noticed that in the past few months, that email spammers are on the loose?

Before I go further, let's take a look at what email SPAM is.

In Wikipedia it is defined as this, "Spam is the abuse of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately. While the most widely recognized form of spam is e-mail spam, the term is applied to similar abuses in other media: instant messaging spam, Usenet newsgroup spam, Web search engine spam, spam in blogs, wiki spam, Online classified ads spam, mobile phone messaging spam, Internet forum spam, junk fax transmissions, and file sharing network spam."

Spam for me is also when you are sitting at home after a long day and the phone starts to ring. You answer it because you think that it is a friend or a family member who wants to say hi and chat but as soon as you pick up the phone, telemarketers pitch you their products. So you hang up on them and 2 hours later, another telemarketer calls you and bothers you. I think that telemarketers are like email spammers. They have 3 things in common.

1. They contact you without your permission.

2. They try to sell you their product that you don't really need.

3. They annoy the heck out of you over and over again.

So basically, when someone sends you an email that you did not request and did not give permission to that sender, that is considered spam. Someone sends you an email with the ONE intention and that is to sell you their service or product.

I have an email address that gets about 20-40 spam emails per day that go directly into my JUNK mail box. As soon as I go there, I make sure that they are really spam because when people who are on my email list send me an email with a question, I want to reply back to them. It is rare that I get these kind of messages that go into my JUNK mail box. What ever is SPAM, I delete it right away.

And you know what's weird? When you hit the reply button and ask them to stop emailing you, your message bounces back to you. That email address that sent you that email does not exist. How frustrating is that?

The one thing that is weird is that I opened a new email account with Gmail.com to see if the spammers would get me there too and 2 days after opening that new email account, some of them did. They sent spam there too. I have no idea how they do that. I just opened that account for the sake of seeing if they would come there too.

If you are getting spam emails from people that you don't know of, there is not much we can do about it and just delete their emails and move on. Not much we can do about it.
#inbox #opportunities #people #spam

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