What I Learned From Ewen Chia's "How I Made My First Million Dollars Online" Physical Book
In my 10 years online now, I have read many materials and a little bit offline that has to do with internet marketing/affiliate marketing.
Last year I had to put my hands on Ewen Chia's book called:
"How I Made My First Million Online And How You Can Too"
I have to admit that I was skeptical at first because I know that a lot of people and so called veteran internet marketers don't always disclose everything that they know about making huge money online due to the fact that they want to keep those secrets as guided as possible to their chest.
So I ordered the book and this is what I think about it.......
It pretty much gives you everything you need to prosper online with your own home based affiliate business. Ewen did a very good job at telling his readers everything that he has done since he got started online.
He tells you how he got started, what challenges he went through. He shares the very first program that he got started with which made him his first full time income online which you can view here.
He talks about how to drive traffic. These techniques do work because I have used and tried many of them and his is very right about that. I can honestly recommend his book right here even though I don't have an affiliate link for you. He talks about the importance of a list. He shows you how to create a blog. He shows you how he makes money from having his very own affiliate program and how to recruit other affiliates to sell this product for you.
If you want to succeed online, especially in the make money online niche, then this book is awesome. By the way, you can find that book on Amazon or Barnes and Nobles website.
What I Learned From Ewen Chia's "How I Made My First Million Dollars Online" Physical Book