No matter which option you choose to get your frontend customer into the door, you will need to build a list of backend customers that you can market to over and over again via email. This is absolutely vital, because this is where 80% of your total business profits will come from. It's not hard - it just requires a small bit of work on your behalf.
You really do have to know your prospects well. You need to know what they think about at night, what they tell their spouse or best friend in public, and even their hobbies. With a detailed analysis like this, it should be clear and obvious about the kind of products and promotions that you should be doing in your business.
Now when you find out all about your niche, you should know that they won't buy from you instantly. You will have to put them into a detailed marketing funnel where they can be led in an organized fashion to get them to buy your product. And if this sounds hard, you should know that it isn't.
All you really need is an autoresponder, and some email messages. Set your autoresponder to email every 4 days to your list... not too late, and not too much... 4 days is just right. The last thing you want to do is email every single day. This is the fastest way to get people to unsubscribe from your list, and to be perceived as a "pest".
Fill your autoresponder up with messages and let it work its magic. A good autoresponder is from a company called Aweber. Once you have your autoresponder all set up, now it's time to get people to subscribe to your list. This is where all the fun begins.
The best way to get alot of leads into your email list is by setting up a squeeze page, and driving all of your visitors there. A squeeze page is a small web page designed to get people to sign up to your list. There is very little text on the page, and there's an "opt-in box" at the bottom of the page. Your goal should be to get as many subscribers as possible into your list.
The more you market your business online, the more leads you will get, and the more sales you will get on a recurring basis. Generating leads is a great business model to follow, and it's something that you should consider doing right away with your website. It works incredibly well - especially if you sell a high priced product.
Take these tips and use them to build the successful online business that you are looking for.
Good luck with marketing your online business today.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, visit here: Internet Marketing Secrets