3 Opt-In Email Marketing Tips That Can Make You More Money

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If you want to make more money in your online business, or have recently started a business and are not seeing much sales, one of the best ways to improve your results is with opt-in email marketing.

Opt-in marketing is a form of email marketing that gives you permission to email a targeted prospect. This is very different from spam since you're not randomly emailing names, and is also different from a conversion rate point of view since opt-in email conversion rates are far greater than spam.

You want to do opt-in email marketing for a few reasons. The first is that it's safe. No one can accuse you of spam since they voluntarily signed up to your newsletter, and if you implement something called "confirmed opt-in email marketing" - then complaints are virtually zero since you have on file that they confirmed their subscription to your email list.

Another reason to do opt-in email is that it can be more profitable than just sending prospects to your website. By frequently following-up on your prospects, you can close more sales because you put your offer in front of them more than one time, thereby increasing their likelihood of buying from you.

You also want to do opt-in email marketing for trust building. If you're in a niche where you sell only a certain type of products are vary price points, then this could be a good strategy for you. You could introduce your prospects to your $20 product and give them some good tips via your newsletter. Then once they buy that product, introduce them to your $50 product and give them even better tips via your newsletter. Then once they buy that product, introduce them to your $100 product, and give them some of your best tips via your newsletter.

They'll be more inclined to by your $100 product since they know you and like your information, as opposed to someone who landed on your website and has never heard of you before.

It's not hard to build an email list of alot of highly-qualified prospects. It just takes time, alot of traffic to your website, an effective lead capturing system, and great email marketing content. If you have the patience to do all of these, then you can literally take your business to the next level.

Alot of marketers do these thing in many different ways, so all ways are valid. But I will share with you 3 of my favorite ways to get subscribers and make my list profitable that has been proven to be effective for me. Here they are:

1) Design your homepage to inspire the opt-in

This is fantastic for capturing as many subscribers as possible. You will want to place your opt-in form somewhere near the top and bottom of your homepage, to give your prospect as many chances as possible to subscribe.

On the web form itself, you should know that the more information you ask for, the more qualified your leads will be - but this will dramatically decrease the number of leads that you receive. As a general rule of thumb, simply ask for their first name and email address. This way when you email them, you can personalize the message - and personalization is great for increased conversions.

2) Put your opt-in form on every page of your website

If possible, include an opt-in form on all pages of your site. Some people when they visit need to get a feel of if your information will benefit them, and when they make the decision that it will - you want to be there to offer them more great tips and information. And you can do this via your email newsletter, and via the opt-in form on whatever page of your site that they're on. This way, they don't have to go back to your homepage just to subscribe to your newsletter. They can do it quickly and easily.

3) Email your list every 3-7 days

Depending on what kind of business you're in and what kind of products you sell, the frequency of your emails to your subscribers will differ. However, one thing is certain: do not email your list everyday.

Some marketers do get sales from emailing their list everyday, but it's not an effective way of building the relationship you need with your list. A relationship from your list is all about wanting to hear from you. And if you email them everyday, then all you're really doing is subconsciously annoying them by spamming their inbox everyday - whether your information is good or not.

The best gift you can give your subscribers is the gift of missing you. This will go a long way in boost your email open rates, response, and receptiveness. Keep these 3 tips in mind when building your list and making your email marketing campaigns profitable.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, visit his website here: http://www.internetmarketing-rules.com
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