Scan Your Eyes

by 10 replies
So I'm still trying to figure this out because it seems a little confusing to me.

Altman who is the CEO of OpenAi has founded Worldcoin. It's a cryptocurrency from what I can understand.

You have to get a digital ID which is done by scanning your eyes which will make it possible to tell if you're human or AI. Once you get your digital ID...which by the way can then tell from a picture or video if it's really you? get a cryptocurrency token.

The goal is to create a global financial and identity network based on proof of personhood.

Just in the testing phase, 2 million people have signed up and it's now worth 3 billion.

Now that it's opened up, people around the world are waiting in 19-hour lines to get their eyes scanned.

Has anyone else heard of this?

Here's their website:
#artificial intelligence #eyes #scan
  • No, I have not heard of this but you seem to be
    the bringer of A.I. latest happenings.

    I am not keen on worldwide networks since I
    bought into the HeliumHotspot/InternetOfThings
    rage and now the thing has tanked.

    My house is on a hill and I had one unit pointed
    in one direction of town, and the other one facing
    the other direction, and I was making all sorts of
    connections (and passive money).

    I thought it was fantastic until that crypto began
    to lose its value and now they switched over to
    another crypto.

    Anyway, I am not standing in any line to get
    my eyeballs scanned, but if you do it let me
    know how it goes.
    • [ 3 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Thanks for your comment.

      I actually don't follow AI that much.

      I'm more of the old-school idea that I don't want to be the smartest person in the room about most subjects...but I'm smart enough to surround myself with those that are...

      and in this case, 'surrounding myself with those that are' is via daily briefings in the form of emails.

      I'm subscribed to 5 or 6 daily email briefings on everything from restaurant news, convenience store news, real estate, etc. One of the emails is the latest on AI from some smart people that follow it religiously.

      It's like everything I need to know in the form of cliff notes.

      Each one is about a 5 minute read with the latest headlines. Sometimes a headline catches my attention and I'll explore it a little more.

      But anyways, I found out this worldcoin thing isn't available in the U.S. So, I guess I'm going to miss out on this whole whatever thing
  • Fkn hell Max5ty

    so I am srsly bleedin' ...

    mostly outta my ears, but also sum places I cain't feel but can see the hevverduence

    my bad for bein' stoopid

    bcs I tuck yr advice ...

    an' I scanned my eyes, ovah an' ovah

    laid 'em pupils deep on the scannah

    an' waited for the magic to happen

    prolly I go blind now

    mebbe 2029

    I so gotta hope next post ovah on Mind Warriahs ain't

    Incinerate Your Nipples

    bcs I don't wanna

    be doubly whatevah,

    even like ONCE
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Piping into this section for the first time.

    The worldcoin orb the scanning device. Can these geniuses who come up with this stuff stay away from just being creepy.

    I'm pro digital I'd but I'll wait until cbdc gets rolled out to the public ,to go into a government office get these scans I have access to actual digital currency. Not crypto.

    My opinion as a self acknowledged crazy person. Is trying to launch a crypto as a currency and getting into the biometric data collection business in the current environment. Probably will push the hand of regulators around the world. Some countries are already raising concerns.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • According to Reuters yesterday:

      " ambitious project that ultimately seeks to create a unique digital identification for everyone on the planet. The project's goal is to distinguish people from bots online, while doling out a cryptocurrency bonus as an incentive to participate."

      I think the whole 'digital identification for everyone on the planet' is a little ambitious.

      Seems the whole thing is a little nutty, but then again, that's just me.
      • [1] reply
  • Well how the hell to be AI ? this means that the people detected as AI are aliens
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • yes i have heard of it and have been following the project for security reasons. the idea behind is to scan our retina to verify our identity. however, it stores our identity on the blockchain. Which is creating a digital version

    Also, in the future, it will push for a universal standard wage.

    I personally am staying away from it
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Yes, I know about it. The concept involves using retina scans to confirm our identity, but it stores that information on the blockchain, making a digital version of our identity. They're also aiming for a universal standard wage in the future. Personally, I'm choosing to stay away from it too.
  • Crazy..once again it's all about control and power..

    People need to stop this sh*t.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks

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  • 11

    So I'm still trying to figure this out because it seems a little confusing to me. Altman who is the CEO of OpenAi has founded Worldcoin. It's a cryptocurrency from what I can understand.