Marketing an ebook plr should I.......

3 replies
Hey Fellow Warriors,

I recently purchased an e book plr that I have done a makeover on such as changing the title, cover image, reworded the ebook, etc. My marketing plan right now does not include spending money buying ads but instead using Pinterest, Instagram, FB and youtube videos.

My question is should I buy the matching .com domain for the book or just add a folder to an existing domain that I own. or

Any advantage doing either one other than cost of the domain? Any additional advice?


#ebook #marketing #plr
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Depends on your intentions. If you want the book to build your existing reputation or credibilty - and the topic is compatible with your current business/website - go for the second option. But it you want to promote the book itself as a stand-alone project, get the .com.

    Either way, it can't hurt to grab the .com just in case.

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by chuckievee View Post

    My question is should I buy the matching .com domain for the book or just add a folder to an existing domain that I own.


    If I were doing this, I would get the book it's own domain ... but it doesn't necessarily have to be the exact match domain.

    Putting the book and sales copy on a domain you already own would be OK if your existing clients, prospects, and/or subscribers for that domain are already targeted prospects for your book. But if the existing subscribers to your site aren't going to be potential buyers or your new book, then give it a new domain.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author chuckievee
    Frank and Steve thank you for your insight. I was leaning toward the .com but just thought I would get some advice from warriors who have more experience than I do.
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