Good niche for start new forum site

Profile picture of nik2016
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20 replies
I hoping to start a new forum. could you guys help me by suggesting some good niche for it?
and also need suggestion about theme or script for this (a free one). And if some expert professional, please give me guide for do this in a proper way. I hope to make money with this by using Adsense and ad selling. please help & guide me

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#forum #good #niche #site #start
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  • Profile picture of the author ~kev~
    Profile picture of ~kev~
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    A niche you have a passion for.

    If you are not emotionally invested in the project, you will lose interest.
  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Profile picture of GordonJ
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    Originally Posted by nik2016 View Post

    I hoping to start a new forum. could you guys help me by suggesting some good niche for it?
    and also need suggestion about theme or script for this (a free one). And if some expert professional, please give me guide for do this in a proper way. I hope to make money with this by using Adsense and ad selling. please help & guide me

    ** if this is in wrong section please move this to correct one
    Allow me to guide you, AWAY from this idea.

    Why? Because you haven't put much thought into it, nor do you have the money to make it happen quickly, so you are pushing a big boulder up a big hill. Do you have 2 to 3 years to get to the income you seek?

    You have an idea, not a good one, about starting a forum and without having any idea of who the forum would be for. STRIKE ONE,

    You want to do it for FREE. STRIKE TWO.

    You HOPE to make money from this. Why? Who in the world gave you the idea you can make money from this and you appear to have no Adsense experience. STRIKE THREE, YOU'RE OUT.

    PLEASE, take some time to rethink this idea. A forum takes a lot of time, and you have to have decent numbers before you make any Adsense, it is the wrong thing for you at this time.

    Spend a couple of days here looking over all of the other ways there are to make some money and surely you will find there are faster, easier ways to go about it.

    Consider joining the War Room or invest in a few inexpensive WSO's to get your eyes wide open, OK?

    • Profile picture of the author nik2016
      Profile picture of nik2016
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      Hi gorden,
      Thanks for your reply with explaining much of things.yes you are right i haven't any experience in web and adsense field.i'm a freelance but not in this path.i'm graphic designer. but interest to start some other way to make money for me.I had some experience in WordPress too. i didn't expect income on initial steps. no much experience and knowledge this area that's why i have start this thread.i know i have ask foolish thing . i have think some niche areas which i had some knowledge. but i'm not sure they were good or easy to go. I'm interested in graphic designing, weight losing and body fitness. But think these are really difficult to able to invest some kind of money for my original post i ask free script or theme because i want to test it before start real one.
      I'm really sorry if i ask and place foolish thread. i have really appreciated your reply for this.

      Thank you
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    Mark Singletary
    Profile picture of Mark Singletary
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    One no $$ outlay way to test your idea is to start an FB group. Do some marketing to see if you can get anyone to respond.

    If anyone responds, you will then have to see if anyone posts. In the case of this forum, there are a little over a million users but only about 8 million posts. That means over the course of 16 years or so when they switched forum software, each user only posted 8 times if you look at the numbers. In reality, though, most people never post.

    Without users and posts, you don't have a forum. Trying the FB way may not be the best in some respects, but it may be a good gauge as to what to expect in the future. If you get any momentum, you can consider moving to forum software on your own website.

    Just a thought.
  • Profile picture of the author YourGoToWriter
    Profile picture of YourGoToWriter
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    I think you should think of a niche where you are passionate with or very knowledgeable with. Don't choose a niche because it is popular right now. Because in the long run, you might get tired of it. I suggest for you to choose something you are really interested in and move forward from that.

    • Profile picture of the author nik2016
      Profile picture of nik2016
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      Hi Loren,
      Yes you are 100% correct. personally i mostly interesting in graphic designing ,Fitness niche.But they are in high competitive niche.So finding the good niche is really difficult.

      • Profile picture of the author YourGoToWriter
        Profile picture of YourGoToWriter
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        Originally Posted by nik2016 View Post

        Hi Loren,
        Yes you are 100% correct. personally i mostly interesting in graphic designing ,Fitness niche.But they are in high competitive niche.So finding the good niche is really difficult.


        Yes, Nick. I agree with all the content marketers right now, it is pretty much difficult to find a niche that you can be successful with. I advise that you study on what to choose a little bit more and plan out your strategy too. Good luck!

        • Profile picture of the author nik2016
          Profile picture of nik2016
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          Originally Posted by YourGoToWriter View Post

          Yes, Nick. I agree with all the content marketers right now, it is pretty much difficult to find a niche that you can be successful with. I advise that you study on what to choose a little bit more and plan out your strategy too. Good luck!

          Thanks loren
  • Profile picture of the author gainerp
    Profile picture of gainerp
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    It depends upon your personal interest.
  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Profile picture of brettb
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    Forums are a real hassle. They're hard to start as people rarely post (unless they're spammers). Also you get gigantic problems with bots that are hard to stop unless you have a little programming knowledge. If you get successful then trolls are a nightmare. Finally there's more competition from other communities (Facebook, reddit, etc. etc.).

    Still want to start a forum?
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    • Profile picture of the author nik2016
      Profile picture of nik2016
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      Originally Posted by brettb View Post

      Forums are a real hassle. They're hard to start as people rarely post (unless they're spammers). Also you get gigantic problems with bots that are hard to stop unless you have a little programming knowledge. If you get successful then trolls are a nightmare. Finally there's more competition from other communities (Facebook, reddit, etc. etc.).

      Still want to start a forum?
      yes i want.still researching for good niche area. i know it is real difficult to handle and maintenance. But looking for success with the forum
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Profile picture of ChrisBa
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    I've tried this path a few times. I mean who wouldn't love the idea to provide a platform and get others to contribute the content (forum) and then bank off of them. It's much harder than you would think. I would say expect a few years before you see profit.

    Also a good rule of thumb is to never expect to make money for free.
  • Profile picture of the author Kent Hopkins
    Kent Hopkins
    Profile picture of Kent Hopkins
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    Let your passion guide you. Like someone said above. If you are not passionate and if you do not absolutely love it enough to live it daily, you will lose interest.

    A forum is a great idea, however it will likely take years and years for it to pan out and monetize the way you may be wanting. People have done it, and I have no doubt in my mind that you could make it happen, but heck, you suggested above that you are not willing to or can not afford to even pay for commercial blog platform. You really need to have a bit of money to invest. What will you do for hosting? I hope you aren't planning on a free hosting plan?

    Yeah, think this stuff through, don't rush yourself, just make sure when you are ready to make a move and get started for real, that it is is something you love. Best of luck to you.

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    • Profile picture of the author nik2016
      Profile picture of nik2016
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      Originally Posted by Kent Hopkins View Post

      Let your passion guide you. Like someone said above. If you are not passionate and if you do not absolutely love it enough to live it daily, you will lose interest.

      A forum is a great idea, however it will likely take years and years for it to pan out and monetize the way you may be wanting. People have done it, and I have no doubt in my mind that you could make it happen, but heck, you suggested above that you are not willing to or can not afford to even pay for commercial blog platform. You really need to have a bit of money to invest. What will you do for hosting? I hope you aren't planning on a free hosting plan?

      Yeah, think this stuff through, don't rush yourself, just make sure when you are ready to make a move and get started for real, that it is is something you love. Best of luck to you.

      Hi Kent,
      Thanks for reply. Yes this is not a easy work and not get success within month or two. target is achieve some progress after 1 year time. i'm not hoping to host this on free plans. hope to start this on VPS hosting. not a big plan at the beginning. still struggling to find some good niche area for you have any suggestion for niche ?
  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Profile picture of ryanbiddulph
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    Hi Nik,

    I second Kev; follow only a niche you feel passionate about. This creates the drive and fire needed to succeed with your forum site.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
  • Profile picture of the author affmarketer101
    Profile picture of affmarketer101
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    Start with the one you are really good at. But first, let ask yourself.
    - what's the purpose of the new forum you want to build?
    - did you test it? By creating a simple facebook group, for example?
    - Is there any big competitors?
    - Can I bring more values to people?
  • Profile picture of the author radu
    Profile picture of radu
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    If you are sure that this is what you want to do then you need to make a plan..
    If you don't have a big budget then IMO this is the way to go..Start building a blog and building some communities on Youtube and facebook (you can start a group on Facebook) in your niche, provide content and value, get a lot of followers and then migrate them slowly from there to your forum..If the people see you like a great value provider (specialist in your niche) then they will follow your ideas further.. The most difficult thing of buiding a forum is the first year or two till you start to see some engagement and then it starts growing by itself..
  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    Profile picture of tryinhere
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    maybe not exactly what your looking for but it may help.
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    Profile picture of IGotMine
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    The days of forums being engaged, active communities is long past. All the forums I visit (including this one) are like ghost towns. They are lucky I have a lot of time on my hands to wander among the tumbleweeds looking for something worth replying to.
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