I am an Amazon Seller and want to build external traffic to my listing page

2 replies
I am an Amazon seller. We have the Best seller badge in few categories but now the competition is growing.

We recently had a new competitor and somehow he has been selling through the roof. He has 1/3 the number of reviews and so I started looking at external traffic. It seems like he has 40+ backlinks to his product page on Amazon.

My question is :

1) How do I go about asking these websites to link to our product page? Is this within Amazon policies?
2) Are there any services out there that would help us to build this out? Sorry for the ignorance but really what exactly am I looking for? "Amazon SEO"??

Any suggestions would be helpful..

#amazon #build #external #listing #page #seller #traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author Fred Kimberly
    I understand that you are looking to promote your product off the Amazon and there are number of ways to do so. You can partner with bloggers who review the products within your niche and have your banner or text link on relevant blogs.

    Getting the back links to your product pages is not outside of the policies.

    You can also set up your own Amazon niche website and list your products on that.

    You can organize giveaways on Facebook

    Distribute coupon on the coupon websites such as Retail-Me-Not, Retail Cabin, Current Codes, etc.

    Tie up with Youtube reviews and get your products reviewed to boost traffic.

    If you can do it all then you can find freelance experts on Upwork and Fiverrr.
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  • Profile picture of the author YourGoToWriter
    There are actually a lot of methods for getting external traffic to your listing page and I think social media is the best outlet for you to promote. You can post your products on the social media sites with a link redirecting to your listing. You can make a video or let influencers use your products to promote your listings. These are only some of the ways to get traffic. There are more options that you can find on the web.

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