How Much Are You Willing To Share?

4 replies
How much information is too much information to share when it comes to working with companies. If you are running traffic for an affiliate network or for a client and a new client wants financial information on your company is that asking to much. Would they be considered suspicious?
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  • Profile picture of the author crackhouse
    Yes, no way i would share financial information. You are not a publically listed company and you have no reason to share this information.

    If they ask, i would like and pretend you make loads of money. But noway would i give them bank statements, or financial accounts to validate anything.

    They obviously don't trust you enough to work with you so i would quesiton if they're worth doing business with.
    I sell backlinks on some of the most lucrative editorial websites in the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author THEroyseo
    I wouldn't give them this information.

    Doing business with a company that doesn't trust you is a nightmare.

    If they need this to believe you can help them, they have a problem. You get to decide if you want to be their "yes man" or if you want to establish a "give and take" relationship.

    Nicolas Roy
    Warrior For Hire

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Originally Posted by The New Ronnie Greenaway View Post

    How much information is too much information to share when it comes to working with companies. If you are running traffic for an affiliate network or for a client and a new client wants financial information on your company is that asking to much. Would they be considered suspicious?
    How do you know it's not competition snooping around?
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  • Profile picture of the author YourGoToWriter
    Financial information can only be divulged if you are a publicly-listed company. Other than that is suspicious. Keep it to yourself, your affiliate has no business in that territory.
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