Hii i am new to this forum can anyone answer my few questions regarding this forum

by 4 replies
I am new to this forum .....

I posted 2 threads but, I cant see my own threads and they are not even seen in the section I had posted ..but when I past the URL of the thread I can be seen but with a whitish layer on it

can anyone tell me about this

thanks in advance sir u all are elder than me i think. i am only 20
#beginners area #answer #forum #hii #questions
  • All new threads are pre-approved. Until they are approved, they have that dimmed out color.

    This thread was obviously approved.

    If a thread is not approved you should receive a PM or email stating the reason. The most common reasons for thread deletion include:
    • Articles copied and pasted from elsewhere
    • Spam, advertising, link drops
    • Nonsense or unclear topics
    • Threads that ask questions that are answered here every day and where answers could be found by looking at recent threads
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Thanks, sir..... I will take care of it ..... I thought that it can help ...but I don't know about the rules...
      • [1] reply

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