Advise me with this please

8 replies
Hi all...
I'm planning to start a new job to myself other than work FOR people like in companies and this job is TRADE.

I will start buying some products with less price and sell them to get prophets even if it is not too much, and i believe that getting something new to the market is one of the best way to sell the item .

I live in Jordan, And I wish from anyone read this to advise me regarding to his/her country what product would fit with what i'm planning for.

Excuse mt English if it is not that clear .

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeevansh Singh
    Hi!! I want to ask you a question. Why do you want to buy and sell products when you can do it for all free. You should rather go with affiliate marketing where you promote other people's products abd get some amazing commissions. I can also help you out with some of the training with that
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11397877].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author princeowems
      Originally Posted by Jeevansh Singh View Post

      Hi!! I want to ask you a question. Why do you want to buy and sell products when you can do it for all free. You should rather go with affiliate marketing where you promote other people's products abd get some amazing commissions. I can also help you out with some of the training with that
      Can you put me through my affiliate marketing mate
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11397984].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author madwan096
      Hi Jeevansh Singh
      1st of all thanks for replaying , 2nd of all i would like to know more about what you suggested.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Williamson
    Hi madwan,

    If you want to go with physical products, start by researching and tracking sales volumes on Amazon for whichever country interests you. It'll give you some ideas to work with.

    Consider digital products as a good option as it will reduce your costs and you can sell world-wide.
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    • Profile picture of the author madwan096
      Hello Kevin Williamson,

      Thanks for replaying me and i will try to do what you said.
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  • Profile picture of the author smiledeveloper
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11397981].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author madwan096
      Hi smiledeveloper, and thanks for replaying me

      I will go throw that you said and try to understand it 1st .
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  • Profile picture of the author Sid Owsley
    Hi Madwan096, congratulations on joining the Warrior Forum. You've come to the right place to learn about online marketing. So far you have received some good advice about how to approach your goals.
    Take your time and do the research necessary to figure out where you want to start.
    Business models like affiliate marketing, e-commerce, crypto, forex, are all good models to look at for an online business. If selling physical products is what you really want to do then e-commerce sounds like it might be what you're looking for.
    Just continue to ask questions and do research and you will figure it out.

    Good luck!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11399012].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by madwan096 View Post

    Hi all...
    I'm planning to start a new job to myself other than work FOR people like in companies and this job is TRADE.

    I will start buying some products with less price and sell them to get prophets even if it is not too much, and i believe that getting something new to the market is one of the best way to sell the item .

    I live in Jordan, And I wish from anyone read this to advise me regarding to his/her country what product would fit with what i'm planning for.

    Excuse mt English if it is not that clear .

    So, it sounds like you want to do arbitrage? (buy low and sell high?)

    Where do you plan on buying the product from and where are you planning on selling?

    Honestly, I would look at affiliate marketing. You could be the middleman without having to worry about buying the product, just promote it and get paid for your conversions. Much easier and less risk IMO.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11399146].message }}
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