Advice for someone who knows nothing

17 replies
Hi I'm brand new to this forum and I'm interested in online marketing. There's not much I know about the field and don't have a clue where to start. What should I do to get things going well. Should I read some books or take tutorials if so which ones are good. Probably won't be able to take any paid courses right now but will eventually. And then which ones of those? I'm open minded and am interested to see what you say
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  • Profile picture of the author Sid Owsley
    Hi Gixzard,

    Welcome to the Warrior Forum and congratulations for deciding to start an online business. You've made the right move by coming to this form and asking questions before getting started.
    Do research on what you're interested in and ask a lot of questions.. If you have no idea what you're interested just pick something and start your journey down the rabbit hole. You may start out in one direction then decide you like something else. The truth is you're going to need to have some knowledge of several different skills. You can become an expert at email marketing which means you'll also need to have some knowledge of copywriting even if you hire someone to write copy for you it's good to have an idea of what good copy is. If you start an e-com store knowing copywriting or some SEO and you'll need to know about email marketing too.
    Again, you don't have to be an expert at all of these things but it is good to have a little knowledge about them even if you hire some else to do it.
    Go on YouTube for research, read a couple of books on what might interest you, and ask questions. You don't have be in a hurry, the internet will still be here when you decide what to do. On the other hand don't get caught up in fear or paralysis of analysis. At some point in time you will have to take the plunge into something that interest you. You can find some free courses to take or courses with free trials at a low cost of entry to help you get started.

    Hope this helps.

    Enjoy your outcome!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Originally Posted by Gixzard View Post

    Hi I'm brand new to this forum and I'm interested in online marketing. There's not much I know about the field and don't have a clue where to start. What should I do to get things going well. Should I read some books or take tutorials if so which ones are good. Probably won't be able to take any paid courses right now but will eventually. And then which ones of those? I'm open minded and am interested to see what you say
    Where to start? You need to find out what kind of business you want to create. There are many and they're all described on this forum. Things are not laid out on a silver platter, though; you have to learn to use the Search function.

    There are two elements to any business, online or not: Traffic and Conversion.

    You need eyeballs on an offer.

    Beware Shiny Object Syndrome, the state in which you believe the marketing hype telling you that you "need" whatever this thing is being shown to you. You do not even need a website to make money online. Let that roll around for a bit.

    Look around and start thinking about, "Who can I help? Who do I * want * to help?" Then dig in with the searching for specifics.

    The more specific a question you can ask, the better the response you will get.
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  • Hi Gixzard,
    I started my online journey of discovery about a year and a half ago. Believe me, it can get very frustrating and confusing at times trying to figure all the pieces of the puzzle. This is where the majority of the people just give up. For the persistent ones, they will eventually start buying courses and different pieces of information to make things happen, to live the dream of making money online and the lifestyle that goes with it.
    Gixzard, i tried the same route i.e finding "free" information and resources but the bottom line is this:
    If you don't spend money i.e invest in yourself, you will not make money.
    Okay, where can you start?
    Start looking at Affiliate Marketing.
    Learn about sales funnels, autoresponders, landing pages, sales pages, copywriting, list building(crucial to an online marketers success), face book advertising and other areas of advertising.
    This would be a good start, good luck with your journey.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pablo Visconti
    Originally Posted by Gixzard View Post

    Hi I'm brand new to this forum and I'm interested in online marketing. There's not much I know about the field and don't have a clue where to start. What should I do to get things going well. Should I read some books or take tutorials if so which ones are good. Probably won't be able to take any paid courses right now but will eventually. And then which ones of those? I'm open minded and am interested to see what you say
    Hi Gixzard! First off, congrats that you're brave enough to give it a go.

    Second, i'd say ALWAYS be learning. All day, everyday.

    There are a TONNE of free stuff, courses for 2-13 dollars on clickbank and jvzoo, that offer bonus courses. I'd say paid courses you should get into, once you're 100% certain what you want to do.

    There is a whole lot you can do, CPA offers, clickbank offers, being a jvzoo/warrior plus affiliate, promote clickfunnels, builderall, amazon products... whatever you want.

    As for traffic, there is blogs, twitter, instagram, fb groups and fan pages.

    If i were you, i'd stick to one thing that you like the most. I can recommend a free course that my mentor allowed me to give away, which i can send you through pm if you wish.

    There is also an multilevel marketing system that i'm a part of that is free and has great videos on how to start marketing online, link in my signature.

    If you need anything, reach out to any of us. We're here to help out.

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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by Gixzard View Post

    Hi I'm brand new to this forum and I'm interested in online marketing. There's not much I know about the field and don't have a clue where to start. What should I do to get things going well. Should I read some books or take tutorials if so which ones are good. Probably won't be able to take any paid courses right now but will eventually. And then which ones of those? I'm open minded and am interested to see what you say
    You may be brand new to the forum, and new to online marketing...but START with what you do know. For example, do you eat?

    Obvious a yes. Where do you buy your food? A) Food for your residence, B) Food already prepared. You can prepare your own food, or buy it ready to eat, in a restaurant or fast food joint. Either way, you have to spend money (or exchange value) to get food to eat.

    An exchange of value might look like this in the real world. Local apple orchard will trade me bushels of apples for mowing beneath the trees. Car mechanic might take the apples in exchange for an oil change. See? You know this already:

    You either PAY for what you want, or you TRADE (or barter) for what you want.

    You NEED food. You may WANT apple pie. Often, with only a couple of bux in pocket, you may opt for the apple pie, thinking it is food, and you're hungry, so why not?

    Just like online, people buy both what they want, and what they need.

    So you know how buying and selling works. You know Amazon is one of the richest companies ever built because they stand in between BUYERS and SELLERS. You can see this clearly, your supermarket is between you and the orchard. Most offline businesses are actually middleman businesses, except service providers, like our auto mechanic friend.

    He has to DO SOMETHING, like a writer, or a graphic artist or a programmer online has to DO something in order to get paid.

    Now think about how they all make their money. The orchard owner has to tend to his trees, and he could sell apples directly to customers, or WHOLESALE to the supermarket, and may do both.

    The auto mechanic only gets paid for what he can do, UNLESS, he hires help and takes a cut of his helper's work, like they do in barber shops, beauty salons and nail places where they basically lease this would be like AFFILIATE marketing, you would sell someone else stuff. You would be like the guy who buys apples directly from the orchard, then sells them on the corner to individuals.

    The supermarket (Amazon) gives shelf space to tons of suppliers and mostly charges them for the space. It is convenient to buy all your groceries in one place. But if you are health conscious, you might prefer Whole Foods over Aldi's. So the buyers all need food, but some want a perceived quality and others a preferred price.

    See, you KNOW all this stuff. You live in the real world, right.

    ONLINE, you have similar dynamics. People with wants and needs. They shop. Some for price, some for perceived quality. Some want quantity. Some want it now. Some will wait.

    MARKETING online or off is all about an EXCHANGE OF VALUE, mostly using money as the vehicle of exchange.

    You want to make money online? You know nothing about it? Right? Well now you know that you need to have something to exchange.

    It could be your time and expertise, as with the auto mechanic.
    It could be your apples, or knowledge as to how to grow them.
    It could be your "middleman" position in the marketplace, between buyer and seller (affiliate marketing).

    So, knowing NOW what you know already,

    Which way might suit you the best? What do you bring to the table as far as knowledge? Skills? Experience?

    YOU start there, with YOU. And you generate a self knowledge worksheet, about your habits, your work ethic, your wants and needs. If it is a financial goal, then how much? WHO in online marketing is making that much (make using Google a top priority, spend a day, learning how to do deep searches)...then you make a list to compare what you want...
    what you can do, what you are willing to learn, how much time you are willing to spend to learn it.

    So, you already KNOW a lot more than you think you do. You understand how to buy stuff. And in some shape or form, you will need stuff to sell.

    What will that be? To whom? Where will you find them online?

    START where you are at, with what you already know, research, look at maps to see where you want to go, then choose a route which best suits you, make a plan, execute your plan and adjust your actions and solve your problems in the direction of your goals.

    Now GO.

    and good luck (which really has nothing to do with it, but good luck anyhow)

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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

      You may be brand new to the forum, and new to online marketing...but START with what you do know. For example, do you eat?

      Obvious a yes. Where do you buy your food? A) Food for your residence, B) Food already prepared. You can prepare your own food, or buy it ready to eat, in a restaurant or fast food joint. Either way, you have to spend money (or exchange value) to get food to eat.

      An exchange of value might look like this in the real world. Local apple orchard will trade me bushels of apples for mowing beneath the trees. Car mechanic might take the apples in exchange for an oil change. See? You know this already:

      You either PAY for what you want, or you TRADE (or barter) for what you want.

      You NEED food. You may WANT apple pie. Often, with only a couple of bux in pocket, you may opt for the apple pie, thinking it is food, and you're hungry, so why not?

      Just like online, people buy both what they want, and what they need.

      So you know how buying and selling works. You know Amazon is one of the richest companies ever built because they stand in between BUYERS and SELLERS. You can see this clearly, your supermarket is between you and the orchard. Most offline businesses are actually middleman businesses, except service providers, like our auto mechanic friend.

      He has to DO SOMETHING, like a writer, or a graphic artist or a programmer online has to DO something in order to get paid.

      Now think about how they all make their money. The orchard owner has to tend to his trees, and he could sell apples directly to customers, or WHOLESALE to the supermarket, and may do both.

      The auto mechanic only gets paid for what he can do, UNLESS, he hires help and takes a cut of his helper's work, like they do in barber shops, beauty salons and nail places where they basically lease this would be like AFFILIATE marketing, you would sell someone else stuff. You would be like the guy who buys apples directly from the orchard, then sells them on the corner to individuals.

      The supermarket (Amazon) gives shelf space to tons of suppliers and mostly charges them for the space. It is convenient to buy all your groceries in one place. But if you are health conscious, you might prefer Whole Foods over Aldi's. So the buyers all need food, but some want a perceived quality and others a preferred price.

      See, you KNOW all this stuff. You live in the real world, right.

      ONLINE, you have similar dynamics. People with wants and needs. They shop. Some for price, some for perceived quality. Some want quantity. Some want it now. Some will wait.

      MARKETING online or off is all about an EXCHANGE OF VALUE, mostly using money as the vehicle of exchange.

      You want to make money online? You know nothing about it? Right? Well now you know that you need to have something to exchange.

      It could be your time and expertise, as with the auto mechanic.
      It could be your apples, or knowledge as to how to grow them.
      It could be your "middleman" position in the marketplace, between buyer and seller (affiliate marketing).

      So, knowing NOW what you know already,

      Which way might suit you the best? What do you bring to the table as far as knowledge? Skills? Experience?

      YOU start there, with YOU. And you generate a self knowledge worksheet, about your habits, your work ethic, your wants and needs. If it is a financial goal, then how much? WHO in online marketing is making that much (make using Google a top priority, spend a day, learning how to do deep searches)...then you make a list to compare what you want...
      what you can do, what you are willing to learn, how much time you are willing to spend to learn it.

      So, you already KNOW a lot more than you think you do. You understand how to buy stuff. And in some shape or form, you will need stuff to sell.

      What will that be? To whom? Where will you find them online?

      START where you are at, with what you already know, research, look at maps to see where you want to go, then choose a route which best suits you, make a plan, execute your plan and adjust your actions and solve your problems in the direction of your goals.

      Now GO.

      and good luck (which really has nothing to do with it, but good luck anyhow)

      Grab a blank piece of paper. In the middle draw a circle and put a stick figure inside and write ME in it. What do you know about you? Write down birthdate, if known, parents, where you grew up, where you went to early school.

      Then around the circle, like a clock, at 12 on the clock, write down what you KNOW, YOUR knowledge, favorite classes in school, extracurricular activities, hobbies, interests what holds your attention, these are things you know, or like to do.

      At the 6 o'clock position write down your ACTIVITES, these are things you DO, they may be some of the same things as what you know, like gaming, World of Warcraft or something like that. But where do you spend your time, what do you DO?

      Then at 3, write out PEOPLE. Who do you know, family, friends and other. How do you know them, example Mr. Wolf, teacher/coach at school. Make diagrams which connect these people, who knows who, how big is your circle of knowing people?

      Finally at 9 you put down your wants. What do you want? Put in a dollar amount, a place to live, places to visit. This is your dream time, your future.

      To get to your future, you have 3 KEYS, like in a game, you have picked up some gold you can use later on your quest. The 3 gold coins are, your KNOWLEDGE, the PEOPLE you know, and your EXPERIENCES.

      Now you have a good VISUAL of where you are today, and where you want to go.

      This tool helps you to see your assets, and your weaknesses too. If you have a huge financial goal, and yet have no skills, then you find out which ones you need and how much time is going to be needed to pick these things up.

      Again, like a video game with levels, you pick up knowledge and tokens of experience you can trade in IN YOUR FUTURE.

      So, now you have a visual tool which shows where you are at, and where you want to go and combined with your knowledge of how the supermarket, auto mechanic works, you have saved yourself a lot of time chasing after shiny objects and going down false rabbit holes.

      In other words, your future is NOW based around YOU, and not around some advice on a public forum. But you decide what to use, it is, after all your quest.

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      • Profile picture of the author MonkeyBoy Simian
        Just had to say thanks Gordon - for that inspiring contribution you made to this thread. I'm another newbie who's seriously considering this as my new world.

        When you say you stated a new forum - what do you mean? A forum like this - the people post questions? Sorry, I'm quite clueless and am only just beginning.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    @GordonJ.. I just have to say WOW Good stuff!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
    Welcome to online marketing.

    I've been at this full time for almost 10 years now. If I was starting over from scratch, this is what I would do.

    1. Pick a Niche - Not a product

    Pick a niche with MONEY who have a problem that needs to be solved. It would help if you were passionate about this niche, but it's not a requirement.

    2. Start Building Your List

    Set up your capture page and autoresponder quickly. I use Aweber, but you can use whoever you want.

    3. Communicate with Your List Daily

    Communicate daily with your email list, Monday through Friday. Provide value. Educate and entertain them, rather than try to sell them. This will help build up your like, know and trust factor with them.

    4. Find 2-4 Products That Will Help Them

    Find or create 2-4 products or services that will benefit people in your niche and focus on promoting those products or services exclusively.

    5. Study, Implement and Master Traffic Generation

    The # 1 skill in my opinion of online marketers is their ability to generate targeted traffic. This is the skill you want to constantly improve.

    Final Thoughts

    There is no need to buy any courses. YouTube has a wealth of knowledge. Start there. Also, make a MINIMUM five year commitment before you decide this is or isn't for you. Stay focused and avoid shiny objects at all costs.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gixzard
    All of this is really helpful I've already read all of the comments and will reread multiple times, to make sure I get the most use out of it. I'm actually surprised at how nice and helpful you all are- most forums out there for anything aren't. So thank you. You guys obviously have a lot of experience and I'll work hard to match what I see out there

    Like I said really good information- now time to read again and implement
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    I'd also add you should pick a niche in an area you're passionate about and can generate a lot of new content. It's also essential to avoid popular areas (e.g. weight loss).

    I spent a month writing a TEFL blog in January... it didn't even rank.

    I started a forum in February in a low competition niche... traffic is building solidly, and I'm getting a tonne of Google traffic. Guess what? It's also in a shopping niche.
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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  • Profile picture of the author Brianna Trader
    1. READ!

    Launch by Jeff Walker
    DotComSecrets by Russel Brunson
    4-hour Work Week by Tim Ferris.

    2. Understand that Alliliate/online marketing really requires some specific skills like the art of selling and understanding what people need and holding the solution to their problem aka solving a pain point. Understand what people need and you'll be good to go!

    3. FIND A MENTOR that you can trust and get advice from. Someone you feel comfortable with.

    4. There are a TON of free online courses. Go on youtube and research your niche and LOOK FOR BEGINNERS LIKE YOU. They usually offer a TON of value for free and a lot of them offer free courses. This is because they understand that growing their audience requires them to position themselves as an authority and giving away their BEST content.

    Good Luck!
    Looking for help with your online business?
    Private message me so I can coach you for free!
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  • There are many free resources online that you can start reading or watching. Just focus on what you are passionate about first and don't get overwhelmed
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Bridgen
    Take your time and welcome to the warrior forum. My advise is read more and spend less at the moment. Understand what you are going into. Do a lot of research on what you decide to do. Go to google and youtube. Then go down the path that is best for you. The reason I say spend less and do more research is because I was in the same boat as you and started to spend but had no path to follow so lost a lot of money making purchasing things I did not need. So when you are ready find out what you want to do then go down that path. It is going to be a long road but in the end you will make it. You have a hard learning curve One bit of advise read more spend less Glad to have you aboard.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Gixzard View Post

    Hi I'm brand new to this forum and I'm interested in online marketing. There's not much I know about the field and don't have a clue where to start. What should I do to get things going well. Should I read some books or take tutorials if so which ones are good. Probably won't be able to take any paid courses right now but will eventually. And then which ones of those? I'm open minded and am interested to see what you say
    I would start by figuring out what you want to do. There are many ways to make money - affiliate marketing, drop shipping, etc.

    Figure that out first, then research more on that.
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  • Profile picture of the author redone111
    Focus in one thing and not jump from thing to other like if you wanna dropship so just learn about it until know well about and dont expect the big succes from begining or you will get down and hard and take action

    I dont advice you take paid courses from begining because even some paid courses sell big dream without proof
    You can learn basic first with free videos and ebooks

    Wish you best luck
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  • I would research different ways to make money online. There are 100's, and within those there are many. Pick one (i.e. freelancing, affiliate marketing, social media marketing) and than start asking people and doing research just on that strategy.
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