Is Google Update Their any Terms?

3 replies
I am a Blogger and share my knowledge with others. All of my Blog posts are written by me and my blog is 8 months ago. I post and create a lot of backlink for my Blog.

All the time my Blog perform is good. But Last 3 days, I see my Organic traffic is decreasing day by day in Google Search Console.

What did I do behind this?

1. I add one new post. But Google is not indexing my post. So I am Blogspot another sitemap.

2. Also, Fetch on Google Search Console that new post.

3. I have a Bad Habit. Which is When I get my time, Then I make 20 backlinks or a lot and sometimes I don't do this. Last Month, I have not created any Backlink for my Blog.

Solution Please:

Any Seo expert can help me freely. What's my problem with the above SEO jobs? I will be thankful for your kindness.
#google #terms #update
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  • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
    Google just had an update.

    I'm waiting for a friend to tell me what they changed. He analyzes the updates.

    However, here is the latest MOZ update:
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Shah, how are you building backlinks buddy?

    Doing so organically - by getting featured on blogs and landing guest posts organically - is the way to go. To look good in Google's eyes, and to see search engine rank improvements with each Google update.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by shahadat info View Post

    Any Seo expert can help me freely. What's my problem with the above SEO jobs? I will be thankful for your kindness.
    Right now I would suggest do nothing... These updates have a tendency to do some drastic changes up front and then after a few days kinda settle into place.. if by the end of the week, you still see the loss in traffic than you need to start searching to see what the update impacted specifically and see what you can do to make changes.

    Again, yes therer is an update... Its an actual CORE update.. so wait it out and see where things are by the end of the week

    Best of luck!
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