Do seo packages work?

3 replies
starting my seo agency journey and want to basically outsource most my actual work. My job is to be the business development guy .

Does anyone think it is acceptable to do that? I know some seo but also have a day job so this would be extra money to pay off a lexus.
#packages #seo #work
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  • Profile picture of the author synergytop
    Originally Posted by ANTHONY2006440 View Post

    starting my seo agency journey and want to basically outsource most my actual work. My job is to be the business development guy .

    Does anyone think it is acceptable to do that? I know some seo but also have a day job so this would be extra money to pay off a lexus.
    Yes it works if you follow to good SEO agency.
    We can provide you monthly SEO service in $200 for 10 keywords and can assure 1st page ranking in 6 months.
    The need from the client end is Website information, infographics, videos and content.

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  • Profile picture of the author ctrlaltdelete
    There's a lot of folks out there who do that, actually. I know of one who runs a company with web development and SEO services. They outsource the latter to Filipinos since they figured it saved them more money to do that than to hire their own inhouse staff.

    So yes, you can do it. Choose who you outsource to wisely. Don't sacrifice quality just so you can save extra.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eric Lovelace
    Hey There,

    It is an extremely viable business, and used to this day as one of the oldest businesses of its kind

    Buy Low Sell High (A.K.A Arbitrage)

    I would say check your sources extremely well, and vet them.

    Personally, I like working with outsourcers who are solo and not part of an agency.

    I have had some interesting stories of getting sites done by the outsourcer.Come to find out when I need an update, he is not the one who did the work, and the guy who did do it was out. Costly mistake for both him and me.

    So, the best advice I could give is vet your outsourcers well. Give them a test project, and make it as if it was for a client. Have specific requirements, a deadline, etc. See how they work, and go from there.
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