Freelancers Really Need To Stop Working For Pennies.
For more than 6 months now, I have been offering a few services on Fiverr. It amazes me the amount of people who bombard me to help them but disappear the second I tell them to follow Fiverr's rules and pay up first. It is only US$5 - US$10 bucks I am charging. And even that seems to be way too expensive for these people.
Well for the past week now, a guy on YouTube wanted to hire me to format a 320 page e-book for him because of a comment I left on another YouTubers video like a year ago. He asked me for my price and left his e-mail address.
I contacted him with a few more questions to find out what publishing platform does he want to upload the book to and if he also wanted to insert images into the book. He came back saying he needed the job done in a hurry and once again asked me about my price.
I had to remind him that I was still waiting on him to answer my questions. Finally he did answer last night that it was for Amazon Kindle and no images were necessary.
Initially I was going to tell him US$100.00 but I changed my mind because he told me that he needed 7 e-books formatted. I figured that as long as I did a decent enough job on the first one, that I could land the job to format the other 6 books. I told him only US$50.00.
This morning I open my e-mail only to have this guy disrespect me. He said there are people (freelancers) who will write and format the e-book for a total of US$50.00. I don't doubt it on that point. What he said afterwards was totally uncalled for. He called me a f*****g b****h.
I don't believe for one second that my price is totally unreasonable. And even if it was, I certainly did not deserve being disrespected in this way. All the same, I am glad I won't be working with him now or in the future.
I have heard the experts say that the clients who pay more are better to work with and I am starting to see they know what they are talking about.
My PROVEN ecommerce process, as seen on: Fox Business News, the NY Times & Flippa
"He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan ⢠"I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.
"He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan ⢠"I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.
"He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan ⢠"I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.
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