Creating a digital product in sensory integration activities

17 replies
Hello all,

I would like to create and promote an online course that will include video sessions and resources helping parents of children on the autistic spectrum (autism ADHD sensory processing disorder) to improve their performance at school and at home through a set of activities and exercises.

I wrote a book on the subject and I would like to create the course but before I dive in I would like to get an advise to see if there is a demand in the market for such a course.

1. I have checked on Amazon for books in the field and the authors websites are not geared to IM, no Opt-in page and they dont sell courses or products.
2. Clickbank doesn't have any products for the autistic spectrum.
3. Those who have courses are usually for OT professionals and are delivered by institutions.

I would like to get your advise on creating a course and promote it as part of a Webinar in order to get more more followers and profit.

Thank you
#activities #creating #digital #integration #product #sensory
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  • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
    Like most new ventures in business, you won't know until you try.

    "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

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    • Profile picture of the author Eddie Avin
      Thank you for your reply.

      Yes I know that of course but I want to be rewarded and not to waste my time with something that will not sell therefore I posted to get advise on how to research the competition/ demand maybe I'm missing something obvious?
      As I'm new its hard for me to know as I have no experience creating a product and I don't have a list to promote.

      Many thanks,
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Competing sites are authority sites (, medical sites, and .edu papers.

    When I think of a 'medical' niche - I think of professional education/experience being the 'background' for writing a book on the subject....and that sales of the book would dictate whether further course or webinar offers might be well received.

    I would think it's a topic where branding yourself as an 'expert' would be crucial to sales...but I could be wrong.

    Do you have training/degree/clinical experience in treating autism? Does giving advice without that education/experience violate any medical statutes? Don't know but worth checking.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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    • Profile picture of the author Eddie Avin
      Thank you Kay,

      I'm not a therapist, I'm a parent who gained experience as part of my research and hard work. My book is co-authored with a Dr. who is a leader in vision therapy.

      I would like to help other parents with activities to support sensory related issues and bring awareness to alternative treatments possible.
      I do not interfere with the treatment or assessment suggested to parents and therefore this come in addition to support parents at home in between sessions.
      From my experience the impact of implementing a daily activity routine makes a huge difference in the progress possible,

      - The site mentioned is a large 25m organisation, they don't provide courses to parents, they don't even have an optin page.

      Thank you for taking the time to respond
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      • Profile picture of the author LEE BYRON
        This is very good if you can write some content based on your real experience. This is a way more trusty from your own experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    The #1 market indicator you need to look at is the sale of YOUR book. Is it listed on Amazon?

    Just because you cant find anything like what it is you want to sell, isn't always a bad thing. There are times you are simply ahead of the curve.

    You have something going for you that a Dr. doesn't.. and that is PERSPECTIVE. You have the knowledge of lessons and activities that can be done at home with the aid of the parent. Enriching the parent child relationship with quality ( im sure not quality all the time LOL ) time together.

    I would start with a site that helps in marketing the book. Introduce some add on material that parrallels the book, and introduce the optin from there. Maybe list an activity or 2.

    Overall in basic terms you want to start branding yourself as an expert in the field. You have a BOOK that lends itself to trust. you have a partnership with a DR which lends itself to trust. I am assuming you have a child with these issues which means experience, this also lends itself to trust.

    You stated that you are basically self educated on the matter... that means you have a resource of links and message boards IE you already have access to community. If your not already kinda active in these communities get more active. leave a link to your site, vs your book whenever and where ever you can. Let the site do its job and push to the book.

    Most importantly.. have PATIENCE. you are not going to hit it out of the park tomorrow.. but dedication and long term tons of content - good guys always win!

    Best of luck!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author Eddie Avin
      Thank you for that, yes the book is on Amazon.
      Those who read were very impressed and recommended it to other parents.

      You gave me a lot of information to think about, I think that some would appreciate the alternatives while other will always stick to the mainstream.

      and I hope that this will pick up next year.
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  • Profile picture of the author KIORTY
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  • Profile picture of the author mckinley55
    Hi, it's a good idea to help parents of autistic children learn how to help them improve their performance, you need to choose the right way and strategy to make your project known

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    • Profile picture of the author Eddie Avin

      Can you please expand on "choose the right way and strategy to make your project known" ? what do you mean by that?
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  • Profile picture of the author Dina Marais
    Hi Eddie, a good idea is to use your book as the basis for your course. Your target market is parents with children on the autistic spectrum who perform poorly at school (their problem).
    Your solution is a set of activities and exercises - designed to do what?
    What is the tangible result/s for the children doing the exercises?
    What is the tangible result/s for the parents?

    Where do they start and what are the steps you move them through to get to the tangible result? - This must form a story line so that your client can see the progress.

    Once you have defined this, you need to do market research and find your audience and talk to them - find out if they would pay to have the problem solved.
    Even if you are a parent of such a child, you still need to find out if your specific solution (in other words, your online course) would be worth paying for.

    Having done that, you need to register a domain and have a landing page and a lead magnet, like 3 Steps to 10x your child's performance and confidence. This is a free PDF, special report or video series for example that they would want and give their email address for.

    After they get the report, you send them weekly emails to give them more info while you grow your list (you can start a podcast, video channel on youtube, create a FB Page and Group, FB ads) and drive traffic to your website/landing page.

    When your list is at about 100 to 300, you do a program with them on your topics, but you do it in a way that they contribute to your course. So, and this is very important, you do NOT create your course and then sell it, you sell your course and then you create it.

    Then you deliver your course and afterwards package and create a full-fledged product that people will buy over and over again. After this you will continue to grow your list and re-launch this beautiful product/course and sell hundreds of them.
    The next round is a mastermind, membership site, Joint Venture launches where you form partnerships with complimentary niches, like nutrition for these children.

    Main thing is, it is a process that you need to follow to have maximum success. Otherwise, you may not get off the ground.

    Sounds like you have something special.
    Does it make sense?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11462231].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Eddie Avin
      Dina, Thank you very much for your detailed answer, you have helped me to understand my next steps.
      I didn't understand the part where you say :"you do NOT create your course and then sell it, you sell your course and then you create it. " how can that be possible to sell something that is planned? who will pay for a future course with no guarantee that the course will be delivered in the future?
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      • Profile picture of the author LEE BYRON
        Mee too, I have the same questions as you
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  • Profile picture of the author sonikhan
    I think it is a good step you taken for parents with autist could help him to live a good life with confidence and morality
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  • Profile picture of the author ATAC
    I never want to discourage anyone from taking action,, do your research and find your audience
    and give it a try.

    Go to adwords excuse me Google Ads and the social media sites and see what people are searching for in that market too see what you come up with.

    For future reference before I create a product I try to locate my traffic/ audience first then I build around my traffic source and give the audience what they are looking for..

    Some free references for research that I use
    Google planner
    over course see if there forums on your topic

    I hope this is helpful
    This all-in-one marketing platform saves me over $7,000 per year. See how:
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    • Profile picture of the author Eddie Avin
      Thank you for that, yes research is very important indeed
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  • Profile picture of the author donsteve
    Why use all your energy trying to promote/create a product in a niche where there is less demand for it.

    Instead create/promote products in niches that are already proven to make you $$$.

    Such as;
    Based on what I just told you, the big areas where most info products are sold are...

    Topics relating to:
    - Finances, Business, Making Money, Investing
    - Health, Weight Loss, Beauty, Fertility, Sexual issues
    - Dating, Marriage, Relationships, Sex

    Under each of these categories, there are thousands of topics that you can work on and make a lot of money from.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11467746].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by donsteve View Post

      Why use all your energy trying to promote/create a product in a niche where there is less demand for it.

      Instead create/promote products in niches that are already proven to make you $$$.

      Such as;
      Based on what I just told you, the big areas where most info products are sold are...

      Topics relating to:
      - Finances, Business, Making Money, Investing
      - Health, Weight Loss, Beauty, Fertility, Sexual issues
      - Dating, Marriage, Relationships, Sex

      Under each of these categories, there are thousands of topics that you can work on and make a lot of money from.
      Passion and Experience will win out the chase for cash on some topic you have no clue about EVERYTIME.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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