Change blog genre?
I started a travel blog in 2016 when I first left home on a backpacking trip. Since then I have only written 3 posts...
And it's not because I have nothing to say. I've seen so much in the last 2 years and I want to get it out there. BUT there are so many travel blogs out there that seem to have much more of a niche than my standard run-of-the mill travel journal.
I've got an idea for a niche blog that I want to start that incorporates travel, but with a twist. But I have a few questions and would appreciate your advice:
Should I keep my original blog name (I've bought the domain and I like the name!) or create something completely different?
If I keep the name should I delete the 3 articles I've already posted and start again from post number 1, or should I just add the new post explaining that my blog is changing?
Any help/advice will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Kirstie

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