Looking For Consistent Work, Where Can I Market My Writing Services?

Profile picture of RaZamoZ
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
59 replies
I have been bidding for the past few days on freelancer.com but no luck.

I couldn't win low paying writing jobs that pay $1-$2/500 words because there are a lot of people bidding on the projects, like 20-40 on such type of job listing, my bid is always at the bottom. so i guess i don't get noticed.

Please what are the best places to advertise my services, i'll appreciate free methods since i don't even have enough funds to invest in paid advertisements and i don't mind writing @ $2/600 words.

I need consistent work regardless of the pay rate.

I really need some job right now.

Thank you all for the contributions.
#consistent #market #services #work #writing
  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    Profile picture of DURABLEOILCOM
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Have you tried selling your skills on Fiverr in order to build a Portfolio?
  • Profile picture of the author palmtreelife
    Profile picture of palmtreelife
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you really need a job right now, then I would suggest going to get a 40hr/week job. It sounds like you are just starting your online writing career. It can take some time to get recognized and valued as a writer, which will allow you to do that full time.

    Most of us in here worked a job while working on our side hustle. When the side hustle creates enough income, you can then decided to leave your job. It's MUCH less stressful that way. You'll produce better pieces of work if you're not stressed so much as well.

    I know you said you don't have money to invest in advertising, but you could still get your work out there for free. Start a blog. People need to know what they're hiring before they hire you. Build up a portfolio of writing, demonstrating different writing styles or topics if you're able to do that. If you specialize on a particular topic, then double down on that skill.

    You will have a tough go at winning your bids on freelance sites that have thousands of experienced writers. You can still make a go of it, but if you need paying work that quickly, it's a tough option to choose.

    Everyone sees the beautiful life of an internet marketer who is able to do it full time, travel the world, eat what they want and do what they want when they want with who they want. They fail to see the years of hard work and struggle that lead up to that lifestyle.

    I don't want to discourage you. It's easier and faster now than ever before to go full time making money online, but that is not "normal" or everyone would be doing it. Have some realistic expectations, patience, and get to work.
    • Profile picture of the author RaZamoZ
      Profile picture of RaZamoZ
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by palmtreelife View Post

      If you really need a job right now, then I would suggest going to get a 40hr/week job. It sounds like you are just starting your online writing career. It can take some time to get recognized and valued as a writer, which will allow you to do that full time.

      Most of us in here worked a job while working on our side hustle. When the side hustle creates enough income, you can then decided to leave your job. It's MUCH less stressful that way. You'll produce better pieces of work if you're not stressed so much as well.

      I know you said you don't have money to invest in advertising, but you could still get your work out there for free. Start a blog. People need to know what they're hiring before they hire you. Build up a portfolio of writing, demonstrating different writing styles or topics if you're able to do that. If you specialize on a particular topic, then double down on that skill.

      You will have a tough go at winning your bids on freelance sites that have thousands of experienced writers. You can still make a go of it, but if you need paying work that quickly, it's a tough option to choose.

      Everyone sees the beautiful life of an internet marketer who is able to do it full time, travel the world, eat what they want and do what they want when they want with who they want. They fail to see the years of hard work and struggle that lead up to that lifestyle.

      I don't want to discourage you. It's easier and faster now than ever before to go full time making money online, but that is not "normal" or everyone would be doing it. Have some realistic expectations, patience, and get to work.
      Thank you so much for the advice.

      I wish i could get a decent job at first, living in a third world country things aren't easy. If i can find my way to make $200/month for a start, that's a little more than what a Bachelor degree holder earned from government job in my state, while most private job sectors pay very low like $50-80 for a bachelor degree holder (there are though private companies that pay up to $1000/month, but very little of them).

      I actually want to get into affiliate marketing, but since there are some investments needed like setting up a website, autoresponders, paying for traffic and other stuffs, i decided to do some freelancing jobs like writing since i can write some decent English, or website management as i have a good knowledge on html, css (but not really an expert when it comes to web design, i can handle a lot of stuffs when it comes to wordpress also)

      So the idea now is to raise some funds which i can invest into my affiliate marketing business.

      Thanks anyways for the advice, i am doing what i can to find someone that needs my services.
      • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
        Profile picture of tryinhere
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by RaZamoZ View Post

        I actually want to get into affiliate marketing, but since there are some investments needed like setting up a website, autoresponders, paying for traffic and other stuffs, i decided to do some freelancing jobs like writing since i can write some decent English, or website management as i have a good knowledge on html, css (but not really an expert when it comes to web design, i can handle a lot of stuffs when it comes to wordpress also)

        So the idea now is to raise some funds which i can invest into my affiliate marketing business
        ? You can get free websites to set up your blog / money site (and upgrade + domain when you have some $ ) the auto responder can come in time if you want it, as for paying for traffic ? that has me confused, in that you are a writer and in that surley you can write articles / blog posts aimed at keys that will drive traffic + use free social media ? to drive traffic.

        A lot of the stuff you read is just regurgitated stuff so you are going to need to apply and learn to see what does and does not work, and in that learn and grow in your chosen feild as you go and you may as well start learning now rather than later.

        There would be no reason not to start your affilaite journey alongside your side hustle of writing articles.
        | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
        • Profile picture of the author RaZamoZ
          Profile picture of RaZamoZ
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Thanks for your advice, i'll create a free blog using blogger or wordpress to build a portfolio and also to start blogging on my affiliate niche.
          • Profile picture of the author MartinX8
            Profile picture of MartinX8
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            blogger is great way to start affiliate marketing for free. My first venture in affiliate marketing i started with blogger with low competition keyword. I ranked in position #3 on the first page of google and i was making form 700 to 2300 dollars a month. Although depending on the competition and the niche blogger blogspot knows to rank very easily and high in the search engines with proper seo optimization and few backlinks. Hope this helped and motivate you.
      • Profile picture of the author digitaldynanganesh
        Profile picture of digitaldynanganesh
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        You have given perfect answer for his query and i also feel it takes time to be recognized you as valuable content writer so you need to do job first which gives you fixed income and then you do all these intresting stuff.
    • Profile picture of the author 479
      Profile picture of 479
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      Originally Posted by palmtreelife View Post

      If you really need a job right now, then I would suggest going to get a 40hr/week job. It sounds like you are just starting your online writing career. It can take some time to get recognized and valued as a writer, which will allow you to do that full time.

      Most of us in here worked a job while working on our side hustle. When the side hustle creates enough income, you can then decided to leave your job. It's MUCH less stressful that way. You'll produce better pieces of work if you're not stressed so much as well.

      I know you said you don't have money to invest in advertising, but you could still get your work out there for free. Start a blog. People need to know what they're hiring before they hire you. Build up a portfolio of writing, demonstrating different writing styles or topics if you're able to do that. If you specialize on a particular topic, then double down on that skill.

      You will have a tough go at winning your bids on freelance sites that have thousands of experienced writers. You can still make a go of it, but if you need paying work that quickly, it's a tough option to choose.

      Everyone sees the beautiful life of an internet marketer who is able to do it full time, travel the world, eat what they want and do what they want when they want with who they want. They fail to see the years of hard work and struggle that lead up to that lifestyle.

      I don't want to discourage you. It's easier and faster now than ever before to go full time making money online, but that is not "normal" or everyone would be doing it. Have some realistic expectations, patience, and get to work.
      I agree. I have over 20 years of experience working for agencies, and the competition on sites like UpWork, Fiverr, and so on is intense. The job market may be good on the news, but jobs pay less than ever before while healthcare costs and rents continue to rise. Everybody is on those sites desperately looking for work. If you don't have inroads, it can take a long time to find work online and most of it is BS.

      Go get a job asap so you can pay the bills. If no one will hire you, get a security guard license and work nights - they'll be less stress, nobody wants graveyard shift, it pays more, and it's easy to get. After that you can always go to a day labor place and get work as long as you present yourself as serious and clean-cut. After a week or two of steady work, ask for a regular ticket and keep asking every week until you get one. They're tough jobs but daily pay helps in lean times. Don't eat out and you can save quickly.

      To look for copywriting work long-term you need to look for regular jobs that just employ writing: Look at Journalism Jobs, Indeed and put "remote" in the location, go to agencies and ask them about white label work, go to copy-producing sites like Blog Mut and then look for similar sites in major cities like NY and Toronto.

      If you're a great writer, start writing a blog that you can own the copyright to. Don't fall into the "free website" trap because your content can be deleted at any time for any reason, they have lousy to no SEO and you can actually get work if your site has decent SEO and you live in a big city like NY or LA. Use your city, state, and "copywriter" for SEO to start. You can go to Meetup..com and create a copywriter's support group if you screen out the wannabes and wantrepreneurs with good questions and require that members have the types of jobs you want -if you're in a real city that can create a valuable support group.

      Keep focused on your long-term goal, setting realistic expectations that it can take a while to get there in our current economy. There are jobs, but they pay low and most don't have benefits any more so you should always bear that in mind. Also jobs can cut you at any moment for any reason, so it helps to have backup. I've been there several times already, and never take any job or income source for granted any more.
    • Profile picture of the author webexpert2016
      Profile picture of webexpert2016
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by palmtreelife View Post

      If you really need a job right now, then I would suggest going to get a 40hr/week job. It sounds like you are just starting your online writing career. It can take some time to get recognized and valued as a writer, which will allow you to do that full time.

      Most of us in here worked a job while working on our side hustle. When the side hustle creates enough income, you can then decided to leave your job. It's MUCH less stressful that way. You'll produce better pieces of work if you're not stressed so much as well.

      I know you said you don't have money to invest in advertising, but you could still get your work out there for free. Start a blog. People need to know what they're hiring before they hire you. Build up a portfolio of writing, demonstrating different writing styles or topics if you're able to do that. If you specialize on a particular topic, then double down on that skill.

      You will have a tough go at winning your bids on freelance sites that have thousands of experienced writers. You can still make a go of it, but if you need paying work that quickly, it's a tough option to choose.

      Everyone sees the beautiful life of an internet marketer who is able to do it full time, travel the world, eat what they want and do what they want when they want with who they want. They fail to see the years of hard work and struggle that lead up to that lifestyle.

      I don't want to discourage you. It's easier and faster now than ever before to go full time making money online, but that is not "normal" or everyone would be doing it. Have some realistic expectations, patience, and get to work.

      How to get job 40hrs/week any good place
      • Profile picture of the author palmtreelife
        Profile picture of palmtreelife
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        How to get job 40hrs/week any good place
        You're asking me how to get a full time job?? I honestly don't even know what advice to give you if that's a real question...anything that allows you to pay the bills each month on time. The worse job it is, the better because you'll be more motivated in ALL the other hours of the week to create another form of income for yourself.
  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    Profile picture of tryinhere
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by RaZamoZ View Post

    I have been bidding for the past few days on freelancer.com but no luck.

    I couldn't win low paying writing jobs that pay $1-$2/500 words because there are a lot of people bidding on the projects, like 20-40 on such type of job listing, my bid is always at the bottom. so i guess i don't get noticed.

    Thank you all for the contributions.

    Sometimes you need to look up at the stars rather than down in the snake pit, have you tried raising your prices, low cheap prices look like low cheap articles, some people out there might pay more for good quality work. just a thought.

    I need consistent work regardless of the pay rate.
    learn to value your time and skill, do not sell yourself out to the cheapest bidder.

    also what sort of stuff do you write about / do you have examples people can see ?
    | > Choosing to go off the grid for a while to focus on family, work and life in general. Have a great 2020 < |
    • Profile picture of the author RaZamoZ
      Profile picture of RaZamoZ
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by tryinhere View Post

      Sometimes you need to look up at the stars rather than down in the snake pit, have you tried raising your prices, low cheap prices look like low cheap articles, some people out there might pay more for good quality work. just a thought.

      learn to value your time and skill, do not sell yourself out to the cheapest bidder.

      also what sort of stuff do you write about / do you have examples people can see ?
      I do have samples to present to potential clients and i prefer to write about internet marketing since that's where i want to build my career, this will help me learn more from the niche.
    • Profile picture of the author webexpert2016
      Profile picture of webexpert2016
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I think you have to try with with skill rate cause as you bid lower than your skill client always think you giving cheap content and no one use cheap usually .
  • Profile picture of the author Marx Vergel Melencio
    Marx Vergel Melencio
    Profile picture of Marx Vergel Melencio
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    First step is to specialize.
    >> You might be doing that already. You mentioned what you want to focus on is writing content about digital marketing.

    Second step is to niche down, find your unique value proposition and create your ideal customer profile.
    >> Digital marketing is a broad subject area; and
    >> Targeting content buyers all around the world who need digital marketing content means you're competing against all generalist writers who can write about digital marketing among other industries and specialist writers who focus on certain sub sets of this broad field, globally.

    • So you might want to select your core competencies and translate this into unique value propositions for content buyers with businesses in certain sub sets of digital marketing ...

    -- For example, startups in X town / city / state / country selling their Google PPC management and telesales services to small to medium-scale businesses that compete in the retail software industry of Y town / city / state;
    -- This of course requires you to tap into your specialized knowledge and experience in your chosen niches under digital marketing; and
    -- So for instance, you'll be able to do this if you have significant expertise in writing content and participating in meaningful discussions at relevant peer groups that can strategically position the brand of any of your target employers across their ideal communities for generating inbound B2B traffic and leads for their digital marketing-related products and services.

    Third step is to update your ideal customer profile and build a portfolio that can clearly communicate your value proposition to your target employers.
    >> So this initially requires knowing a great deal about your target employers and their current needs for their content marketing plans to promote their latest products and services across their ideal communities;
    >> Of course, you should also get to really know the relevant needs, interests, content viewing preferences and online places where their target audiences are hanging out at the moment; and
    >> That's because this'll allow you to create your portfolio in ways that can grab the attention of your target employers, entice them to take a closer look and compel them to talk to you and finalize a pilot run ...

    Fourth step is to hang out and contribute meaningful content to the communities where your target employers are spending a lot of time networking with potential partners, suppliers, affiliates and consulting firms.
    >> There are active LinkedIn groups, Web forums, Slack / Telegraph and Facebook groups among others that are dedicated to these discussions for a wide variety of business groups and commercial organizations ...

    Fifth step is to update your ideal customer profile by identifying key decision makers at the relevant departments of your target employers.
    >> This is for you to be able to create custom proposals for each of them;
    >> Remember, your objective is to clearly communicate your value proposition through your proposal and portfolio; and
    >> Your goal is to captivate their attention, entice them to take a closer look and compel them to respond to your ads and pitches.

    Sixth step is to post ads (later on since you said you don't have funds for this at the moment) and send out your custom proposals to each of the key decision makers of your target employers in the most suitable ways.
    >> You can send emails, direct messages and so on;
    >> LinkedIn InMail is quite powerful for this, based on the results of my tests and campaigns for the past several years; and
    >> Keep in mind, the call to action of your custom proposals should be for them to book a phone or messaging appointment with you to discuss your proposal in more detail.

    Of course, seventh step is to close those renewable contracts, do an awesome job at those pilot runs and keep on renewing your contracts with them as you go along.

    • What I'm sharing here is based on my real world experience in doing these things.

    -- You see, I started out in 2005 as a freelance content writer;
    -- When I did all these things, my first big contract was in 2006;
    -- This was for a 5-month renewable arrangement where I initially needed to register a business, hire and train 140 employees and contractors combined to complete the content writing and marketing campaigns of a Canadian-based retail software development and tech affiliate management firm; and
    -- This led to a 6-year stint with them and their tech affiliates, followed by ongoing multi-lingual telesales contracts directly with them and also with a number of their affiliates ...

    Anyway, best of luck!
    • Deep Learning & Machine Vision Engineer: ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
    • Founder: Grayscale (Manila, PH) & SEO Campaign Manager: Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
  • Profile picture of the author splork
    Profile picture of splork
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've been dabbling with getting jobs at UpWork.com. I priced my services low, explained that I was new at the gig and sent prospective clients articles about what they were requesting work for. It's time consuming but I managed to grab a few clients because they were appreciative that I took the initiative to write an article without having a contract. It's risky. You may write 700-1,000 words and not get a response or get rejected. But that is how I managed to get a few clients that are giving me consistent work. I'm not excited about doing freelance work but I thought I'd see how it could complement my affiliate blog efforts while those are gaining traction.
    Lost Ball in High Weeds - Servicing the Web Sewers Since 2006
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    Daniel Evans
    Profile picture of Daniel Evans
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    Originally Posted by RaZamoZ View Post

    I have been bidding for the past few days on freelancer.com but no luck.

    Please what are the best places to advertise my services
    With these two points in mind; are you showcasing example work on Freelancer?

    You have written articles prepared ready for your advertisement?
  • Profile picture of the author WinonaSilverstein
    Profile picture of WinonaSilverstein
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Try to find work on Upwork. There are a lot of people, but prices are much better.
  • Profile picture of the author HELIX eCommerce
    HELIX eCommerce
    Profile picture of HELIX eCommerce
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    Do you have any samples of your work?
    Are you a native writer?
    How much experience you have? Seeing your thread i can say you are either not a native writer or you are just starting out.

    A good writer gets always work... Most of them are sold out in a monthly basis or booked upfront, i know because i have hired lots of them.

    Let me know the things i asked and we can go from there, i might be interested in this.
  • Profile picture of the author JWL2019
    Profile picture of JWL2019
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Have you tried sites like Upwork and Listverse?
  • Profile picture of the author Pratikitpro
    Profile picture of Pratikitpro
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Upwork is better than Freelancer.com and fiverr.com will help...

    Social Media is a great to get the work too...

    You can get the emails of Businesses and can send them a request for work and you will get the work, if done correctly.

    As far as Freelancer.com concern you must try at least for a month with 40 Bids a Day...

    I am sure you will have the results...

    All the best
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
    Profile picture of Princess Balestra
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by RaZamoZ View Post

    I couldn't win low paying writing jobs that pay $1-$2/500 words because there are a lot of people bidding on the projects, like 20-40 on such type of job listing, my bid is always at the bottom. so i guess i don't get noticed.

    Fear NOWAN.

    This means lookin' in on stuff way outta yr league an' punchin' harder than you actschwlly can.

    Over an' over an' over.

    Don't matter if'n you fall on your ass 99 times outta a hundred for the ONE TIME you get taken srsly.

    Do a great job, your POV 'bout your value changes -- an' you got proof.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Profile picture of ryanbiddulph
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The simplest way to find high paying freelance writing work is to:

    - develop a prosperity consciousness by thinking and feeling rich now; choose your thoughts and feelings, focus on success
    - practice writing daily
    - create enticing free content that shows off your writing skills
    - network with top freelance writers by helping them and learning from them

    Bigger bucks flow to you if you follow the prior tips.

    The moment you stop needing money and instead feel rich, money begins flowing to you, along with profitable ideas that you execute from a chill, relaxed energy.

    Ryan Biddulph
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
  • Profile picture of the author SV Web Services
    SV Web Services
    Profile picture of SV Web Services
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    I suggest you write up some sample articles and add them to your portfolio. Further, while making a bid, mention in your proposal that you can provide sample writings for client's satisfaction.

    If you are still not getting an order, don't lose hope, and try some other forums like Fiverr, Peopleperhour, and etc. Fiverr is the most friendly forum where anyone can get an order, although, the price will be low, getting an order of $5 is better than having nothing. I am also working on Fiverr, I can help you in making the right gig and getting an order.
  • Profile picture of the author dretaurus
    Profile picture of dretaurus
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    What topics can you write on?
  • Profile picture of the author MaggieKlein
    Profile picture of MaggieKlein
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think Fiverr is good!
  • Profile picture of the author onlinemarketing88
    Profile picture of onlinemarketing88
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  • Profile picture of the author dangtruong401221
    Profile picture of dangtruong401221
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    In fact there are so many ways to advertise your writing. not sure if you have tried them all.
  • Profile picture of the author naviown
    Profile picture of naviown
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey, have you tried searching sub reddits that are looking for writers? Reddit is also a very good place to get work.
  • Profile picture of the author cearionmarie
    Profile picture of cearionmarie
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've had good results with Upwork and I'm still on it. You might want to give it a try.

    Cearion Uy - Marketing Advisor

  • Profile picture of the author MichaelQuinn
    Profile picture of MichaelQuinn
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I've used freelancer.com, upwork, and fivver in the past for finding someone to write content, but as mentioned you will need to create a portfolio to be able to showcase your skills and then be patient while you build up positive reviews from people that have hired you. When using those sites to find a freelancer, the review count and rating are the first thing that people will look at. Since you're just starting out, I think the first and most important thing that you could do is create a portfolio with samples of your work so that you can land your first couple of gigs and then build from there.
  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Profile picture of Jamell
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sign up for a word press blog or blog of your choice so that you can build an audience and show case your skills. You can even search for high quality sites related to your niche and guest post using the sites audience to build your reputation . I think guest posting and signing up for blog to publish and host content would work tremendously.
  • Profile picture of the author johnsmith9200
    Profile picture of johnsmith9200
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Begin a Blog. This is the least difficult approach to get your composition on the web and one that can enable you to arrive independent composition work.

    Begin Guest Posting. Visitor posting is the point at which your substance is on another person's site.

    Agree to accept a Contently Portfolio.
  • Profile picture of the author Stuart12
    Profile picture of Stuart12
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    i also just want to start my job as a freelancer, but it seems markets are too competitive
  • Profile picture of the author rkahn
    Profile picture of rkahn
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Here's the thing buddy, you say that you're interested in writing content related to digital marketing, but first, you need to market your writing services and look for potential clients who need content on digital marketing.

    There are several ways of achieving this.

    First things first, write some of your best posts and articles and use them as your writing samples.

    Next comes the marketing. There's literally a lot you can do to market your writing services. From placing links in forum signatures to writing and sharing useful digital marketing posts on social media.

    In addition to this, you can also consider content repurposing and turn your work samples into say slides, podcasts and video posts. Considering adding links back to your writing profile.

    Focus on quality over quantity when creating content, irrespective of whether you're writing for end clients or to market your own writing services. For quantity, you can simply boost one of your most successful/top performing posts to get the maximum mileage out of it.

    Rinse and repeat the process.

    Some tools that can help you along the way:

    1. Boya By-M1 mic - for recording voiceovers to be used for podcast n video content
    2. Videomakerfx - powerful, user-friendly tool for making cutting-edge videos using plethora of snippets and tools, there's small one time payment after which you can access their amazing galleries and use anything you like.
    3.VSDC pro video editor: if you're looking to add custom backgrounds)
    4. Audacity: powerful, free audio editing tool for making high quality podcasts, very easy to learn basic audio editing

    By learning and applying these tools, not only will you be able to repurpose your existing content into more engaging formats, but also discover a number of value-added services to offer to potential digital marketing clients. By the way, these services I just discussed above are very much in demand, and content writers not making the transition to becoming content 'creators' are missing out on immense opportunity to market themselves.

    Some Tips on Being Successful in Audio and Video Content Types

    - When you're just getting started, always speak to a script. It will reduce the hassle during editing.
    - Unless the situation specifically calls for serious tone, always try to be lively and passionate in your videos.
    - Smile often. Keep a straight head. Some people including myself are inclined to tilt the forehead when speaking, so lines appear. If you encounter this issue, it may take a few weeks of focused practice/rehearsals before you'll master your perform form in front of the video camera
    - it is a myth that you need expensive equipment to make professional videos. Using the tools above, you can make amazing videos recording from any fullHD 1080p video camera, such as the one offered by Samsung's S6 or S7. The newer models will offer even greater value.
    - Invest in a quality tripod for your camera. It also makes sense to invest in DSLR stand, which is usually more sturdy. You can find clips for affixing your smartphoe on a DSLR stand. The stand also allows for seamless cinematic movements like shift, pan and tilt, which are a great addition any video can have.

    Hope it helps and I hope you succeed in finding target clients and achieving your dreams. Good luck!

    Get killer content for your next project.

  • Profile picture of the author Reiters N
    Reiters N
    Profile picture of Reiters N
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Did you signed up for Upwork or Odesk . T

    Try cold calling. That's right-just pick up the phone, call a company you'd like to do copywriting for, and ask for the communications or marketing manager. Or call the editor of a publication you'd like to write for. Ask them if they use freelance writers. Be ready to pitch your ideas for stories to editors, or your copywriting services to companies.

    It can really work if you are bold enough to do so and promote the fact that you're a freelance writer everywhere you go!
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Kay King
    Profile picture of Kay King
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have been bidding for the past few days on freelancer.com but no luck.

    I couldn't win low paying writing jobs that pay $1-$2/500 words because there are a lot of people bidding on the projects, like 20-40 on such type of job listing, my bid is always at the bottom. so i guess i don't get noticed.
    So many answers in this thread are unrelated to the question asked - how to GET work on freelance sites.

    The OP has not been back to the forum but for those who are trying to get started on freelance sites...the quote above is where he is making a mistake.

    He doesn't say how many bids he's made for those 'past few days'. Or how he wrote his bids. He doesn't say if he established niches he could write well in or was just bidding on any ads he found.

    A few bids won't do much for anyone starting out on a freelance site. Create a detailed profile with your best examples on the site. Place 50-100 bids A DAY....make the bids personal and targeted to the job you are bidding on. After a couple dozen bids you should be able to write 3-4 'standard' bids that can be easily customized and reused. Highlight your personality, your experience, that you are new to the site (but not to the service) and thus offering reasonable prices (not cheap - reasonable).

    You will have competition - count on it. Choose ads carefully, spend 2-3 weeks placing a minimum of 50 bids a day...and you'll have work. Then do the work WELL - be easy to work with - proofread carefully - deliver on time (early is better).

    Do that and you will start to build a list of buyers for your work. Freelancing isn't something you can tiptoe into with a few bids.

    I know the above method works - I've done it. Within a couple weeks I had as much work as I could handle for the next few weeks. The goal then is a 5 star rating on every job you do and it gets easier from there. I've advised many others who have tried this same 'go for it' method and it works every time.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
  • Profile picture of the author jasonlee2997
    Profile picture of jasonlee2997
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would suggest the same that you need to look for a 40hr/week job first while you are waiting for your breakthrough in writing.
  • Profile picture of the author JGPhill
    Profile picture of JGPhill
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would not recommend to try at fiverr but upwork. Fiverr is a good place for freelancers but you have to sell you skill with very low price. But in upwork, if you be able to draw the attention of the clients you can fixed an hourly rate that creates a huge earnings possibility.
  • Profile picture of the author Kathrilas
    Profile picture of Kathrilas
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think you still need to continue bidding on that website like freelancer.com, as well as fiverr.com, as well as upwork.com as well as peopleperhour.co.uk and guru.com. Something, somewhere will bite soon enough. Also there are textbroker, iwriter.com and so on. Try!
  • Profile picture of the author Tmt Aba
    Tmt Aba
    Profile picture of Tmt Aba
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Try a few other freelancing sites or find any offline jobs, if possible. Create a free blog on websites like WordPress, Medium, Google blogger and post a few valuable posts there.
    Showcase those blog posts as sample posts on freelancing websites to get the offers. Hope this helps.
  • Profile picture of the author hazel1988
    Profile picture of hazel1988
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi, try applying for a job in upwork. There are many job post there.
  • Profile picture of the author sohail828
    Profile picture of sohail828
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I will recommend fiverr.
  • Profile picture of the author kyurin
    Profile picture of kyurin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Those auction sites for freelance gigs are super tough and pretty much the only way to get a job there nowadays is to have some sort of endorsement there which is paradoxical.

    You could keep looking for smaller platforms with less competition to land a job. Look for bigger blogs or news sites and contact them directly offering your services.

    Start writing your own blogs about the stuff that you care about and use them as examples what you've done. If you put content out constantly, someone will notice it and hire you cause they like your style.

    If writing is what you love doing and you're good at it, just keep doing it everywhere where possible and as much as possible. When you do a great job, you'll get recommended to other people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anna Athan
    Anna Athan
    Profile picture of Anna Athan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I read that you are raising money for your affiliate business and that in your country the minimum wage is low. I personally paid under 50$ (with a coupon code) for hosting and a domain name with hostgator. They're not the best company but not the worst either. It is the cheapest I could find at the time. On some special days like black friday you can get 80% off.

    Now how to raise such money... Do you have things at your house you can sell?
    When I decided I wanted to work with affiliate marketing in 2016, I didn't have a job and I was a marketing student. I was only working summertime, because my school schedule was very tight, never had breaks and all my summer money was going into rent, food, electricity ect.

    What I did was I sold my bicycle and my PS2 console with games. 2 things I absolutely loved LOL for only 120$. If you have things around your house I would suggest to sell. When you make money in the future you can buy them 10 times more.

    A lot of members suggested a free blog as your portfolio and I agree but know that your work can disappear without warning. You have no control over your free blog. Keep your work saved on your pc or on your google drive. It happened to me before. I didn't know better back then and I lost my work.

    Another point I agree with some members here is that platforms like Fiver, Freelance.com, Upwork are very competitive. It takes a lot of work and time to differentiate yourself from others.

    What I would do is create a free blog in one niche. Then I would personally contact blogs in that niche offering my writing services. Create the email short and sweet. And show that you appreciate their work, make them feel like you are a reader and you admire them. Study each blog and make personalized messages for each one of them.

    Again I agree that you need to evaluate your prices better. 2$/500 words is too cheap. And when things are cheap for what they are people associate it with low quality.

    I've personally accepted many posts from people that contacted me because I loved their work. And when you are a busy blogger you don't always have time to search for a good writer. So it is always good when you get messages like this that can save you time.
  • Profile picture of the author cearionmarie
    Profile picture of cearionmarie
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you are confident in your skills then you should be paid equivalent to that. However, I understand your position right now. So go ahead and establish yourself first then never lower your standards again. Do not accept something that is lower than what you feel your skill is at. You should check out Upwork, I've had good results in there. It may take a while though, but a little patience goes a long way.

    Cearion Uy - Marketing Advisor

  • Profile picture of the author webexpert2016
    Profile picture of webexpert2016
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    quality always makes difference than quantity . If you good in writing you must get good price .keep trying
  • Profile picture of the author Amogh Bahula
    Amogh Bahula
    Profile picture of Amogh Bahula
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sorry but you are complaining too early! a few days is nothing when you are trying to get consistent work. If you do not have a published body of work that will attract high paying clients then be prepared to grind it out. Joining freelancers was a good idea but it is a crowded market out there, so be prepared to cut prices to get initial clients. You can always hike up prices later when you are more established. Besides freelancers/upwork i would suggest you also try fiverr - yes it is crowded there too but adding more exposure for your work is always good. Another outlet to try is facebook content writer groups. Do a search in facebook for content writers and join the groups which look active with postings. In my experience there are always people looking for content in popular content writer groups in facebook.

    I will give you another tip - it is an old trick that i used to find content writing assignments in the past. Search google for "write for us", "guest posts", "hiring authors"... you get the gist.
  • Profile picture of the author DRP
    Profile picture of DRP
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'd rather tell you an ugly truth than a pretty lie.
  • Profile picture of the author AlexRobinFuller
    Profile picture of AlexRobinFuller
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Have you thought about building your own website to sell your services? If it's something you would be interested in I can help you build one for free. Shoot me a DM or reply to this message!
  • Profile picture of the author AimMax
    Profile picture of AimMax
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    Offer your services for super cheap (even free) in exchange for a review. No-one likes to buy from someone new. Once you have some feedbacks/reviews- u should be able to sell on any of those sites. All of those are good sites for getting sales..

    We process SEO of 200 websites a month. In these 11 years we never had a SINGLE UNSATISFIED CLIENT. https://35DollarSeo.com

  • Profile picture of the author Dlewis78
    Profile picture of Dlewis78
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi there,

    Check out www.makealivingwriting.com. Carol Tice is a well-respected business writer who teaches writers how to make a good income with business writing. Much of it prospecting. You have to find the companies in the genre you want to write and pitch to them, show them samples of your work. She has some step by step plans on how to do and an entire roster of writers who vouch for her strategies. Good luck!
  • Profile picture of the author cearionmarie
    Profile picture of cearionmarie
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Aside from freelancer, there is also Fiverr and Upwork which I've had good experience with.

    Cearion Uy - Marketing Advisor

  • Profile picture of the author SupplementTalk
    Profile picture of SupplementTalk
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Try Fiverr and upwork.

    also you can sign up to
    People Per Hour

    you could make a cool landing page and setup facebook ads and target only the niches that you want to focus on. Just like many are saying, niche down, all you need is 5 to 10 monthly paying clients and you are golden.

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