How would you interpret these A/B marketing tests?
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I wanted to do a small A/B Facebook ad test and here's what happened. I've having trouble drawing a conclusion from these results.
We created a loss leader. A pair of sexy woman's panties for only .99 (USD) with free shipping anywhere in the US or Canada.
Week #1 $5/day
Audience: Female age 18-39
Interests: Lingerie.
4 orders from new clients. = COA $8.75/new client
Week #2 $5/day
Audience: Female age 18-39
No interests specified.
1 order from new client = COA $35/new client
Conclusion was to go back to specifying the same target group with Interests in LIngerie, but double the ad spend.
Week #3 $10/day
Audience: Female age 18-39
Interest: Lingerie
0 orders for the promotional products!
But one order received for other products but nothing from the promotion. = COA $70/client
So now I can't draw any conclusion at all given these results.
Other than the target interest group and the daily ad spend the ad remained unchanged during the test.
I'm thinking the failure of this test may be for one of the following reasons:
1) Sample size too small - results fall within a margin of error and are therefore useless.
2) Facebook ads are next to useless
3) (your thoughts please)
Any advice appreciated.
Thanks again