I am new to this , I need a Beginner advice and traning please

26 replies
I am ready for a career change. I currently make my living land surveyor . It isn't as glamorous as it sounds. I am interested in learning digital marketing. I am totally new to this please help me
#advice #beginner #traning
  • Profile picture of the author dnmarketin
    its alot to learn and it take time do you have a product in mind? niche? where do you want to advertise that product. i can help.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by Alexis0 View Post

    I am ready for a career change. I currently make my living land surveyor . It isn't as glamorous as it sounds. I am interested in learning digital marketing. I am totally new to this please help me
    Keep your day job... and think about this...

    Your Job that you don't maybe like so much could actually be a gateway to something better. Land Surveyors do what? they find boundaries that define plots of land and from that you can make maps. Why not start a website on "Maps" ?

    Hi my Name is Alexis and I am a land Surveyor in <insert city and country> Talk about what you do.. the tools you use take photos of the places you go. Explain how Surveyors around the world define and refine maps 1 plot at a time.

    Check out something like this ( https://awesome-maps.com/pages/affiliate ) a little fun and wimsy. or look for an affiliate program for Maps.com.

    Is this something you could do? ( https://support.google.com/mapconten...answer/9359574 ) it doesn't "Pay" but to be listed as a partner of Google creates authority.

    Professionally do you use G-Suite? you might be able to professionally suggest uses of G-suite etc to fellow Land Surveyors and sign them up to the G Suite affiliate program ( https://gsuite.google.com/landing/partners/affiliate/ ) This is actually a program I have been looking at pretty in depth as of late.

    Anyways.. some ideas - just be sure to keep your day job and work on building this when your not working. - it will take time and patience.

    Hope that Helps!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      Keep your day job... and think about this...

      Your Job that you don't maybe like so much could actually be a gateway to something better. Land Surveyors do what? they find boundaries that define plots of land and from that you can make maps. Why not start a website on "Maps" ?

      Hi my Name is Alexis and I am a land Surveyor in <insert city and country> Talk about what you do.. the tools you use take photos of the places you go. Explain how Surveyors around the world define and refine maps 1 plot at a time.

      Check out something like this ( https://awesome-maps.com/pages/affiliate ) a little fun and wimsy. or look for an affiliate program for Maps.com.

      Is this something you could do? ( https://support.google.com/mapconten...answer/9359574 ) it doesn't "Pay" but to be listed as a partner of Google creates authority.

      Professionally do you use G-Suite? you might be able to professionally suggest uses of G-suite etc to fellow Land Surveyors and sign them up to the G Suite affiliate program ( https://gsuite.google.com/landing/partners/affiliate/ ) This is actually a program I have been looking at pretty in depth as of late.

      Anyways.. some ideas - just be sure to keep your day job and work on building this when your not working. - it will take time and patience.

      Hope that Helps!
      The idea here of leveraging something you already know could be very useful to you.

      So perhaps you're sick of land surveying...I'm sure you can find another thing to talk about if that's the case.

      Whatever you get into, making money requires two things:




      Eyeballs have to come from somewhere (that's the Traffic)... and they must go to your sales page where some will become customers by deciding what's there is worth buying (that's the Conversion.)

      Where can you get Traffic from?

      And what will you work on Converting them into buyers of?

      The better the match-up of the group of people you're drawing eyeballs over from with the offer you're presenting to them, the easier it'll be to turn some into buyers.

      Entire libraries have been written on how to get traffic flowing.

      And just as many other libraries have been written on how to achieve conversion.

      Some are even here on this very site. We have a Search function for that.

      Such traffic+conversion operations can have many steps and get quite complicated.

      If you're serious about this, now is the time to start looking at specifics.

      WHO are you interested in working with?

      WHAT key problem will you solve for them?

      WHY should they have you solve it, and not someone else?

      These are things to start thinking about and getting specific in your ideas of. Then you'll be able to come back and ask questions that may get you answers you like ;-)
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    • Profile picture of the author Tech Khala
      I gave him same advice ,you gave it in details.
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  • Profile picture of the author Llani Kawenga
    Hiya I was like you when first starting out. Thousands to choose from with digital marketing. Bn failing over the years with that also due to joining one's that were full of hype and NOT supportive when you hand over your hard earned cash pretty much left to figure it out on your own. So I'm very careful and profoundly skeptical. Savidge4 has some ideas for you sounds great! If I had what you had I would certainly look into what he suggested. Best of luck in your endeavors
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      I am going to second Savidge and add:

      Why not learn how to market surveyors and create digital lessons and sell those to other surveyors on top of what Savidge suggested?

      And, of course, you could promote, as an affiliate, tools surveyors need.

      After a while, you'd be doing a little surveying and a lot of marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Your question is rather broad it's hard to make any suggestions. I would advise not quitting your existing job until you can replace its income. Many fail at internet marketing and those that are successful often take quite a bit of time to get to that point.
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  • Profile picture of the author Maximilian5
    Do you want to learn internet marketing or just to make money online?
    It's important because you can make money online without learning digital marking, if you can hire someone to do the marketing.

    There are seven main types of internet marketing:
    Social media marketing.
    Influencer marketing.
    Affiliate marketing.
    Email marketing.
    Content marketing.
    Search engine optimization (SEO)
    Paid advertising.

    Do you want to learn all of them?

    If you want to make money online, do you want to do it with affiliate programs, like using amazon affiliate program, or similar, or make money from ad clicks like adsense, etc. or maybe run your own store, like a dropshipping store ?
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  • Profile picture of the author digital55
    Hi Alexis0. What aspects of digital marketing are you looking to learn?

    You might want to focus on specific social media platforms and how marketing works with each of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    I recommend you start with YOU.

    Most courses and advice on making money with digital marketing will NOT be a good fit for your own personality, aims and situation.

    For example, you might see a course with lots of testimonials saying how people made big money in just a few weeks with a digital marketing agency. And this can certainly happen but ONLY if you are a very good sales-person, because you've got to actually persuade clients to use your services instead of just using someone who's been established for years and has lots of great testimonials (however much the course claims that there's "no selling involved").

    So, if you start with yourself, your own experiences, abilities, interests, aims, and situation (including how much money and time you have to invest in a new business), then you can ignore most of the business-system options because they are not a good fit for YOU, and focus on the few which will give you, personally, the best chance of success.

    Hope that helps !

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  • Profile picture of the author sonnyharrison1
    Lots of good advise above... also remember the Internet can make you a ton of money fast.... all the gurus will tell you, but the foundation takes a long time to complete.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Many people see some magic methods where people make 100$ -200$ per day and i think wow i will leave me job if i work 8 to 10 hours per day i dont need a job .This its false ,online business ts not so easy as people make it and if you depend on it to survive you will get disapointed .Keep your job and work on yoour free time as hard as you can ,in breaks ,when you travel after work etc .I have many years in this field and i cannot say that i earn an income to sustain myself
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Hope this changes - but the OP logged out shortly after starting this thread....and hasn't been back to read the answers.

    Hope he/she returns - some good answers in this thread.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Hi, I think any honest working job has its merits and glam or perks of its kind.

    Digital Marketing may sound glam, trendy and highly sought after and is likely the way to go moving forward.

    There are several ways to get to Digital Marketing but to make an easy entry for a newbie (I have no idea what are your knowledge and skills on online marketing) so I would think affiliate marketing will be a good start. Affiliate Marketing is all about promoting someone else's product(s) and earn a commission upon sales.

    You may set up an affiliate account with Amazon, JV Zoo, ClickBank or any other platforms that have an affiliate collaboration. Select a product niche of your interest and zoom in on the specific product that you wish to promote. It is pretty easy to select and confirm your interest to promote the products of the merchants on these platforms.

    Thereafter, which is also the most crucial part is to drive the traffic to your affiliate link to buy from you. You may choose many ways to get traffic to you. There are both paid and free methods. For a start, you may want to pick one method from each (paid and free) and just focus to drive the traffic to your link.

    Free methods include but not limited to, writing your own blog, join relevant Facebook groups, joining Q&A forums, etc. Paid methods include but not limited to, Pay-Per-Click advertising (eg, Ad Words, Microsoft Ads), solo advertising, Facebook or Instagram advertising, etc.

    The key is there is a LOT of consistency, patience and focus needed for this online marketing to work. It is NOT an overnight success but nuturing your list of customers. Once this takes off, it will work for you 24/7 and can become your passive income.

    Hope this helps ! Good luck and all the best !
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  • Profile picture of the author Viki Shan
    Its good to here thatyou finally decided to live your own life.

    Well I will say if you really want to lean digital marketing ,use your tube and reputable blogs and finally go through Udemy courses,

    You have to give enough time and than you will be a digital marketer soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author dvz
    here you can see few topics about it , mostly will help you videos ,another forums and blogs .
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  • Profile picture of the author socialbacklink
    I would start simply with what you know or are interested in. That's going to make sure you stick to it. Digital marketing is all about just sticking with it and making it happen. That's why you always here about starting with an interest.

    As far as the method you use to market I always recommend looking at your resources to figure that out. What I mean is maybe you have a decent amount of money set aside and you want to get started faster. Go with paid traffic. Learn it, make mistakes, and get good at it.

    Let's say you don't have money but you have time to devote to it. Maybe look at doing some SEO, Forum Marketing, Social Media, etc. It takes you a little longer to get there but there is a very low entry point.

    Trying to learn too much all at once will just overwhelm and confuse you. Once that happens most people get into shiny object syndrome and can't stick to anything until they finally quit and say it doesn't work.

    What is your main interest or knowledge? That's where I would start and build from there.
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    hmm we need more information to give valuable advices for your current situation

    what do you know already, what do you want to achieve, how did you find this forum etc..
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Alexis0 View Post

    I am ready for a career change. I currently make my living land surveyor . It isn't as glamorous as it sounds. I am interested in learning digital marketing. I am totally new to this please help me
    Welcome to WF!

    What do you have in mind? Have you looked into the various ways of making money online?
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  • Profile picture of the author RuskinF
    Start by learning from Udemy and other sources. Also, try creating a dummy website and practice your skills on it.
    Keep following blogs by ahrefs and moz. They help a lot.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tech Khala
    Welcome to world of IT.
    The thing which I learned about IT 20 years ago on a IT education center poster.

    The only thing constant in world of IT/technology is change!

    With this Law you enter the world of IT.
    So I think you could try learning Google,then Google Maps.
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  • Profile picture of the author hugo1331
    The basics are that you need to be interested and love your niche otherwise people feel that you just want to sell them stuff that you do not even know yourself, I have not made a penny yet after a whole week of batching and researching, but There is 3 steps to make a sell and if you do not do those 3 steps you are screwed...
    step one, the definition of a problem, step 2 the solution also called the hook and step 3 the sale itself, but, and so far I missed that point, you need a kinda way to make people leaving you their email address for some special bonus thing if they dont buy... So even thou they dont buy yet they are still possibly more converting customers than others... hope it helped
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  • Profile picture of the author hugo1331
    To all the beginners, trying to rush things is the wrong way to do it, I am doing it myself and it does not convert! You need to establish trust, as cliche as it must sound!
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  • Profile picture of the author Aheroeslair
    Stay working and figure out what works. Maybe look on YouTube at a few ideas so you can save to invest in a course or book
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  • Profile picture of the author radhe bhardwaj
    There are plenty of ways to learn online i.e. you can join some course on Udemy or khan academy.. Maybe you can learn from youtube .. Or you can learn from freelancers like me if you want industrial exposure.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tracy Stafford
    Digital Marketing has plenty of fields. You need to choose one of the branch and then start with it. There are free courses available on Hubspot Academy check them out!
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