Need Help on a funnel - Newbie looking for help

13 replies

I have a funnel in the health and wellness industry.

My current funnel is selling paleo dieting recipe and meal plan.

My funnel is just up and running, so is my ad on Facebook. I need help to review my ad and funnel so I can start getting some conversion?

I've been working really hard at it for the past 6 months, and so far I've had NO sales from my funnels. And a meager £10 from my website.
Not enough to encourage me in anyway, and realistically without any help, I'm almost ready to give up
#funnel #newbie
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Start with organic leadgen & conversion.
    If you can't do it organically to begin with, how can you go to FB ads manager and say, "Get me people like this"? Waste of money on traffic that makes no sense.
    Who have you seen who's running a successful group, offering paleo as a solution?
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    • Profile picture of the author daureluc
      Thanks for your reply, as much as i wish it was helpful... It's not. Because it only tells me "i''m obviously doing something wrong..." And of course, i must be, but you don't know even what i'm doing?
      I'm sorry, i might appear moody, but i'm not. I'm after constructive help.
      People interested in paleo... for all I know (which is not a huge deal, but a little) are people who either want to lose weight, increase muscle mass or try to eat healthier. As a nutritionist background, I don't want to place a specifically positive or negative judgement on the method however i'm offering a complete meal plan and recipe book for those interested.
      After making youtube and internet searches for some time now... I've seen no-one making significant return on organic traffic (other then return customers and even then...)
      Of course, i wouldn't be looking for help if i knew better... But i'm looking for constructive help... not just random comment on how stupid i must be...

      [edited by moderator: please do not solicit business or personal contact]
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      • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
        Originally Posted by daureluc View Post

        Thanks for your reply, as much as i wish it was helpful... It's not. Because it only tells me "i''m obviously doing something wrong..." And of course, i must be, but you don't know even what i'm doing?
        I'm sorry, i might appear moody, but i'm not. I'm after constructive help.
        People interested in paleo... for all I know (which is not a huge deal, but a little) are people who either want to lose weight, increase muscle mass or try to eat healthier. As a nutritionist background, I don't want to place a specifically positive or negative judgement on the method however i'm offering a complete meal plan and recipe book for those interested.
        After making youtube and internet searches for some time now... I've seen no-one making significant return on organic traffic (other then return customers and even then...)
        Of course, i wouldn't be looking for help if i knew better... But i'm looking for constructive help... not just random comment on how stupid i must be...

        [edited by moderator: please do not solicit business or personal contact]
        So... you took my answer your way... you added your own tone into it. I didn't say you were stupid or imply it. I gave you direction. You need pre-qualified traffic. Who is already doing what you want to do? Who are they attracting? How are they doing it?
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Saying you should start with organic leadgen and conversion is constuctive advice.

    Your website has been up for six months and earned you next to nothing. Either you're not getting any traffic or you're not converting the traffic you're getting.

    If your ad isn't attracting enough clicks, you're targeting the wrong prospects. If it's getting clicks but no conversions, your site isn't converting.

    That's why you start with fixing your site. Once you know you're attracting the right prospects and your conversion rate is acceptable, then you can go back to your FB campaign armed with more useful knowledge.

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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    • Profile picture of the author daureluc
      I suppose that the way advice is conveyed can make a difference too. I do understand better what you mean. But it's difficult to know what is what and what is working or not, if i have no one other then myself looking at it
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  • Profile picture of the author Augustinus
    OK OP, let me ask you few things? How people behave on your website? what is a bounce rate? average time spent on website etc? Do people click thru and and browse your website?
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    • Profile picture of the author daureluc
      Can I just ask?, Many advertisers (TBH all adverts I come across on insta or facebook), have no website... Just their landing page and nothing else. You buy their product (package/subscription) and that's it.
      I'm not saying that's the route I want to take. I do have a website that offers content. But if they don't have a website and still sell from their funnel, then how does my website figures impact my funnel landing page? Am I missing something?
      Thanks for being patient with me.

      (at the moment, i feel so divided. I have close to no traffic on the website, only traffic from my instagram which is poor because i only have link in bio) i'm trying to grow my insta so i can increase the traffic, but i feel like it takes so much time and i work alone)
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      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        You need a landing page, not a website. However, if you own the site the landing page is on, you are sure to control everything.

        If they only have a landing page and you buy and that's it, they're leaving money on the table.

        Why don't you buy from a few of them, to see their funnels and get inspiration.

        You've probably heard that content is king and, now, you have evidence that it is not.

        You need traffic and content that converts.

        What converts is different based on what you sell.

        However, it needs to convert.

        Some people sell a cheap thing at first, to get people's contact info, and send them additional content that gets them to buy more expensive stuff.

        Dan Kennedy is a marketer you should study. Sign up here (I am not an affiliate): and study his funnel.

        If you are not getting any sales, you need to answer the following questions:
        Am I getting traffic?
        If yes, the next question is Why does it not convert?
        At this point, you have to look at where they fall off. Follow their trail (in Google Webmaster Console, for instance).

        If they get to your landing page then leave your site, there's a disconnect between the landing page and wherever they found the link that got them to your landing page. Or you have a poor landing page (ideally, the only things they should do there is buy or leave (if buying is the goal); subscribe or leave, if you want them to subscribe.

        So, where do they go, do they fall off or go to another page?

        What they do determines what you do next.

        If they leave your site, it confirms that there is a disconnect. If they go somewhere else on your site, they're in the right place, but your landing page has not convinced them to buy AND is giving them a way out (I'll get more info on this site... and they click a link that promises such additional info).

        If you're not getting traffic, you're either putting your 'traps' in the wrong places or the traps are defective.

        Facebook has a lot of people who're interested in what you're selling. So, you got the right place. Are you targeting them correctly? I mean, just by sheer size, facebook has lot of people interested in paleo. But it has even more that are not.

        Who is your landing page for? The ads must match the landing page. If you're targeting 25-34 year old women who've got a college degree and live in the US and are in shape but still want paleo, you talk to them differently than you do men of the same age and background or 45-55 year old women who're fat, out of shape and just got divorced.

        So, do you get clicks on your ads? Do they land on your page and then bounce off? Do they stick around (on the landing page for a while), then bounce off? Do they land on the right page, but, then go visit your other pages instead of buying?

        Originally Posted by daureluc View Post

        Can I just ask?, Many advertisers (TBH all adverts I come across on insta or facebook), have no website... Just their landing page and nothing else. You buy their product (package/subscription) and that's it.
        I'm not saying that's the route I want to take. I do have a website that offers content. But if they don't have a website and still sell from their funnel, then how does my website figures impact my funnel landing page? Am I missing something?
        Thanks for being patient with me.

        (at the moment, i feel so divided. I have close to no traffic on the website, only traffic from my instagram which is poor because i only have link in bio) i'm trying to grow my insta so i can increase the traffic, but i feel like it takes so much time and i work alone)
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  • Profile picture of the author GainMoreLikes
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  • Profile picture of the author pintara3
    I would agree if you are new discover how to get FREE organic traffic 1st before you do paid traffic.

    You will end up losing a lot of money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Prof Benjamin Omeke
    I've had the exact same problem. If you're funnel isn't converting, I think the smartest thing to do is to hire an expert funnel person to do it for you. Online marketing is hard when we try to figure everything out by yourself. It could take you years to learn everything you need to be truly successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    well i dont think its only about sales if you build an email list .How you are going with building your list ? Its your funnel converting? You also need to develop a good relationship with your list and not only promote to them .Send them free good content ,offer them value ,make them trust you and from time to time you can promote to them some affiliate offers .Many affiliate think that an email list its only for the purpose of sending promotional mesages ,and this its not true
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  • Profile picture of the author aaronwar
    where you located? and whats the url to the funnel? can be more specific on things if we can see it
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