Are SaaS products a good fit for Gumroad?

2 replies
I'm thinking about putting our SaaS product on Gumroad, but I'm wondering if that's the right thing to do. For one, we offer a subscription-based service... a SaaS product for consumers. Next, we're already using Stripe as a payment processor as love it.

What I find attractive about Gumroad (and Stripe doesn't offer) is:
1. the marketplace;
2. a possibility to engage affiliates;
3. it's a good discovery platform.

Given all this, what are your thoughts on putting a SaaS-like product on Gumroad? Who's done it successfully? What feedback do you have for someone considering this?

Many thanks!
#fit #good #gumroad #products #saas
  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Stanley
    Others can correct me, but I don't believe this is Gumroad's sweet spot (from both seller and customer's interest/pov). It's fantastic for selling/consuming courses, ebooks, etc, but from what I can tell their sellable "services" are essentially threefold: coaching, zoom/skype lessons, and access to other websites. What they don't allow are things like tech support/remote software installation or gigs like web redesign. In addition to confirming with Gumroad support (they're great), may want to check out Fastspring and / or Podia.

    Some more context here:
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    • Profile picture of the author Jessica Beale
      Thank you for your reply! Actually, my product is more like a paid consumer software app--so maybe that falls under your "access to paid websites" category. I just haven't seen people marketing their paid web services. But if anyone has experience selling SaaS-like products on GumRoad, please chime in.
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