Where can I find a Product launch tutorial ?.

by 1 replies

I been looking all around the net for a not so expensive product launch tutorial that teaches the process of launching a software product on W+ and Jvzoo and having affiliates and jvs promote it.

What it takes to create an app like the ones displayed on Muncheye. Then the upsells and downsells, getting affiliates and JV partners to work with and also creating sales letters. The whole process basically...is what I wish to learn.

#beginners area #find #launch #product #tutorial
  • That's a tremendously broad question - how to sell on specific platforms is usually explained in the terms/training for that particular platform (JVZoo, for example).

    For a full launch sequence, nothing beats Jeff Walker's "Launch Formula" - you can find it on Amazon or if you do a googld search you can find used copies on ebay.

    That will cover launching a product - but if you also need help learning to CREATE the product, that's a different topic.

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