Beginners best JV ever!

2 replies
Have you ever done a joint venture?
Online or offline?
What was your experience?
Was it profitable?

I currently have a partnership going on, I would like to learn from your experiences.
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    You should find all posts on jv's by Animal44 on this forum.

    Originally Posted by babareke View Post

    Have you ever done a joint venture?
    Online or offline?
    What was your experience?
    Was it profitable?

    I currently have a partnership going on, I would like to learn from your experiences.
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  • Profile picture of the author tnob
    Have you ever done a joint venture?
    Online or offline?
    What was your experience?
    Was it profitable?

    I currently have a partnership going on, I would like to learn from your experiences.
    I have done a few JV deals offline. A few peices of advice I have are as follows:

    1) Make sure you court the person/entity with whom you will be JV'ing. Get to know them, find out what drives them, find out how they make decisions, and find out how they will ad value to the partnership beyond just lip service.

    2) Set expectations up front. It is easy to assume that your partner will do something because of some preconceived notion you have in your head, when in fact, they are making the same assumption about you. Write out everything that you expect your partner to do, and everything they expect you to do. This will prevent a lot of heartache in the future.

    3) Once you have expectations outlined, get it in writing. Make a contract or agreement that you both agree to, and that you both sign. Make it legal, get an attorney involved if necessary (I highly recommend this).

    Hope this helps!
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