Banned affiliate accounts

7 replies
Guys, I often hear that affiliates are faced with the fact that their accounts are banned. How do you deal with this?
#accounts #affiliate #banned
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    READ, UNDERSTAND and FOLLOW the terms of use, advertising restrictions, etc of the affiliate product provider.

    It is surprising how many people will take the time to sign up and advertise a product without EVER reading the RULES. Many of the 'terms of use for affiliates' are written to adhere to the law and companies have no use for affiliates who ignore the rules.

    Other new affiliates might read the terms of use - and then decide to ignore them or decide they are smart enough to violate terms without being caught (good luck with that one).

    If you want to be in business, act like you are in business and follow the rules set out in the affiliate agreement.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    It's just like getting banned here. If you don't read the rules and you post a link drop, you're automatically banned.
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  • Profile picture of the author aether
    Follow the terms and conditions of the program and don't abuse your account?
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by gologinapp View Post

    Guys, I often hear that affiliates are faced with the fact that their accounts are banned. How do you deal with this?

    When your account has been banned and
    your funds have been withheld, you should
    be able to file an appeal, but other than that
    it is best to move on and setup an affiliate
    account elsewhere.

    If you are careful to abide by the rules, as
    has been stated above, you shouldn't have
    any issues.

    And if you are using this potential problem
    as an excuse to procrastinate starting your
    affiliate marketing business, please stop
    worrying about what might happen in the

    Just get busy doing as much as you are
    able and deal with these types of problems
    when and if they arise.
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  • Profile picture of the author signals cv
    Follow the agreements of the program and don't mishandle your record?
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  • Profile picture of the author Awais_Afzal1
    It happens when you don't read the policies or rules of the network. You should always follow the policies and don't go against of them you will never get banned.
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  • Profile picture of the author fridayrack
    Thanks, buddy for sharing pieces of information.
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