What are currently the most efficient ways to earn money with a capital of $ 2 000?

by whitek
19 replies
I know it's a very broad and general question, but I just want to decide in what direction to head when starting out, so...

Without any special expertise, what are currently the most efficient ways to get up and running to earn money starting with a limited capital of say USD 2 000?

Affiliate marketing?
Resell gadgets?
Something else?
#capital #earn #efficient #money #ways
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Since you've been on the forum for years and are asking the question....I think a direct approach may be best.


    or perhaps there is a similar selling platform in your country?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Originally Posted by whitek View Post

    Without any special expertise, what are currently the most efficient ways to get up and running to earn money starting with limited capital
    First off Welcome to the Warrior Forum. Your best bet would be to resell things to get going.
    I see Kay posted the eBay thread that is a great place to start. Also, consider visiting this thread on the home page. - "How to Make $1000 a Month Consistently"

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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    According to DICTIONARY dot com:

    achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.

    MOST efficient would be MINIMUM steps, so,

    BUY something in the morning with your $2000.00

    SELL it in the arfternoon for $2500, - expenses = gross profit.

    Next day, do the same thing.

    So, I guess something else, cause NONE of the other ways you mentioned are very efficient.

    What can you buy for 2k that has some stored value?

    There you go, a one day, one way, efficinet as all get out, to make your dough.


    Originally Posted by whitek View Post

    I know it's a very broad and general question, but I just want to decide in what direction to head when starting out, so...

    Without any special expertise, what are currently the most efficient ways to get up and running to earn money starting with a limited capital of say USD 2 000?

    Affiliate marketing?
    Resell gadgets?
    Something else?
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  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    Considering the digital surge even during this latter part of the pandemic, it makes sense

    Originally Posted by whitek View Post

    Resell gadgets?
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    If you get started with Ebay, it's best to start off with items in your house that you no longer want/need, and resell them on Ebay. It'll give you a gist of how the platform works in terms of selling.

    I don't know much about crypto, but affiliate marketing can bring you some of your most lucrative profits. Buying and reselling gadgets can be profitable - depending on your profit margin and how fast you sell them.

    Are you okay with having inventory on hand at your house or a storage facility, driving to the post office everyday and so on... or are you someone who prefers a more digital lifestyle where you get paid basically to do marketing?
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well i dont have experience in paid traffic as i like free traffic but i think it would be a good idea to buy some marketing assets like a popular youtube channel that already making money on autopilot or a blog .In these way you have a source of income on autopilot plus you can continue to create content in that asset each day and your imcome will grow bigger and bigger
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  • Profile picture of the author FaraiMist
    In my opinion , affiliate marketing is best specially amazon affiliate. I am doing it and scaled pretty well with some help of a coach.
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  • Profile picture of the author whitek
    Thank you for some really nice answers. Much appreciated!

    To clarify... I do have a stable income from a job. It's just that I've now reached a point in life where the rest of my life is stable enough for me to focus on earning more money than to simply "get by".

    I would like to start educating myself about one of the paths I mentioned; Affiliate marketing, Resell gadgets, Crypto, YouTube... (or potentially something else), as I tend to work best behind a keyboard.
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    • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
      Originally Posted by whitek View Post

      Thank you for some really nice answers. Much appreciated!

      To clarify... I do have a stable income from a job. It's just that I've now reached a point in life where the rest of my life is stable enough for me to focus on earning more money than to simply "get by".

      I would like to start educating myself about one of the paths I mentioned; Affiliate marketing, Resell gadgets, Crypto, YouTube... (or potentially something else), as I tend to work best behind a keyboard.

      Then it is up to you to decide for one of the possible ways.

      To make this process easier, you might want to read up on each of the topics or watch a few videos that explain each area in more detail.

      It's important that you don't start doing anything at this point except for making some notes.

      After that you go deep inside yourself and think about what suits you best, which area you would enjoy the most in the long run and then you go on the wild ride.

      This will then become your focus and your number 1 area of work until you succeed.

      Have fun.
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      • Profile picture of the author whitek
        Originally Posted by TobiMDD View Post

        Then it is up to you to decide for one of the possible ways.

        To make this process easier, you might want to read up on each of the topics or watch a few videos that explain each area in more detail.

        It's important that you don't start doing anything at this point except for making some notes.

        After that you go deep inside yourself and think about what suits you best, which area you would enjoy the most in the long run and then you go on the wild ride.

        This will then become your focus and your number 1 area of work until you succeed.

        Have fun.
        Yup, you pretty much summarized what was my intention all along.
        All of the areas that I mentioned above (Affiliate marketing,
        Resell gadgets, Crypto, YouTube) actually interest me.

        The first step of my plan was to come here to see if there are any of those mentioned areas that are "hot" or "not" these days. Or in case there would be some area I hadn't thought about or missed.

        After reading the comments I'm still leaning towards Affiliate marketing (maybe combined with YouTube) since those are the areas that I gravitate towards most. However, before making my final decision on what to focus on I will get a better "birds eye view" on all the mentioned topics, just like you suggested.

        Thanks again for your kind advice everyone!
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        • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
          Originally Posted by whitek View Post

          Yup, you pretty much summarized what was my intention all along.
          All of the areas that I mentioned above (Affiliate marketing,
          Resell gadgets, Crypto, YouTube) actually interest me.

          The first step of my plan was to come here to see if there are any of those mentioned areas that are "hot" or "not" these days. Or in case there would be some area I hadn't thought about or missed.

          After reading the comments I'm still leaning towards Affiliate marketing (maybe combined with YouTube) since those are the areas that I gravitate towards most. However, before making my final decision on what to focus on I will get a better "birds eye view" on all the mentioned topics, just like you suggested.

          Thanks again for your kind advice everyone!

          Great, and if you need an opinion about something regarding affiliate marketing for example feel free to reach out- I have seen many things over the years.
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  • Profile picture of the author incomenow
    Originally Posted by whitek View Post

    I know it's a very broad and general question, but I just want to decide in what direction to head when starting out, so...

    Without any special expertise, what are currently the most efficient ways to get up and running to earn money starting with a limited capital of say USD 2 000?

    Affiliate marketing?
    Resell gadgets?
    Something else?
    You need to combine affiliate marketing with video marketing, so YouTube is going to be a handy tool for you. Except for buying a laptop computer, an internet facility, a custom domain, and a hosting account, you don't have to spend unnecessarily on any other thing. However, if you want quick results, you may want to consider using paid ads. And that's where you'll spend most of your money, but the result will be worth it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Danon Brown
      Where are you posting your paid ads? I have an ad going on Facebook right now and I'm not getting any results, spending 10 dollars a day.
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      • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
        You might not be resonating with the audience you're trying to reach

        Originally Posted by Danon Brown View Post

        Where are you posting your paid ads? I have an ad going on Facebook right now and I'm not getting any results, spending 10 dollars a day.
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  • Profile picture of the author George Flm
    As crazy it may sound, I invested in mind programming audios from the "other side" and I created breakthroughs.

    George Troy Marketing on Youtube

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  • Profile picture of the author Juan Dominguez
    Have you heard of CPA marketing that's a good way to make se good money if your doing it right. It means cost per action. Meaning you get paid when someone does an action like fill out a form or fill out lead form . You should look at some free YouTube videos. This is how I'm making some good income
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  • Profile picture of the author Dating Group
    i would say start scalping on crypto (but now it side trend). to go in affiliate market you need more then 2000 usd.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    to go in affiliate market you need more then 2000 usd.

    Not sure what market you are referring to - but that's is not reality.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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