2 replies
Hi, I'm putting together a media pack for me to use on social media. So far, I have some statements, bio and some images relevant to my brand. I am considering video but concerned it'll get expensive to produce anything worthwhile. How important do you think video is for me to use in this? I'm mainly setting this up to use on Facebook. Thanks.
#contents #media #pack
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  • Profile picture of the author Artkantos
    What would be the specific use of this video? Putting it in your Facebook page/group/profile like an intro to your brand?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11720601].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author blairquane
    Yes, probably a sort of intro to my audience, talking about their pain points and what solutions are out there to solve them. Video seems to be the popular thing so I don't want to exclude it, but it does seem a lot harder to produce than other media like images, infographics etc.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11720697].message }}
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