Request for guidance on practical branding and marketing strategies

7 replies
Hello everyone,

I am a beginner in the field of branding and marketing, and I am seeking guidance on practical strategies that I can implement. I have taken courses on platforms like, but I find it difficult to apply the theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

I am hoping that someone can suggest the best ways for me to learn and implement branding and marketing strategies, and help me understand how to make effective brand strategies. If possible, I would appreciate it if someone could explain their own approach to creating brand strategies and marketing plans.

Thank you in advance for your help and support. I look forward to hearing your insights.

Best regards,
#branding #guidance #marketing #practical #request #strategies
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  • Profile picture of the author SARubin
    Originally Posted by This Is Business View Post

    Hello everyone,

    I am a beginner in the field of branding and marketing, and I am seeking guidance on practical strategies that I can implement. I have taken courses on platforms like, but I find it difficult to apply the theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

    I am hoping that someone can suggest the best ways for me to learn and implement branding and marketing strategies, and help me understand how to make effective brand strategies. If possible, I would appreciate it if someone could explain their own approach to creating brand strategies and marketing plans.

    Thank you in advance for your help and support. I look forward to hearing your insights.

    Best regards,

    You seem a bit confused at how to make things work in the real-world. And that's understandable, it can be overwhelming to look at the immensity of branding theory from the outside.

    I'm sure those courses you took showed you a great deal of technical skills and theoretical application, but often, for many people, that type of education only leads to confusion and frustration when they try to apply it in the real-world.

    I have some experience with branding, in the real world, and my best advice for you right now is to not make this any more difficult than it needs to be.

    Right now I'm going to share with you the basic foundation of branding in the most simple terms possible.

    Once you understand this simple foundation, all the rest is just a matter of implementation and scale.

    This process is the same for individuals as it is for large companies. it works online or offline. And once you start to apply it, within a few weeks or a few months (it depends on how much time, money, and effort you're willing to put into it) you will begin to see first hand how it works.

    And here is the simple, basic foundation for all branding...

    Go Somewhere

    Be Someone

    Do Something

    That's it!

    You need to go somewhere (where your market is) so you can be seen by the people you want to sell to.

    You need to be someone who becomes familiar to those people. You can do this by frequency of appearance.

    You need to do something that differentiates you from the crowd so you can be noticed and categorized by your market. You can do this by frequency of appearance, or intensity of activity.

    Rinse and repeat until desired results are achieved...

    And there you go. The beginning of all branding, in motion.
    It's not always easy to implement, but it is simple to understand.

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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Sarubin is right. To his Be Someone, I would add: make sure you present yourself the same way every time. That means, your colors, messages, slogan, voice should be the same every time.

      There is a website that helps with this kind of thing. Here is the link to a pdf marketing guide. Click on the words marketing guide. Don't know why Warrior Forum makes hyperlinks so hard to tell apart.
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      • Profile picture of the author SARubin
        Originally Posted by DABK View Post

        Sarubin is right. To his Be Someone, I would add: make sure you present yourself the same way every time. That means, your colors, messages, slogan, voice should be the same every time.
        Ah yes, good point DABK (although it doesn't appear that the OP will ever come back here to bask in your wisdom)

        Staying consistent while representing our business is key. What many people fail to realize is that when we show up somewhere others will judge us (for good or bad) and if we don't decide who we are, others will decide it for us.

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  • A brand is an impression.

    & all impressions should radiate pride.

    So you gotta nail the meetup areah between your intrinsic juice an' your prospects' desiah for sup.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Follow the advice of SARubin.

    I also like Philip VanDusen, who you can find on YouTube.

    Warning: based on the photos, SARubin and Philip may be the same person. I have never been in the same room with both of them, and if they went out of sight and tore the goatee off and replaced it with a van dyke real fast it could explain a lot.
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  • Profile picture of the author OPIIA
    I recommend working with a non-profit to practice your hand at branding. You already know everything there is to know. Oftentimes, non-profit organizations need assistance with their marketing and have a Board Member who can help guide and sound board your ideas. It will build your portfolio with real life cases and give back to the community.

    Janita P.
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  • Profile picture of the author RMRC
    All you need to do is show up and be consistent honestly, SARubin gave great advice. Good luck to you!
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