Why is there difference in Mobile vs Desktop Ranking?

3 replies

Could you please tell me why some keywords perform well on mobile devices but not on desktop? I have read one article in which john mueller gave his insights on the same topic but i am not satisfied with his answer. And what are the strategies to rank that specific keyword which is ranking on lets suppose 4th position on mobile but on desktop that is ranking on 15th position.

Thanks in Advance!
#desktop #difference #mobile #ranking
  • Profile picture of the author guinemojo23
    Yes I can tell you about that the main reason is keywords perform differently on mobile and desktop due to variations in user behavior and intent. Mobile users often seek quick, on-the-go information, while desktop users engage in deeper research. Google's algorithm adapts rankings accordingly. To bridge the gap in rankings, prioritize mobile optimization, ensuring fast loading times and mobile-friendly design. Optimize content for mobile engagement with concise meta descriptions and user-friendly layouts. These are some approaches which can

    improve keyword rankings on both mobile and desktop platforms.
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  • Profile picture of the author Optimein SEO
    Definitely users behaviour impact this a lot, especially due timing that users stay on one websites rather than another
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  • Profile picture of the author DzenRoi
    There are different search algorithms for mobile and desktop devices; they need to be customized for a specific purpose.
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