Experience shipping from China to Puerto Rico?

3 replies
Sorry in advance for the long post.

I have a small business in Puerto Rico, and I want to purchase from several verified sellers in China. Colleagues have bought from these companies, and they're Gold suppliers with over 10 years in Alibaba.

With that said, I want to learn how to ship from China to Puerto Rico. These companies don't have experience shipping to Puerto Rico. Since we're a small store and it's my first time, I won't be buying a lot of quantity.

Our two first separate purchases will have the following sizes:

Dimensions purchase #1:
30*22*32 inches, 183 pounds

Dimensions purchase #2:
17*16*17 inches, 40 pounds

How do I go about shipping this to Puerto Rico?

With the heavier purchase (30*22*32in, 183lbs), although the merchandise cost is similar between sellers, the freight charges vary dramatically.
They go from "$267" to "$439.5+23%tax" to "$364.5 + VAT 15%" to "more than 1500usd".

As you can see, there's lots of stuff I don't know about (import/export taxes, China factory pickup and retrieving from destination in PR, etc.). The list of unknowns is long.

Not only that, Alibaba is full of services that ship from China to other countries. How do I integrate an external freight forwarder into the equation?

How do I start learning?

#china #experience #puerto #rico #shipping
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by HAT UP View Post

    Sorry in advance for the long post.

    I have a small business in Puerto Rico, and I want to purchase from several verified sellers in China. Colleagues have bought from these companies, and they're Gold suppliers with over 10 years in Alibaba.

    With that said, I want to learn how to ship from China to Puerto Rico. These companies don't have experience shipping to Puerto Rico. Since we're a small store and it's my first time, I won't be buying a lot of quantity.

    Our two first separate purchases will have the following sizes:

    Dimensions purchase #1:
    30*22*32 inches, 183 pounds

    Dimensions purchase #2:
    17*16*17 inches, 40 pounds

    How do I go about shipping this to Puerto Rico?

    With the heavier purchase (30*22*32in, 183lbs), although the merchandise cost is similar between sellers, the freight charges vary dramatically.
    They go from "$267" to "$439.5+23%tax" to "$364.5 + VAT 15%" to "more than 1500usd".

    As you can see, there's lots of stuff I don't know about (import/export taxes, China factory pickup and retrieving from destination in PR, etc.). The list of unknowns is long.

    Not only that, Alibaba is full of services that ship from China to other countries. How do I integrate an external freight forwarder into the equation?

    How do I start learning?


    The first thing you should do is determine whether you can get
    those items from elsewhere. The products might be cheaper but
    the shipping rates may not be worth it.

    That is a decision you need to make.

    Then ask your colleagues who have experience with this, instead
    of trying to reinvent the wheel.

    Contact shipping companies and agents who deal with this as a
    regular part of doing business.

    The 40 lb. shipment could be handled by UPS or FedEx.

    IDK what their weight limits are for parcels, the larger item may
    need to be shipped as freight.

    Research this online or call them.

    You need to ask about rates, shipping times, and any other details
    that concern you.

    As to the actual shipment, unless you are arranging a pickup, all
    of that is the responsibility of the company in China that you are
    ordering from.

    Do not get involved with companies that don't know how to ship.

    You learn by doing just like you learned everything else you know.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Originally Posted by HAT UP View Post

    Colleagues have bought from these companies, and they're Gold suppliers with over 10 years in Alibaba.
    Just a FYI "Gold Supplier" means the company paid Alibaba for the Gold labeling no other criteria is needed to be a gold supplier.

    If you want to start learning go to your library and pick up a book about Importing and Exporting. Also, this poster used to be active here ran an Import and Export business. Check his profile, and read his posts and any thread he may have created -
    https://www.warriorforum.com/members/importexport.html His name is Walter Hay.

    Want to learn about Artificial Intelligence? AI For Everyone at coursera.org

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I think Walter Hay retired for health reasons but his book was updated last year. He was THE expert here on global sourcing. Book title: "Proven Global Sourcing".
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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