any experience with affiliate programs from Udemy, EdX or Coursera?

1 replies
Hello there, do you have any experience with affiliate programs from Udemy, EdX or Coursera? I am rather new to this, so any advice is great
#affiliate #coursera #edx #experience #programs #udemy
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    Originally Posted by Lucy Gala View Post

    Hello there, do you have any experience with affiliate programs from Udemy, EdX or Coursera? I am rather new to this, so any advice is great

    They are affiliate products just like any other ones. You apply
    and inform them how you plan to promote. It helps if you have
    experience and have something set up that demonstrates your
    ability to push products.

    If you are completely new to affiliate marketing then you should
    take some time to learn how it works, and what you need to do
    to make it work for you.

    Please specify what advice you require.
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