Businesses model or a way of earning passive income.

9 replies
Good day everyone. My goal is to acquire multiple sources of income(passively). There are lots of business models...ideas and I don't which one to focus on first, and it's so confusing and frustrating.

I'm thinking of affiliate marketing or drop servicing.

I need help with figuring out which is the best(very profitable and beginner friendly) model to work on. I have about 5 hours each day and I'm able to save about 100 usd each month.
#businesses #earning #income #model #passive
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    This is the easiest for most, with step-by-step instruction and discussion::

    Originally Posted by kgobane christopher View Post

    Good day everyone. My goal is to acquire multiple sources of income(passively). There are lots of business models...ideas and I don't which one to focus on first, and it's so confusing and frustrating.

    I'm thinking of affiliate marketing or drop servicing.

    I need help with figuring out which is the best(very profitable and beginner friendly) model to work on. I have about 5 hours each day and I'm able to save about 100 usd each month.
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by kgobane christopher View Post

    Good day everyone. My goal is to acquire multiple sources of income(passively). There are lots of business models...ideas and I don't which one to focus on first, and it's so confusing and frustrating.
    I'm thinking of affiliate marketing or drop servicing.
    I need help with figuring out which is the best(very profitable and beginner friendly) model to work on. I have about 5 hours each day and I'm able to save about 100 usd each month.
    What is passive income to you? What does this mean?

    Because there is nothing passive about affiliate marketing or drop shipping (if that is what you meant)...both those are very ACTIVE income streams, and especially at start-up require lots of time and attention.

    So, I can offer a lot of questions, not knowing what you really are asking, what are the time frames of your goal, is it a five year goal, 3, or one year goal?

    It reads as if you want to start making money quickly, like the million other Warriors who come here. There isn't any one BEST very profitable and beginner friendly thing, because each beginner has different skills and assets. So, not all beginners start out even.

    My opinion, expressed over decades, is, take some time to assess yourself, and look at the many business models out here, and narrow it down to something you have an interest in or might like to do.

    TRUE, or real passive income is a steady stream of income that doesn't require active traditional work to maintain. Royalties and residuals from both Intellectual and Real Property rights are common examples of passive income along with investments.

    It comes via OWNERSHIP AND/OR CONTROL of a property.

    Now, once you build a successful business, it is possible to convert it to a passive income stream with buy outs, leases, or other ways.

    So, start again and tell us what you really want to do...and if it is true passive income, then we can continue that discussion...if it is just to make some money online or with Internet Marketing, well, there is 25 years of archival info to read through.

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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by kgobane christopher View Post

    Good day everyone. My goal is to acquire multiple sources of income(passively). There are lots of business models...ideas and I don't which one to focus on first, and it's so confusing and frustrating.

    I'm thinking of affiliate marketing or drop servicing.

    I need help with figuring out which is the best(very profitable and beginner friendly) model to work on. I have about 5 hours each day and I'm able to save about 100 usd each month.
    Have to agree with GordonJ here... what exactly is your idea of "Passive Income"

    The assertion that you have 5 hours a day and $100 a month opens up a myrid of possibilities that are maybe less "Passive" but could and would be more profitable within the time and financial constraints.

    And what I mean by this... 5 hours a day to build a thing... be it affiliate or Drop ship ( and this very well may be an option vs say eBay due to your geographic location ) there is an amount of time that this will take... vs say eBay ( my thread: ) where 5 hours a day every day and a one time initial investment of $100 would start producing results within in days or weeks - that thread specifically was done with a time restraint of 2 hours a day and $40 in cash money.

    But yes, absolutely there are other options... just better understanding your definition of "Passive Income" and knowing your geographic location would help.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by kgobane christopher View Post

    Good day everyone. My goal is to acquire multiple sources of income(passively). There are lots of business models...ideas and I don't which one to focus on first, and it's so confusing and frustrating.

    I'm thinking of affiliate marketing or drop servicing.

    I need help with figuring out which is the best(very profitable and beginner friendly) model to work on. I have about 5 hours each day and I'm able to save about 100 usd each month.

    In order for you to acquire multiple streams of passive
    income, you have to start with one (1).

    Passive income is not easy because you need to do the
    work upfront in order to continue receiving recurring or
    residual funds that are generated from the original work.
    You also have to tweak and update some things along
    the way.

    I would advise against drop servicing because you have
    to manage other people, and that's not passive. Also, if
    that person fails to do good work you will need to find a
    backup person or fix things yourself. It can turn into a
    massive headache especially if there is a deadline.

    The method that is the best and most profitable for you
    will depend upon your skills, those must be assessed by
    you to determine what is the best and easiest for you
    to begin with.

    A person with basic office skills can develop and publish
    ebooks, digital downloads such as templates, art for print
    on demand products, buy and sell domain names, flip
    websites, resell hosting, develop courses, etc.

    You are in luck because many of these things can be done
    with the help of ChatGPT and other AI systems, which can
    write content and code, generate art, provide instructions,
    help with your strategy, and so much more.

    My advice is to focus and familiarize yourself with various
    passive income methods, assess your skills to determine
    which one suits you best, and use AI to help you along the

    You can search online, read ebooks, and watch YouTubes
    on the following: work at home and online business, make
    money online, side hustles, affiliate marketing, and make
    money with ChatGPT.

    BTW FYI I actually use these methods myself so you can
    ask me anything about them. I have been making money
    online for 25+ years. I just won't divulge my proprietary
    methods since those took work and years to develop.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Originally Posted by kgobane christopher View Post

    Good day everyone. My goal is to acquire multiple sources of income(passively). There are lots of business models...ideas and I don't which one to focus on first, and it's so confusing and frustrating.

    I'm thinking of affiliate marketing or drop servicing.

    I need help with figuring out which is the best(very profitable and beginner friendly) model to work on. I have about 5 hours each day and I'm able to save about 100 usd each month.
    Having been in the IM field over 14 years, and known the people contributing to this thread for about as long...

    ...I haven't seen anything that is "passive" income.

    Don't worry about the $100/mo. You don't need to invest in anything yet.

    Could you set up something that continues to work and brings you revenue every month once it is proven to work? Sure. But you're going to put in effort to get it going.

    Example: setting up a funnel for an affiliate offer.

    Your job as an affiliate is to find or create the traffic that comes to the offer.

    The offer is owned by someone else. You get the leads and send them there.

    So you must find or make the lead source. This is the hard part.

    Then you ought to create a lead capture and warm up funnel of your own. This allows you to get the lead, tell them why the offer is so great, and most importantly send them to the offer page several times (not just once).

    Assuming you pick an affiliate offer that is going to be continuously attractive (ie. not a flash in the pan, short term cool thing but an ongoing need) then your traffic source ought not to dry out soon.

    Then you can keep doing what you do to bring those leads in and send them over to the offer page.

    Is this "passive"? Well, you don't have to keep remaking the funnel once you've got it working.


    with my experience and having seen that of other people, I can tell you... we all had something that was working. The leads were coming and the offer was selling. We thought it would go on forever. I have seen people talking about their experience and describing it in exactly those words.

    Only it doesn't. It doesn't go on forever.

    Sooner or later, things change. That lead pool dries up. The owners of a platform you've been pulling leads from change the rules, or the source gets shut down. People's tastes change. The market moves on. Something else (another offer) becomes more popular, the darling of the market.

    On the ecommerce side, you could create your own brand and develop that. This offers you some kind of "moat" of protection. But is it "passive"? No way.

    Selling other people's stuff puts you in a vulnerable situation. The risk that they'll disappear, close the offer down, change something critical about it, these are all baked into the situation.

    You're always going to have to do a little work every day on making sure everything is ticking along, even in a "set and forget" funnel.
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  • Profile picture of the author mazhar
    I think effective passive income will be a better choice for you. Your main source of income may be Amazon products if you have a professional website that has regular organic visitors from different search engines.

    Besides, you may passively earn from eBay or Walmart.

    Mandatory Steps Are:

    1. If you want to get organic free traffic from Google and other search engines, then I think it will be better if you avoid the hyphen (-) in the domain name. You may choose a brandable domain or premium domain name if you want to establish your business for a long time in the future.

    2. You may create a professional website on Hostinger or Bluehost for the promotion of your affiliate product or service.

    3. After creating a website, you can create different landing pages or articles according to your choice. Regularly publish unique and quality articles so that you can get regular organic traffic to your website from different search engines.

    N.B.: Below $100 per year is required for the management of the website and hosting plan. This cost may vary according to your interest in a specific hosting plan.

    Finally, I want to tell you that you can start affiliate marketing as passive income if you have a professional website that has organic traffic. Besides, having a professional website represents a good brand for targeted customers.
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Effective passive income as opposed to?

      You said a lot of words... but only to promote your link. Which means that people are not going to click on your link.

      And, these days, it's not helping you with SEO either.

      And the hyphen in the domain name thing, it's just wrong. It has no bearing on getting you found in the SERP's.

      Originally Posted by mazhar View Post

      I think effective passive income will be a better choice for you. Your main source of income may be Amazon products if you have a professional website that has regular organic visitors from different search engines.

      Besides, you may passively earn from eBay or Walmart.

      Mandatory Steps Are:

      1. If you want to get organic free traffic from Google and other search engines, then I think it will be better if you avoid the hyphen (-) in the domain name. You may choose a brandable domain or premium domain name if you want to establish your business for a long time in the future.

      2. You may create a professional website on Hostinger or Bluehost for the promotion of your affiliate product or service.

      3. After creating a website, you can create different landing pages or articles according to your choice. Regularly publish unique and quality articles so that you can get regular organic traffic to your website from different search engines.

      N.B.: Below $100 per year is required for the management of the website and hosting plan. This cost may vary according to your interest in a specific hosting plan.

      Finally, I want to tell you that you can start affiliate marketing as passive income if you have a professional website that has organic traffic. Besides, having a professional website represents a good brand for targeted customers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Do some research about the industry you are venturing into .I can't tell you which of the 2 is more profitable .

    After you do a little bit of research choose the service or niche that is 1 In demand 2 that you are passionate about .

    I also took note of the fact that you have will be allocating 100 bucks per month for your business .

    Are those funds going to be used for inventory or do you plan on using the money for advertising purposes .
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    Do follow and comment your thoughts
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