Hello everyone!

by 7 replies
I'm new here, so how do I post my own thread on Forum section? I've try once and i see nothing happen.
Please guide me a bit.
Thank you guys very much!
#beginners area
  • Make sure you read the rules before posting.

    Note that a member needs a few posts as answers to other threads before they can post their own thread. Also, all new threads are pre-moderated. Don't post a new thread more than once. If a thread or post doesn't show up after a few hours, it may have been deleted. Check the email that you used to sign up with to see the reasons. Also, articles or tutorials are generally not appropriate and aren't approved.

  • I think you might need a minimum amount of posts as 10x
    said, but don't just post comments to increase your count.

    Try to be helpful, add value, and write things that people
    will want to read and learn from.

    Welcome and I hope you stick around.
  • Welcome, I'm new too!
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  • Welcome! Get a few posts under your belt by replying and you should be able to soon!
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    • thank you. Do i have to do that each time i wanna post something as well? Or just the first time? Cuz i tried to post 3 4 times and haven't seen any got approved.
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